A windy DLRP

Started by Kristof, May 23, 2006, 12:39:20 AM

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DLRP and the area around it got hit by very strong winds last saturday!  Trashcans were falling over everywhere and we witnessed a poster come loose at the Studios.

When we walked back to DLP, we noticed that 2 trees got hit to the ground, causing both entrances to the 2 parks closed, with only the main gate (only used for the exit) to be open.

There was a lot of security in and around the parks checking everything out and fixing minor damage.



it was extremly blowy own in the south of england over the week end too
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Poppy The Monkey

It was a really bad on Monday for the wind too. Once again the bins were falling over everywhere, the roof of the new information board blew off and the cranes for TOT and Toon studios were rocking around very badly

And also on Saturday the parade was hilarious. Aurora's wig blew off, Belle's skirt blew right up over her head and Aladdin almost lost his hat.


LOL sounds funny, but also a bit magic shattering still can't believe Aurora's wig fell off oh how that would have been a fun camera moment to have caught on video :lol: .  As for Belle well that's her own fault for wearing such a stupid dress in France I say wear the normal Belle dress during high winds.


I thought this were pictures of the Storm a few years ago, That Tree was a perfect example  :(


LOL, this wasn't a good weekend for DLRP at all, was it?  I'm glad to see they handled it ok though, and I'm impressed that everything was ok with the Tower, since it's so tall and still under construction.


Quote from: "(*GT*)$un"I thought this were pictures of the Storm a few years ago, That Tree was a perfect example  :(

Yeah, it also looked to me like that big storm in december '99, I was there back then and it was terrible to experience that. Plus, I had a bad feeling when I heard "vive le vent d'hiver" (well you know it, Jingle Bells in French) in Noel de Mickey when acctually that same wind just had destroyed a big part of the park's trees, and also some buildings were damaged, like the Haunted Mansion.


When we went there in April 2000, still a few trees lay there on the floor when we drove with the Disneyland Railroad. It's obvious that the parks are so big that it lasts a few weeks or months to reorganize everything after such a big storm...
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There were still rees down in August 2000 as welll from recent storms
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