Buffalo Trading Company is not completely gone!

Started by arno-hh, August 08, 2009, 01:50:27 AM

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I am back from a 4 night stay in Disneyland and I've spotted something well knowed in a Shop Disney Village!
You remember the half car in the old Buffalo Trading Company store? It is now in the store "Hollywood Pictures" between "Disney Fashion" and "World of Toys"
Nice that some pieces from gone Attractions will live on in other places like "Nine-Eye" in Buzz Lightyear and now the car in another shop.

The Butlin Boy

Thanks for posting this arno-hh :)

This is such a fantastic little touch, I love it when Disney do little things like this in the parks. I'll make sure to look out for it in the future :wink:


This is nice to see! I always like it when DLP recycles old pieces, and places them in a different area of the park to create an homage for fans to spot!


Thanks for posting arno-hh :D

Great to see they've kept it, i used to love that half car at the back of Buffalo Trading, good show DLP =D>

One thing though, correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't there a front half of the car above the back half?  I wonder will it be brought back too? :-k
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