Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Absolutely, or if they must spend the money on "New marketing experiences", how about an awesome Princess and the Frog quality show in a theatre, or Midway Mania. This is just tacky rubbish, designed to appeal to the people that visit parks and think that these sort of rides should be there (I cannot believe how many newbies I know that miss PotC, Phantom Manor, the Fantasyland Dark Rides and Star Tours because they did not realise they were attractions, they thought they were shops or restaurants  :roll:

I can't believe how stupid some people are. Don't they prepare before they go for the first time to DLRP. Do they really think that the crowds in front of the Fantasyland dark rides are queuing for a shop or a restaurant?

I'm sure that Toy Story Mania could handle the same amount of people like all three TSPL rides together in one hour. And I don't think that it would have cost a lot more than the 70 mio.


Again, this topics returns to snobbery and insults. Not every thinks the same, some people like different things and neither you, nor I can cast judgement on whatever other people want to get out of a visit to Disneyland. It is a holiday, it is to enjoy and have fun with, whether as an adult, a child, with children, alone or as a  fan. I used to like this forum as a way of learning about the parks, rumours and developments, but this is just becoming another internet moaning shop where like minded, but minority views can bolster each other into convincing themselves that their views are right and that the rest are idiots, stupid, newbies or ignorant.
Several people have made good points on this topic on all sides of the argument but now it is just going round in circles. Good concept/bad concept...good business/bad business...true Disney/or not.
The truth is I don't think anyone here knows, but perhaps we should all quickly go to Disneyland, relax and try to have some fun with those we love.


Quote from: "DopeyDad"Again, this topics returns to snobbery and insults. Not every thinks the same, some people like different things and neither you, nor I can cast judgement on whatever other people want to get out of a visit to Disneyland. It is a holiday, it is to enjoy and have fun with, whether as an adult, a child, with children, alone or as a  fan. I used to like this forum as a way of learning about the parks, rumours and developments, but this is just becoming another internet moaning shop where like minded, but minority views can bolster each other into convincing themselves that their views are right and that the rest are idiots, stupid, newbies or ignorant.
Several people have made good points on this topic on all sides of the argument but now it is just going round in circles. Good concept/bad concept...good business/bad business...true Disney/or not.
The truth is I don't think anyone here knows, but perhaps we should all quickly go to Disneyland, relax and try to have some fun with those we love.
Here here.


Well, no offense, but if you venture over to any forum dedicated to anything, you will find people who are a little deeper into things than your average person. That's how they got to the 2,358 posts that are on their name. It is a little bit silly to sign up for such a thing and expect to talk to other newbies in a newbie manner and for everyone to stay that way forever. And an odd ambition for that matter.

I understand your annoyance and your feeling of having taken the wrong turn and ended up in Crazy Whiny Fanland, but it is worth considering for a moment that the chances of finding a forum where people discuss their love for thinking Phantom Manor is a restaurant are slim to none.

You've walked into Switzerland and now you're telling the Swiss that you're dissatisfied to see all these Swiss people.


It doesn't make it OK to call people stupid or ignorant though, just because you dont agree. Even if it is a Fanland. Some people might think it rude.
Ed & David


Well then sam I am. Can we get out of this meta-discussion now?


Alright then you are. And you can get out of this meta discussion whenever you like.
Ed & David


Well Pussinboots, you may be right. I think my point was people are being rude and snobbish, if you think that I am complaining that the "swiss are swiss" then I guess you agree with me, although I can't actually speak for the Swiss, who may or may not like TSPL.
Not sure I understand your reference to PM being a restaurant, perhaps you should start a discussion about it. I think it would be a good idea. we could take food from the buffet while rolling around in the Doombuggies, dipping into skulls for dips..fantastic.


Quote from: "DopeyDad"Again, this topics returns to snobbery and insults. Not every thinks the same, some people like different things and neither you, nor I can cast judgement on whatever other people want to get out of a visit to Disneyland. It is a holiday, it is to enjoy and have fun with, whether as an adult, a child, with children, alone or as a  fan. I used to like this forum as a way of learning about the parks, rumours and developments, but this is just becoming another internet moaning shop where like minded, but minority views can bolster each other into convincing themselves that their views are right and that the rest are idiots, stupid, newbies or ignorant.
Several people have made good points on this topic on all sides of the argument but now it is just going round in circles. Good concept/bad concept...good business/bad business...true Disney/or not.
The truth is I don't think anyone here knows, but perhaps we should all quickly go to Disneyland, relax and try to have some fun with those we love.

I don't know if you are talking about my post calling people stupid for thinking that PM or the Fantasyland dark rides are shops or restaurants, but how would you call them? Maybe I have chosen the wrong word since English is a second language to me.

There are so many travel books about DLRP and I'm sure that many people who go there read them before visiting for the first time. At least I do this when visiting foreign countries and other travel destinations for the first time.

So for me it is stupid not informing about the place I'm going to visit. At first I get some background and locals don't call me ignorant, because I know some things about their place. If people prepare before they go to DLRP they would know that PM is one of the best dark rides ever created and not a restaurant.

As for TSPL everybody should have his own opinion. I don't like it, because IN MY OPINION the rides look cheap, but if someone else likes them it's fine. And I don't want to convince anybody that TSPL is a bad addition.

As I said in a few posts earlier, I expect TSPL to be like Dinoland USA at DAK in WDW. And I didn't like this place at all when I have been there.

PS: I like the idea about having a restaurant themed like PM.


Fair point and well made Dagobert.
Generally, in English, referring to someone as stupid would be considered an insult but it sounds like you didn't intend it to be that way.
Re. opinions on TSPL, all opinions must be valid, I'm just asking that we try to respect all the different people who go to Disney parks. It doesn't matter how strongly anyone feels about something, they can still offer respect for those who are different. I'm not aiming that at anyone before the rush of replies, its just my observation on how this topic keeps veering away from TSPL to other issues.
Meanwhile, lets get PM restaurant off the ground, I'm going to start a thread, lets get the ideas going. think of all that creativity and love for Disney people have, we'll have a concept together in no time.






The path at the back of Art of Disney Animation is also now completely closed.

More photos: ... -playland/


Update of 6 march 2010  (in as. with

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


More cables/parachutes appear to be in place: ... 573234640/

Won't you be able to see loads of backstage areas like the back of the Toon Town photolocation from up there? How's that going to be solved?