Jack Sparrow face character?

Started by Kristof, April 04, 2006, 04:16:17 PM

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Jack Sparrow isn't on the new meet 'n' greet times, which is strange: http://www.disneylandparis.com/uk/disne ... hedule.htm

Does anyone know what times he's out?


Quote from: "Baloo"Yeah, Orlando's really isn't that good!

He might not look like Johnny Depp - but he acts and sounds exactly like Jack Sparrow. This guy is amazing!


that was my thought on him
Trouble? No way. You\'re only in
trouble if you get caught  --------
----- I\'m in trouble!


from all this pictures I like Johnny Depp most. lol  :lol:  No strangely the Paris guy doesn't look that bad. The Orlando one looks horrible and the Anaheim 1 too. The Anaheim 2 one isn't that bad either. But the new Animatronic looks very good.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


Here are the first photos from the park!  Jack walks around Adventureland to make his way to POTC.  He does a really good job!  People seemed to like him!  (Although there were Dutch guests saying: do they really want us to believe he's the real thing?  :roll: )


He looks great!  Nice poses, cool costume, nice meet 'n' greet location. They pulled it off! =D>

Quote from: "raptor1982"(Although there were Dutch guests saying: do they really want us to believe he's the real thing?  :roll: )
It's weird - they'd never say that about Mary Poppins would they? (The only other live action character I can think of)  I suppose it's because this film is much newer and Jack Sparrow is 99.9% Johnny Depp...


Yes I guess some people can't get warm with someone else as Jack Sparrow than Johnny Depp. And this just because mostly he had created him of hisself. But indeed this guy at DLP looks good.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"

The Butlin Boy

Captain Jack's Photolocation has now been updated with some additional props:



Nice Photo Location...can't wait to meet Jack Sparrow next time I go to DLRP ....thats if he'll still be doing meets in October time?

Remember there is **Magic** in the World


I know he's supposed to be part of the Halloween soiree, but not sure of the overal season.


Does anyone know if he's still in the park right now?  Seems strange to add the props just before the end of Summer otherwise...


He was in the park sunday 3th ;)


Hey, that's a cool picture of him--did you take it, Clément? So close? ;)

Is there a chance he could be there next year in June?
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Quote from: "Nala_84"Is there a chance he could be there next year in June?
Well POTC3 is out in May (UK at least) and we are promised "increased character presence" during the anniversary sooo... it looks promising. :)

Jack looks good there, even as close as that!  He's not a great Johnny Depp lookalike, but I think it's more important he fits the characteristics and style of Jack Sparrow himself, which he seems to.


The UK Dead Man's Chest DVD has an insert that says Jack Sparrow will be out and about at Walt Disney Studios Park.  :roll:

Still, it's good that DLRP got a nice advert.  Strangely, the Bonus Disc features the "coming to dvd" trailers, along with that old Pirates-style DLRP advert, which is set apart from the trailers and so you can't skip it right away. It doesn't fit into any of the new branding for the resort, but it's always nice to see them get a mention.

Praying for something mentioning Cars Race Rally on next week's dvd release...