Disney Village Expansion/Improvements

Started by Kristof, August 21, 2005, 02:18:16 PM

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It doesn't look too bad, but they could have done a better job. I think it must be really loud under the tent when it's raining.


Oh it doesn´t seems to be a real tent. From the other pics it´s a normal roof and they have themed it with this tentroof.

Pics by disneygazette:

 :arrow: //http://www.disneygazette.fr/travaux-disney-village-news-178.html

And here are some others from the inside and outsite at opening :



They themed the roof at the outside like a big tent and at the inside like a smaller tent :D
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


no from inside it is not a real tent but i have to say it looks very good inside,
i was there on monday and it dosent look as horrible as i was thinking....

to bad i didn´t took a pic....

The Butlin Boy

I don't actually think it's that bad. I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's not the worst :wink: At least it has a consistent theme to it :)


It's not fantastic, but not that bad either. Just middle of the road in my opinion. But it does the job. And they have Pretzels! Must get one next time I'm at the resort.
No touchy!


From the inside it doesn't look bad. Just the right place for a cold beer after visiting the parks. But I don't like the building/tent from the outside!


The inside really isn't too bad, is it? It looks rather cheap next to the amazing King Ludwig's interior itself though.

Outside, it's still unfathomably hideous though. I mean... who?! why?! what were they thinking?! Did they pay for it with spare change?! Oh well, Disney Village really needs more places (that aren't the Sports Bar) where you can just get a drink, so any additions are welcome. [/desperation]


Another photo of the bar;

The information kiosk;

And the christmas market returns to the esplande;

Source; //http://www.disneytheque.com/index.php?/archives/82-Lactu-du-Disney-Village.html


Hmm...those finishing touches on King Ludwig's actually are doing the whole new seating area some good. Doesn't look that bad after all in my opinion.
And the area where the christmas market is now placed, really needs some attention in the near future. It looks so dull...
No touchy!


Quote from: "Kuzco"Hmm...those finishing touches on King Ludwig's actually are doing the whole new seating area some good. Doesn't look that bad after all in my opinion.
And the area where the christmas market is now placed, really needs some attention in the near future. It looks so dull...

Isn't that the exact construction site that has "World of Disney" written all over it? In any case I agree...


I havent comment in a while, but I would like to say that I really like the new tourisme info building. It complements the exsisting style of the Fantasia Gardens and Esplanade very well. Hopefully they will replace the security checkpoints in the near future with permanent ones who at least blend in with the area. Also the awful train station could benefit from a small redisgn don't you think? Just look at Hong Kong Disneyland's Esplanade for some ideas.  :wink:

I'm not really sure about the new King Ludwig Bar really. In some pics it looks awful, in other pics it looks okay. I'll hold my judgement untill I've seen it in real life.


hey folks,

So i think before they build the long-awaited world of dieny store, they should look at this old conceptart and think about it, the entire disney village and the esplanade to amend ...


hi i dont know if this has been posted before somewhere else, but the balloons are coming off the pillars and being placed lower down above the shops, leaving the pillars bare, does anyone know if the starry lights are going to be re introduced???


I don't like the balloons any more. At first I really liked them, but now many of them are destroyed most of the time and that's the reason why they should put them down.

I have never been to Disney Village before they added the balloons, but I have seen a picture of the old DV and it looked really nice with these little lights. Why did Disney remodel the DV??

At least they improved it with trees and plants and soon there will be a Starbucks.


oO the stars should make a return, they really added something to the space and complimented the general abstract feel of the Village. Has anyone seen the opening resort footage on Disney & More showing the lights in action (truly amazing)?

Although some of the pillars have been removed an attractive lattice could be placed atop, to span the lager space containing lights. With the trees and planters below it could look quite magical whilst giving the pillers a purpose & providing a finish to the area. :D Would be good if the lower 2 metres of metallic tiles were replaced with a solid colour also, that matches the individual location allowing a neutral transition from street level whist retaining the abstract theme above head height...