people judging

Started by jackieann, October 09, 2010, 01:14:49 PM

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None of my friends understand my love for Disney and one of them called me a freak when I told them I had booked again for this summer.

What gets me even more, my friends took their 6 year old daughter for 3 days at Christmas and when I asked them if they would go again they said no because there is nothing to do for people over the age of 10???! I told them that was rubbish and asked what rides they went on - are you ready for this - they didn't go to the parks on their first day as they arrived too late at 1.30pm and wouldn't have been worth it. Their second day went on ISAW and Peter Pan, collected a few autographs but decided not to see the parade as it was too cold so went back to the hotel. On their 3rd and last day they decided to go straight home because it was cold. They told me they saved for 2 years for this trip. What a waste.

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


Quote from: "MrsPirate"None of my friends understand my love for Disney and one of them called me a freak when I told them I had booked again for this summer.

What gets me even more, my friends took their 6 year old daughter for 3 days at Christmas and when I asked them if they would go again they said no because there is nothing to do for people over the age of 10???! I told them that was rubbish and asked what rides they went on - are you ready for this - they didn't go to the parks on their first day as they arrived too late at 1.30pm and wouldn't have been worth it. Their second day went on ISAW and Peter Pan, collected a few autographs but decided not to see the parade as it was too cold so went back to the hotel. On their 3rd and last day they decided to go straight home because it was cold. They told me they saved for 2 years for this trip. What a waste.

Oh WOW!!!!
I can't believe they didn't take the trouble to investigate the park further!!
Imagine spending all that money, and not experiencing all the magic!!
They don't deserve Disneyland then - you should just ignore them, you know how to enjoy everything they have to offer, sour pusses they are.  :)

Previous Visits]
January 2006 - WDW - Grosvenor Resort, Honeymoon, 14 nights.
March 2010- Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 3 nights
March 2011 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 4 nights
December 2013 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Cheyenne, 5 nights



I cant believe anyone that says they saved for 2 years and then didnt make the most of every single second of their time there.  Just a complete waste!!!  What did they think the weather was going to be like in the winter for god sake.  

People have started asking me now "so when you off to disney this year" (they know we will be going)  and i cant help but kinda add fuel to the fire by going on about my plans i know they ask to take the P but just gives me an excuse to talk about it. ha ha!!

some people i know go centre parks every year but they seem to think going disney every year is sad!! don't see the difference myself!!

But why my kids react like the kids on the new disney advert we will go time and time and time again!!!

Pete's Dragon

I like holidays with stuff to do. All of my vacations have either been long-city breaks or Disneyland. The idea of sitting on a beach for 2 weeks with the kids off at some play group would a) bore me to tears and b) make me miss my kids. With work and school I dont see them that much during the day. Whats the point of travelling to another country only to get rid of them again?

On the whole Disney isn't that expensive. I compared it to a 5 day break in Blackpool or Alton Towers and the travel costs, accomodation, tickets etc. and the difference was nominal. Admittedly the food is a bit overpriced, but you soon learn to bring a rucksack and fill it with croissants from breakfast (and apples and yogurts from dinner buffets).

I have always loved Disney. But what I love more is seeing how much my kids enjoy it, so I'll be damned if I am going to - or even feel the need to - justify why I am a repeat offender. So pack your towels and sun cream, send your kids off to the other side of the hotel complex and lie down for 2 weeks on yellow dirt if you want. I'd much rather see the look on my daughter's face when see spots Belle coming towards her ( rather than her telling me about it later), or see how my son reacts when I drag him onto RnRC (cause he'll be big enough when we go back).

I really want a holiday after all that. Curse my sister and her Scottish wedding. I'm sure the Newport Bay Convention centre was big enough :-(


here here!  =D>


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"I like holidays with stuff to do. All of my vacations have either been long-city breaks or Disneyland. The idea of sitting on a beach for 2 weeks with the kids off at some play group would a) bore me to tears and b) make me miss my kids. With work and school I dont see them that much during the day. Whats the point of travelling to another country only to get rid of them again?

On the whole Disney isn't that expensive. I compared it to a 5 day break in Blackpool or Alton Towers and the travel costs, accomodation, tickets etc. and the difference was nominal. Admittedly the food is a bit overpriced, but you soon learn to bring a rucksack and fill it with croissants from breakfast (and apples and yogurts from dinner buffets).

I have always loved Disney. But what I love more is seeing how much my kids enjoy it, so I'll be damned if I am going to - or even feel the need to - justify why I am a repeat offender. So pack your towels and sun cream, send your kids off to the other side of the hotel complex and lie down for 2 weeks on yellow dirt if you want. I'd much rather see the look on my daughter's face when see spots Belle coming towards her ( rather than her telling me about it later), or see how my son reacts when I drag him onto RnRC (cause he'll be big enough when we go back).

I really want a holiday after all that. Curse my sister and her Scottish wedding. I'm sure the Newport Bay Convention centre was big enough :-(

Couldn't have put it any better than that myself. Bravo...  =D>

I don't know why some people have kids if all they want to do is palm them off as soon as they arrive.
I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself if I didn't have my little girl with us.

Previous Visits]
January 2006 - WDW - Grosvenor Resort, Honeymoon, 14 nights.
March 2010- Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 3 nights
March 2011 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 4 nights
December 2013 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Cheyenne, 5 nights


Hi all!!

Well, we have booked our next trip for October.  Altho i am going to keep it to myslef as i cant be dealing with the scarastic comments.


Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "jackieann"Hi all!!

Well, we have booked our next trip for October.  Altho i am going to keep it to myslef as i cant be dealing with the scarastic comments.


Solution: Be Proud . Tell everyone. If/when they make a comment simply say 'Don't care' and walk off while whistling It's a Small World  :thumbs:


I'm 26, no kids and going in November - haven't told anyone at work cos I don't want the aggravation and the weird looks. All they know is I've got 3 days off, they don't know what I'm doing with them!! I get so sick of being called "childish" just because I love Disney - what they don't understand is that it's actually nostalgia for what I grew up with. No matter what anyone says Disney is for everyone and everyone, young or old, has the right to enjoy it in whatever way they choose to! :)



There certainly is a view that Disney = children though I have always found that statement to be naïve. I've loved Disney since childhood, yes, but I never appreciated Disney animation until adulthood.  I love the 'hand painted' nature of Disney animation pre-1991 and the amount of work that went into it. For example, Eyvind Earle's work on the painted backgrounds of Sleeping Beauty is beautiful artwork. That's what Disney animation is, moving paintings. I also love that the scenery for Sleeping Beauty was based on medieval artworks. You can find amazing inspiration in the form of architecture in Beauty and the Beast, the Beast's transformation inspired by Michelangelo's unfinished Slaves, and Ariel's hair movement, almost as ballet, underwater in The Little Mermaid. Would all this be important if solely for children? Surely not. Serious artists gather together to make a timeless feature and in the process travel the world to gather artistic inspiration. As a health professional I deal with some pretty upsetting things at work and Disney is a source of beauty that I rejoice in. Do criticisms about liking Disney really matter? Not in the slightest. It's my interest and I enjoy learning about the animation history and design elements. Some people like cars... they bore me to death. If it interests you, be confident in that because it's not up to you to explain anything. If someone makes a criticism about it, I think that's actually them displaying a lack of manners and being quite rude. I usually call them on it. Also remember that original Disney animation art has a serious art market and can fetch some pretty astounding prices. Not for children at all. There's a part of Disney that is exclusively adult.

As for Disneylands around the world, I see them mostly as an attached subsidiary and not really capturing the soul or essence of the animated features. It's a place to enjoy the Disney iconography though and I think that's great fun. It took me a while to realise I was expecting far too much from a Disney park as the animation can never truly be captured within themed rides and having to contend with some disrespectful patrons spoils it a bit. Sometimes I think if Belle were real, she'd be offended at the way she's marketed.


not many people i know understand my love for disney while i was at school i just didnt mention it because of the people i went to school with but when i finished college and found friends who admitted they liked britney and other stuff i was like its ok to be me and at least i can guarentee a trip to disney will be nothing less than amazing!
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I have always liked Disney but it wasnt untill i had my kids and went that i really began to love it.  The whole Disney thing just makes me happy.  I love being there with my family seeing the kids faces wish i had have gone when i was younger tho, just the whole atmosphere, you can't really put in words what it feels like. But i think all of us on here know the feeling.

Just glad we are on count down till our next visit altho the kids dont know yet.  :-"  


My family has visited Disneyland Paris a number of times over the last few years, and frankly, if I am thinking of booking a holiday, at the moment, it is the first place that we consider.  However, I have never been much of a Disney 'Fan', I can take or leave most of the films, and most of the characters.  So why do I want to go back?  Hard to say in a few words, but the resort is superb, pure and simple.  Our first visit was pretty much to tick the box to say we had been, and we owed our son a foreign holiday.  Upon arrival, I soon realised there is so much more to Disneyland Paris than a few rides and some characters.  The attention to detail gets me every time, I spot things that I have never seen before, and between visits I trawl websites and books for more details to look for.  Even with big crowds, I find the parks hugely relaxing, and with no need to drive at any point, it just gets even more relaxing. The rides are so cleverly themed and executed, and again, you pretty much see something different each time you ride.  The hotels are good, the food is good, the shops are great, what else can you say? Other than, don't worry what other people think, if they haven't bought into the Disneyland Paris dream, then they are the losers, not you.


I guess I am pretty lucky after reading some of the idiots you lot have had to deal with!

My friends or family don't give any sarcasm or question why we enjoy Disney and return every year.  I think they know me too well and say nothing as I am the worlds biggest kids (especially at xmas) and know that it is something I obviously enjoy.
I am not a sun seeker and a drinking holiday on a beach is my idea of a nightmare.  I want to spend time and enjoy my kids not like other I know who palm their kids off all the time so they can get drunk.  

I remember the 1st time we went to Disney (Hubby finally caved), my kids loved it as did we and that is what we choose to do for us.  We don't really go abroad as hubby hates flying (last trip was Utah and road trip to Canada, which was better than a beach).  We rather culture and family feel, and even before we had kids it was the same.

People who judge you are jealous or ignorant in my opinion!!!


Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"I'm 26, no kids and going in November - haven't told anyone at work cos I don't want the aggravation and the weird looks. All they know is I've got 3 days off, they don't know what I'm doing with them!! I get so sick of being called "childish" just because I love Disney - what they don't understand is that it's actually nostalgia for what I grew up with. No matter what anyone says Disney is for everyone and everyone, young or old, has the right to enjoy it in whatever way they choose to! :)

I am exactly the same, 25 with no kids, going again tomorrow. Like you my work colleagues know I have 2 days off, but not where I'm going. It's really quite sad that we feel we have to keep the fact that we're going to Disney to ourselves, but unfortunately people do judge and I find, like you, it's not worth having to explain yourself over and over.

I started going to Disney regularly (Florida and Cali) from when I was 3yrs and DLRP from when I was 7yrs - I grew up there. I was also born at the right time for all the Disney renaissance films (Little Mermaid, Aladdin, B&TB, Lion King etc.) as well as being introduced to all the old ones by my mum. My parents started going to WDW and DL in the 80s before I was born, and fell in love with it. For us, going to Disney as a family is all about the fun and the nostalgia. Plus we just love the way Disney does things, the little attention to details, the amazing theming. Outside of Disney, I'm not particularly Disney-mad, and to be honest I don't often think about Disney stuff when I haven't got a trip planned, but I love going and will continue to go because I need a little bit of regular Disney-styled magic in my life - if that makes me "mad" then bring on the men in white coats!
"Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world" Walt Disney

1993 - Newport Bay Club
1996 - Newport Bay Club
1998 - HNY
2000 - HNY
2002 - HNY
2004 - Disneyland Hotel
2006 - Disneyland Hotel
2008 - Paris (day trip to DLRP - not long enough!)
2009 - Disneyland Hotel
2011 - Disneyland Hotel