Pin Trading: Share Your Trades!

Started by Masamune, October 04, 2009, 10:50:59 AM

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Hi hope i'm not going to off topic anyone looking for traders please check out
Fellow traders have done a good/bad e-bay sellers list basically red is don't buy and green means buy in confidence altho any pin should be checked when 1st recieved
 @Lindsay will sort something out once j recieve the pin


:) Thanks Sam.

*Eyes the list* o-o; So much RED.


yay the infamous link to good/bad sellers, glad its been posted as it is a hard place to find on that forum, well I couldnt find it lol


Indeed Lindsay alot of red :(
Make sure u all check out info i put on ebay sellers board about how u can stop sellers items appearing in ur searches :D
@Aveen wud u b interested in pinpics 52235 as i have one already and noticed u collect pins from year of million dreams!?


Hi Sam, Is it the minnie and mickey or the donald and goofy?  is there anything in my traders you would like?

Luv Aveen xoxo


Hi Aveen
I have both the pins and the lanyard(the lanyard has bn well used tho as i obviously want to keep the one that is sealed for myself),i was lucky enough be winning bidder on ebay for it,what i didn't realise was i actually had won 2..was nice surprise when came thru and makes up for the not so good buys i still havn't done photobucket thing i cud prob take a pic and e-mail it 2u but as Danny and Lindsay will tell u i don't have much luck with my fellas new camera and normally have to wait for him to be about!

 I havn't got either of the Tinkerbell pins you have for trade :D


I dont mind trading for the tinkerbells:) If you want to keep the lanyard thats ok :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


Aveen i would love to trade for the Tinkerbell pins :)
Wouldn't b able to get to send them out til after the weekend tho as work 2moz and pin meet Sat!

@Danny u must b super pleased i'm sure i just read u have managed to track down St Patricks day Stitch


yeah you read it correctly :) I managed to trade 3 of my pins for it. Pins were ones I didnt want and Im just glad I have the pin now hehe its my holy grail pin XD

but now Im in need of moore traders hahaha


Danny that's gr8 news,u have to find a new Holy Grail pin now 2!I got my holy grail thru pinpics nrly 2wks ago so know how chuffed u are when it happens :D/


hehehe what was your holy grail??


It was the Millenium Twirl Mania pin,so now just need 2001 and 2002 but think will take me a while to find..i best explain i was a baton twirler when younger and wanted to combine my passion from younger days with the one i have now and every year Disney hosts Twirl competition and brings out at least 1pin to commemorate it  :D


:D So happy to hear that you're getting the St Paddy's Stitch pin Danny!

:P I have far too many Holy Grail pins, none of which I think I'll ever obtain.


:) Just added a Holy Grails section to the first post! Basically I've just listed the PinPics numbers of the 20 pins that I want more than any other pins. :P I have over 400 pins on my PinPics Want list, so it was very hard indeed to narrow it down to 20. So please guys, no more than 20!


:shock: you double posted lindsay clarebelle will have your head  :lol:

hmm 20 for me would be a little hard for me to choose as I mainly want stitch pins dont I but seeing as I have so few stitch pins I will wait till I get more before I add any to my holy grail list.

Maybe I will say these 5 for now I the ones I really want to get -

70137 (stitch passport)
56953 (experiment 625)
43013 (Lilo and stitch with cousins)
66508 (stitch soda can)
66510 (angel soda can)

that will do for now as I can go a tad crazy with lists :P