TRON: Legacy (2010)

Started by Anthony, July 31, 2008, 06:01:59 PM

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Got my Tron: Reconfigured CD today.....

Not bad, takes the great originals and makes them more stand alone tunes, rather than a soundtrack. Some are brilliant, other just a little "meh"!

One thing it did do, driving in the car with it on full blast, was make me want to listen to the original soundtrack again, then realise, what is good is the length of the tunes. The only issue with the original soundtrack is the majority of the tunes are 2 minutes long....

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "penfold12"Ha! Excellent!

That made me smile :)

hopefully the examiner sees the funny side. Admittedly when I had to do a function room booking service for a hotel , for the last coursework one of my rooms at the Hilton was called the Paris room and had a pic of her holding a chichuchua.


Nice little addition you have there PD  8)  Although to nit-pick at your post, the skull and crossbones is at the right hand side of the footer, not the left ;) (don't get mad, as an English Lit student I'm supposed to analysis everything to death, I'm just doing my job! :P )

When does TRON hit DVD/Blu Ray sometime this month isn't it?  I wish I remembered that this morning, I went down to Cex today and bought 3 new Blu-Rays for £30, add together itunes vouchers and mother's day pressie I was out over £70 today, I can't keep that up :lol:
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "-breeno-"Nice little addition you have there PD  8)  Although to nit-pick at your post, the skull and crossbones is at the right hand side of the footer, not the left ;)

Depends if you're facing the computer screen or not  :P

Released 18th April.

[spoiler:2v0t8z2o]Pre-ordered it yesterday using my wife's debit card. Shhhh[/spoiler:2v0t8z2o]


In Germany we will get Tron Legacy on June 1st.  :(  
don´t wanna wait so long... and the 3D Blu-ray comes in a Steelbox  :evil:
i can´t say how much i hate Steelbox...

Pete's Dragon

From Deadline

QuoteTron: Legacy managed to play in theaters long enough to establish Joseph Kosinski as the highest-grossing first-time director of a live-action film in Hollywood history. The film's $399 million global gross recently eclipsed the $397.5 million gross that JJ Abrams turned in on 2006's Mission: Impossible 3.

Now, such a distinction is relative. Tron: Legacy cost between $165 million and $170 million to make and a comparable amount to market. Sam Mendes made his debut on the $15 million American Beauty, which grossed $356 million worldwide in 1999. Jan De Bont's debut on the $30 million Speed turned in a $350 million worldwide gross in 1994. Ticket prices were lower when American Beauty and Speed were released, and Tron: Legacy had the extra benefit of higher 3D pricing. American Beauty and Speed were extravagantly profitable. Disney will make some money on Tron: Legacy, but they won't need to back up the Brink's truck.

But Tron: Legacy's performance certainly gives the studio reason to think it has poured the foundation for a franchise. Disney has begun work on a sequel, which Kosinski is constructing with original writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. Maybe because of Tron: Legacy's pricey launch and heightened expectations, I had the impression that the film had been a bit underwhelming, despite a $44 million opening weekend. But looks are deceiving. For one thing, despite the film's big budget, Tron: Legacy had the benefit of zero first-dollar box office gross participants. Another pic that opened around the same time, Little Fockers, was teeming with them.

Should Kosinski's crown buy a Tron: Legacy encore? Its performance certainly compares well to other 2D films that launched franchises. Tron: Legacy out-grossed the Chris Nolan-directed Batman Begins ($373 million) and the Abrams-directed Star Trek ($386 million), both of which were based on brands far more famous than the long-forgotten 1982 original Tron. For that matter, Tron: Legacy out-grossed The Bourne Identity ($214 million) and its sequel The Bourne Supremacy ($288 million). It also bested X-Men Origins: Wolverine ($373 million), National Treasure ($347 million) and The Fast and the Furious ($207 million). It out-grossed all the films in that franchise. Beyond that, the film fed other Disney divisions. The Tron: Legacy soundtrack sold 615,000 copies worldwide, and the movie spawned ElecTRONica, a featured attraction at Disney's California Adventure theme park. A Tron: Legacy rollercoaster for the new Shanghai theme park is under discussion.

Now, just because a studio makes it out alive after a big bet on a film doesn't mean it's franchise city. Said one vet: "Sometimes, you say, 'We got away with one,' and move on. From Terminator to Bourne, you can usually tell if the audience wants more."  Based on the Tron: Legacy gross and high DVD pre-sales, Disney will go for two. And Kosinski seeded the original with plot points that lend to a sequel.

When Kosinski gets to Tron: Legacy 2 is another matter. He has other projects that include a remake of Black Hole at Disney, with a script being written by Travis Beacham, writer of Guillermo del Toro's next film, Pacific Rim. Kosinski is most likely to next direct Oblivion, a film that has Tom Cruise interested. Disney gave that picture back to Kosinski recently, because its post-apocalyptic vision didn't fit the Disney family film mold, and attempts to make it PG was strangling Kosinski's vision. Kosinski's reps at Verve and Anonymous Content are shopping it, and I've heard Universal is among three suitors giving it serious consideration.

I am not sure how long Kosinski's first-time director milestone will last. Hollywood has become bolder about giving mega-budget features to first-timers. Carl Rinsch is directing Keanu Reeves in 47 Ronin at a reported $175 million budget, and Rupert Sanders is directing Universal's Snow White and the Huntsman with Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron and a Huntsman to be named later after Viggo Mortensen withdrew. Either could topple Kosinski from his perch.

Also from Empire interview

QuoteLegacy played really well to people in their twenties and thirties, but it actually didn't bring in kids. So we hope Uprising will bring a new generation of fans in the same way that Clone Wars has brought a new generation to Star Wars.

In other words, Disney was counting on Tron Legacy to be a mad merchandising hit — see all the toys and other licensed stuff that was produced — and those dollars may not have materialized yet. The home video release could help, as families that didn't want to fork out for high 3D ticket prices might see the movie now, leading to kids wanting Tron stuff. If the younger generation can be brought on board, then you can bet a third film will happen quickly.


That article explains it really well and rationally. When you put it in context with the box office of other first franchise films, it looks pretty good.

I seem to be reading quite a bit about slow burning work on a sequel lately, so here's hoping!!


The latest rumbling from my sources are they are slowly working on it, but the DVD/Blueray sales and the interest in the Uprising animated series will be the teller on how far they take this.
since 2001 (many before that)

Pete's Dragon

Part of an exclusive interview with Joseph Kosinski  by

Quote from: "AssignmentX"While chatting with TRON: LEGACY director Joseph Kosinski today regarding the TRON: LEGACY DVD and Blu-ray release arriving this Tuesday, April 5, the director spoke to ASSIGNMENT X about the status of the next sequel TRON 3 (aka TR3N).
"We're working on the story right now," Kosinski tells AX. "Once we get a script we're all really happy with, we'll take it to the powers that be and see if we can go back to the grid."
As for the storyline, Kosinski says the film will continue the adventures of Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund)
"I think we will pick with where TRON: LEGACY left off with Quorra [Olivia Wilde]  in the real world and what does that mean and the possibilities it opens up for the next chapter. It's that relationship between the two of them that's the next step."
Also, the son of Dillinger (who makes a brief appearance in the beginning of TRON: LEGACYand played by an uncredited Cillian Murphy) could potentially play a bigger role too.
"Dillinger [David Warner] was a really important part of the first film and felt like an easy way to continue that storyline and thread to have his son in the new movie, " says Kosinski. " That way you have people ask those questions of what the Dillinger legacy is in the world of TRON. We didn't want to ignore it completely and it leaves a really nice springboard for some intertwining development for the next film."
As for coming aboard officially as a director for TRON 3, Kosinski says he's game, but it all comes down to what project happens first for the director (he currently is scheduled to direct the Disney reboot of THE BLACK HOLE and OBLIVION which is currently shopping for a new studio).
"That's my intent," says Kosinski. "We're developing it now. It's all about getting a script and story and making sure we can get the same team back together."

Pete's Dragon

Woo-hoo, Tron Legacy Arrives !! I must say I'm impressed with the packaging especially the Rewards Code.

Love to stay and chat, but I'm off to The Grid  8)

Flynn Lives


#205 posted mine out Wednesday..... Still waiting :(

Pete's Dragon

One feature I thought was fantastic with the blu-ray : during the big action scenes, the screen changes from 16:9 to full-screen i.e. the black bars at the top and bottom disappear - and you're treated to as much of the Imax print as possible.

Nice. I now have to wrestle the TV back off the kids so I can try 9 codes I have for hidden easter eggs features
I'll post them if they work

end of line.


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"Nice. I now have to wrestle the TV back off the kids so I can try 9 codes I have for hidden easter eggs features
I'll post them if they work
You just answered your own problem at how to get control of the TV back!  :mrgreen:
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Well, on Monday night after getting home from work this was waiting for me...

It's amazing! Contains, comic book, CD, Tron and Tron: Legacy on Blu-ray and some picture cards (Including one of Ms Wilde on the couch  ;) )

It was number 800 and something out of 1000. :D

Despite the boxsets epicness I'm still disappointed at the lack of extras on the Legacy blu-ray disc. Three featurettes that were basically longer versions of what they used to market the film and not a lot else apart from the short film mentioned earlier in the topic, I expected a lot more, especially with the US getting a 2 disc blu-ray edition, rather let down. :(
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


We might be closer to Tron 3 than we thought!  :D
QuoteTron Dominates as Blu-ray Sets New Market Share Record

Blu-ray has set a new record for market share in any given week by accounting for a quarter of all packaged media sales according to Home Media Research. The top selling Blu- ray was Tron: Legacy which managed to garner a massive 68% of sales on the format outselling the DVD at a 2:1 ratio. The sales of the 3D version are rolled into the title, but no sales split has been given for 2D/3D.

Next up was last week's best selling title, Tangled, which managed 33% of sales on Blu-ray down from 41%. New entries Little Fockers, The Chronicle of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and Tron: The Original Classic close out the top five with 24%, 44% and 78% sold on Blu-ray respectively.

This week saw the release of Harry Potter and the Death Hallows which should score large market share for the Blu-ray version, and should see a large increase in sales from the previous movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.