People who take flash photos on dark rides.

Started by king_spoon_ian, July 29, 2009, 02:50:03 PM

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Phew! Now I've got that out of my system, I have another little moan to get off my chest - people who take flash photos on dark rides.


I'm writing this through gritted teeth. In recent years, this trend has been getting worse, but this year it was just unbearable. On Phantom Manor, Small World, and Pirates of the Caribbean - even things like Peter Pan - there were countless people taking flash photos all. the. way. round. Not just one or two photos, but CONTINUOUSLY for the entire ride. By the end of it, I (almost) felt like taking their camera and strangling them with it  :P

Why do people do this? For once, maybe people ought to try to enjoy the ride, rather than just spend all their time documenting every second of their family's journey around it. It's rude, it's ignorant, and it spoils the ride for everyone else. To make it even worse, there were SO many people with huge, fancy, top of the range cameras, that obviously didn't have the foggiest idea how to use them, and were thus taking photos using maximum flash at every opportunity they got.

What gets me is they won't even be getting a good picture out of it! With the brightness of the flash some people were using, it just lit the whole room up, entirely. They'll just be getting two big, white blobs where their family's meant to be, or at the very best, a scene completely devoid of the atmospheric lighting - something which, I'd imagine, would be what encouraged them to take the photo in the first place!

GRRRR! Rant over.

Pete's Dragon

:oops: Guilty as charged. But in my defence, I only ever do it when the ride stops/ breaks down. My camera can handle darkness as it has an ISO which is through the roof, and it can handle movement, but not both at the same time.


I understand exactly what you mean. It's very, very annoying. Especially when people turn around and flash directly in you eyes. :x  :x  :x


Oh yes, very annoying, especially in Phantom Manor.

I don't have a big problem when people take pictures in "it's a small world", because it is a very bright "dark ride". Is it even a dark ride?


Quote from: "dagobert"Oh yes, very annoying, especially in Phantom Manor.

I don't have a big problem when people take pictures in "it's a small world", because it is a very bright "dark ride". Is it even a dark ride?

I'm not sure what it would class as, but as it's indoors, I tend to find the flashes are very noticeable. Especially if you're in a boat with five people doing it  :(


I've always found that photos taken on its a small world with flash look terrible, the colours look very washed out.

I hate photographs on rides, Pirates has always been the worst I've found.


Is this a complete-the-sentence game? "People who take flash photos on dark rides..." should be taken to a specially re-created version of Superstar Limo and made to ride it round and round for the rest of eternity.

You know what reeaally bugs me about this, and it seems to happen most on Pirates - when people just sit slack-jawed with their digital camera, clicking away at every..single...scene. They don't care about the ride, they're just taking photos for the sake of it. They'll probably never even look at them.

There should be a new Living Character pirate who shoots peoples' flash cameras out of their hands and into the water. Fun, and interactive!


Quote from: "Willow"I've always found that photos taken on its a small world with flash look terrible, the colours look very washed out.

I hate photographs on rides, Pirates has always been the worst I've found.
completely agreeing with you Willow, they really do look terrible. I use a hit and miss method with out flash and take photos of everything and hope some turn out ok and delete the others
good topic KSI, and i agree with you too, it really ruins the ride and the illusion its trying to create
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I hate flash photography in the rides!!!

Honestly, how many do people need to take before they realise THEY ALL  LOOK TERRIBLE? :shock:  :roll: ?? In some cases I've seen people who try a couple of times, then give up. But most times,they just keep trying and trying  :evil: !!

POTC and PM are the worse. The flashes ruin it for everyone else (I wish I could see Mme Leota in PM without a flash every two minutes :roll: )

The only dark ride where I try to take pictures (with no flash) is IASW, because some areas do come out OK. I tend to have the camera ready in case we stop inside any dark ride, because with no movement some pictures can come out, but otherwise, no pictures inside the rides. I may try with my new camera in a low ISO setting inside POTC or PM, but to be honest I rather enjoy the ride than worry about taking bad pictures of it....

During our last visit to DLP we were on POTC, there was this italian guy in the row in front of us, he kept taking (terrible) pictures of everything (and seeing they were bad, but it didnt stop him), but the worse part was that every 2 minutes he took a picture of himself with his friend, so of course we kept getting his flash in the eyes... We could have strangled him... At the end we started making faces when he was taking the pictures of himself, my only hope is that we ruined some of them  :lol:


I must be the only person who doesn't find this fact I have never noticed it and I am probably guilty of it, although not the whole way through a ride just the odd photo, but that was the first time I was there mainly now I can't be bothered doing it on rides and I do just want to enjoy it lol :wink: Plus on dark rides theres really little point so I can understand that comment.
Luv Aveen xoxo


I must admit, camera flashes have never really bothered me. I can't say I've been in an attraction where people are doing it consistently though... if that was the case it might get a little irritating.


QuoteAt the end we started making faces when he was taking the pictures of himself, my only hope is that we ruined some of them


That's amazing. I can't believe I've never thought of doing that.


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon":oops: Guilty as charged. But in my defence, I only ever do it when the ride stops/ breaks down. My camera can handle darkness as it has an ISO which is through the roof, and it can handle movement, but not both at the same time.

I'm guilty, too. :oops:

But to be honest, last year was our first trip to DLRP and I wanted to take many photos, so we can always remember the great time that we had there. We didn't plan to visit DLRP again this year... And I didn't realize that I was probably bothering some people. Perhaps because it doesn't bother myself.
Liebe Grüße, Silvie


I just find it selfish and inconsiderate !! There are enough good photos on the web to remind people of the ride,and videos too !!


Wow...I found myself getting angry just reading the title of this thread.  

Thing is there is nothing asking people not to in DLRP. (or have they recently added something on PM) So I sometimes feel guity when I beat them to death with their Cannon Ixus.

Anyway the rise in popularity of digital photography means that it is so cheap to keep snapping that people don't care about the quality of there photos and can take hundreds.  

People with video camcorders get on my nerves too.....if I wanted to watch the parade on a small TV I would have stayed at home and watched the advert.