Reach the Resort Profit in 2008?

Started by Riebi, April 06, 2008, 11:10:34 AM

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A interesting but maybeee a bit premature article at german "welt online" ("Die Welt" is one of the german daily newspapers):


A big headline sprung into my eyes: "Disneyland Paris earn finally money". Not that they just haven´t wrote "Euro Disney", they earn money??? Have they a new internal finance report or what??

No! They talked to Bob Iger. He see a longtermed financiel profit for the resort and say:

Quote"Disneyland Paris ist zwar heute noch nicht in den schwarzen Zahlen, steht aber unmittelbar davor"

Free translated: Disneyland Paris isn´t in the blacks now but that will happen immediate.

After the profit phase between 1995 and 2001 he see now a constant long duration profit area with the new investments like the Tower of Terror.

The resort itself answerd estrainedly.

Quote"Unser Ziel bleibt die Profitabilität, doch wir nennen kein genaues Datum, wann wir diese erreichen wird", sagte Park-Sprecher Pieter Boterman auf Anfrage.

Resort Speaker Pieter Boterman see the aim profit for the resort but without a definate date.

Seems that Bob talks a bit fast about the annual year 2008 :wink:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Thanks for the information Riebi!

I dont know much about the financial aspects of the debts and profits of Disneyland Resort Paris, but I won't be surprised if they will finally make some profit this year. Maybe someone with more knowledge about this subject can tell us his/her point of view?


Well I can't see it being too long before DLRP are in the black.  :wink:

Put it this way, our organisation had shares in the Northern Rock which are worthless.  We got a letter from the bank saying they are restructuring all their finances to pay the money they borrowed off the Bank of England which was 24 Billion Pounds, they say it should be payed back in 3 to 4 years time.... :lol:  I started laughing at this point, considering this, that DLRP owe about 2 Billion Euros, [£1.7 Billion].  Makes DLRP look like they owe Northern Rocks back pocket change.  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Pause for thought.... :wink: