Hollywood Boulevard placemaking

Started by Anthony, June 13, 2006, 04:50:16 PM

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Hard to tell the perspective, but does the frame look big enough to be the "off the page" building?


Definitely tall enough, but maybe the bit they just added is too thin at the top compared to the DCA version, unless they're going to add more frames around the side?  It does start to get thinner at about the same level as DCA though, and the park map also shows a building practically identical to Off the Page.

It's weird to see ToT starting to be surrounded like this, quite cool though. I think they've answered all those people worried about the Tower's location now, especially hiding it away like this. I've not heard anyone moan "it should have been at the back of the park!" for months. :)


I hope that if we will get an Off the Page-facade, it will be slightly different. It seems like a great addition, although I prefer something thats "inspired by" if you know what I mean.  :wink:

I am getting so excited. Just imagine sitting down at one of the tables at the surrounded La Terrasse area and listening to the jazzy music in the background, streetmosphere in front of the Tower and enjoying the art deco architecture... I wish it could be 2008 already!  8)




Is the "Off the page" building in DCA an actual shop or just a facade, like we are getting?


Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "Riebi"it´s a real shop:

Does that mean we are getting an actual shop ?


Quote from: "Owain"
Quote from: "Riebi"it´s a real shop:

Does that mean we are getting an actual shop ?

No it means we're getting a facade, just because one park has something does not mean dlrp will get it.


But that also means that it COULD be a real shop, nobody knows it officially and is guessing. Because one park already got a shop, that doens't mean DLRP won't get one also  :wink:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Yes but at the moment there´s no shop in sight.
It´s a facades boulevard with some eating-counters at the La Terasse area.
Maybe one of this counters is in this building. Not more  :wink:

But I don´t see a shop like at DCA in it at the moment.
We should wish it upon a star :D
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Riebi is corrent, absolutely 100% just facades at this point.  Though I also agree that I'd be surprised if they didn't use at least one of them for something like a Studio Catering Co counter...

Exciting news today!  Raptor1982 reports a second building framework has risen!

Source & More

Pretty big, isn't it? :o


wow they are going to be huge , its going to look so cool i cant wait  :ears:


Yeeees real big!  :D

In my head haunted something like the toon backdrop and now it´s a real big facade-struktur!

I´m really happy with it!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Does anybody no if we will be getting the backdrop and if yes will it be as big as Disneys California Adventure ?


To be honest I hope we don't get the backdrop. I don't know... I just don't like it. I'd rather have a better STT station  :?