Raptor's news report: 22-23 January '08

Started by Kristof, January 24, 2008, 03:50:41 PM

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Hello everyone!  I'm starting a new tradition here with a news report from my latest trips.  Feel free to comment or ask questions!

Attraction advertising

Let's start with those attraction ad's on the resort.  Just recently a large Stitch Live! banner was installed above the moving walkway towards the resort parking lot.  

A huge Tower of Terror board replaced an equal sized-Crush's Coaster poster across Cinéma Gaumont.  Oh and talking about Tower of Terror and the moving walkway... A spiel is being played there every so often announcing the new attraction.  The voices are the same as the parade announcers.

Hollywood Boulevard

Moving to Walt Disney Studios now where a few more details are being added to the Hollywood Boulevard.  

The long anticipated Hollywood Blvd. street sign has finally been installed on both sides of the street (at the height of the 2 2D-buildings).  Hollywood Blvd. points towards the Studio Tram Tour while Vine Str. points to Tower of Terror.

Staying near the blvd, one of the lighting rigs next to the partners statue was removed in December, but since then still not been replaced by something else.  A large wooden box covers up the base of the rig and is surrounded by planters.

Main Street Transportation Co.

A few things to report about Disneyland Park.  First of all, to my surprise when I passed underneath Main Street Station, I noticed the Horse Drawn Carriage passing by (it could have used some oils on the wheels though), and to my bigger surprise, it was passed by the Omnibus!  How often do you see those 2 operating on the same day?

A few rehabs were done the past days.  The it's a small world rehab was announced and resulted in fenced off entrances.  I noticed paint crews painting the queue line bars but nothing more.

The outside of Peter Pan's Flight was also in rehab. Scaffolding was placed around most of the building.  (Notice the 5 min queue line!)

In Frontierland, the blades of the Cottonwood Creek windmill were removed.  The windmill was already removed a few months ago for a rehab.

Near the Cowboy Cookout BBQ a sign pointing to Pocahontas Indian Village has been replaced by one for Woody's Roundup.  

La Cabane des Robinson

I spotted a survey CM questioning a couple that exited La Cabane des Robinson.  He asked if they had finished the attraction and their opinion about it.  They started talking in Spanish, so I don't know that the questions were...

Discoveryland Information Board

A few days ago the former Walt Disney Studios information board was moved to the Discoveryland entrance and shows the waiting times for all the Discoveryland attractions.  The sign is located about 50 meters or so away from the main information board, which raises a few questions about the efficiency of a board like this.  The idea could work if it was placed at a location further into the park (let's say near Fantasy Festival Stage) and shows the queue lines for the most popular attractions, or the once that are in need of more attendance figures (Woody's Roundup for example).  Or what about a sign with all the character meet 'n' greet times and locations?  But this is just my opinion...

Disney Village construction work

Lots of construction work going on at Disney Village.  

A curb was being added in front of the recently added planters.

And construction fences now surround the former Café Mickey outside terrace.  No word on what's going on here.

That was it for this trip!  If you want to see even more photos, then jump over to the Photos Magiques news photos album.


Raptor,this is so great  =D>
I always loved your trip pictures but the news report is really a great idea!!!
I just love it.
why was the queue for Peter Pan only 5 minutes??Usually its so crowed.


Thanks swity!

Most of the queues were dead, Space Mountain 5 min, BTM 10 min, etc.  It's low season and week days.   Lots of British schools though, they seemed to ride TOT in a loop, off and on, off and on...  :mrgreen:


Hey raptor... great idea for this new topic.
btw they really had to do a rehab on iasw. Lots of figures weren't working when I've been there early december. Even some of my favourite ones :cry:
dec. 23rd-jan 2nd WDW


Great idea, you mentioned about the omnibus and horse drawn tram, this seems to be out rather a lot lately.  The day Christmas finished I noticed they had all the vehicles out in Main Street, so nice to see what a few years ago was considered outdated and not needed are finally back in full force :D .

Remco K.

Quote from: "raptor1982"The it's a small world rehab was announced and resulted in fenced off entrances.  I noticed paint crews painting the queue line bars but nothing more.
About the it's a small world rehab; we were there on the 20th and 21st of January. On the 21st there was a crane behind the show building. On your photo it's either gone or just not up.

Why would they need a crane for any small rehab? Are we in for some surprises?


Nice to see the progress happening. (note to self... must buy more shares!!!)

Raptor How free are you to take photos of the outsides?
As in if I set up with a tripod and a decent camera to photograph something would I be asked questions? It's for a new site I'm planning.

Remco K.

Quote from: "Alpop"As in if I set up with a tripod and a decent camera to photograph something would I be asked questions? It's for a new site I'm planning.
I don't know the official rules for this, but I can't imagine taking pictures of legal places is prohibited, no matter it's with or without a tripod.


Quote from: "Remco K."Why would they need a crane for any small rehab? Are we in for some surprises?

Didn't you know?  They're building a coaster inside!   :mrgreen:  :lol:   No seriously, all boats have been removed from the canal, so I guess they had to use a crane for that.  They're all lined up backstage.

Quote from: "Alpop"As in if I set up with a tripod and a decent camera to photograph something would I be asked questions? It's for a new site I'm planning.

Technically speaking you're not allowed with a tripod on Disney property.  I got nearly kicked out of Disney Village for using one... Went to City Hall to complain and guess what, you're not allowed in the parks with a tripod.

Remco K.

Quote from: "raptor1982"Didn't you know?  They're building a coaster inside!   :mrgreen:  :lol:   No seriously, all boats have been removed from the canal, so I guess they had to use a crane for that.  They're all lined up backstage.
A coaster? Isn't the song alone thrilling enough? :P So, they'll also drain the canal? It's a pretty extensive rehab after all then. As far as I know they don't drain the canal during every rehab, do they?

Quote from: "raptor1982"Technically speaking you're not allowed with a tripod on Disney property.  I got nearly kicked out of Disney Village for using one... Went to City Hall to complain and guess what, you're not allowed in the parks with a tripod.
What would be the reason behind that? I can imagine the thought of a professional photographer taking pictures for a publishing. In that case Disney probably wants to protect their copyright?


Quote from: "raptor1982"Technically speaking you're not allowed with a tripod on Disney property.  I got nearly kicked out of Disney Village for using one... Went to City Hall to complain and guess what, you're not allowed in the parks with a tripod.
What would be the reason behind that? I can imagine the thought of a professional photographer taking pictures for a publishing. In that case Disney probably wants to protect their copyright?[/quote]

I knew that you weren't supposed to photograph on the rides or in the Queue areas. I dare say you can get great shots with out a tripod, but I'm starting to think that maybe your need to photograph in secret.
If I wanted to photograph all the buildings in fantasyland. Would I have to do it over a couple of days, so that I didn't bring attention to myself? I'll have to make a game plan.


Too bad I didn't spot you while I was there Raptor ;)

And in addition to the small world rehab: I saw them cleaning the brown roofs of the queue and the France Telecom building. The water was indeed drained and the queueing fences where being repainted. Couldn't see anything else though. Hope they give it a good fix ;)

GrandiJoos :cool:


Quote from: "raptor1982"Thanks swity!

Most of the queues were dead, Space Mountain 5 min, BTM 10 min, etc.  It's low season and week days.   Lots of British schools though, they seemed to ride TOT in a loop, off and on, off and on...  :mrgreen:
My school year 9's went there to do some dt weekend thing there. They went beind the scenes of rides etc; Lucky things !


About the tripod: I was told the only reason you can't use them is that they could be used as a weapon.  :roll:


Quote from: "raptor1982"Most of the queues were dead, Space Mountain 5 min, BTM 10 min, etc.  It's low season and week days.   Lots of British schools though, they seemed to ride TOT in a loop, off and on, off and on...  :mrgreen:

I just decided if I have finished school and can choose when I'm going on holiday this will be the time I'm going to go. That sounds incredible!Only 10 Minutes for BTM??