Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic

Started by Kristof, December 07, 2007, 12:04:17 AM

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QuoteStudio Tram Tour to be sponsored by Sony Ericsson as off April?
Posted by Kristof on Friday, February 12 2010

A source informed us about a possible new sponsor coming to Disneyland Paris.

Sony Ericsson is being said to become the sponsor of Walt Disney Studios Park's least appreciated attraction, Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic.

Anyone know more?
Posted by


now that sounds intresting Anthony

maybe with the new sponsor it will see a new or updated video showing this?

maybe this is why its closed for so long and they will be doing work on it?

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A crappy mobile phone company, how random! I'd at least expect it to have been Sony itself!


It previously was sponsored by Orange right? So why another phone company... I don't think Sony Ericson will give DLP that much money to change just a little piece of the attraction...
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

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Sony Ericsson seems a strange thing - they sponsor the tennis at the moment and as a company they havent really been doing too well in the mobile space as their phones have suffered no end of technichal issues which has damaged their brand. But maybe they are looking to rebrand themselves and go for a different market - who knows?????


I have been following this forum for a awhile but had never participated until now.
I just returned from my yearly visit to DLP and, although the trip was really nice (even with the cold weather) I had one really bad experience at Walt Disney Studios, I was traveling with friends, and for some of them was the first time at the studios, so we decided to ride the Tram Tour. We waited for 40 minutes and then nothing was working, no water effect at the Canyon, no fire effect at the Reign of Fire, well the only things that were the way it was suppose to be were the props. Later that day the attraction was still running withe an advice that the water effect was not working due to weather conditions. Why did they kept it open? They really need to do something to this attraction. By the way, this all happened yesterday.
English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes. :?


Welcome Archimedes, don't worry your English is great :)
Why on earth was it kept open even if possibly the most pivotal effect wasn't working
What a con
This attraction is quite simply becoming pointless, useless, outdated and generally crap :evil:


I wish the long closure it will face now until May will be used to revamp it a little and not only due to infrastructure issues with the new Toy Story Playland...
Check our Honeymoon Trip Report! March 8-12 2010.


Quote from: "SM:M3"This attraction is quite simply becoming pointless, useless, outdated and generally crap :evil:

Well said.

They really should just convert Catastrophe Canyon into a walk-through attraction, and demolish/remove everything else to do with the Studio Tram Tour. It serves no purpose. It's more a behind the scenes tour of a theme park, than a behind the scenes tour of a movie studio. You're not seeing anything remotely special, and the few sets/props are from obscure films no-one has seen.

Honestly, how many times are they going to re-route this attraction? It's a total waste of time and money.


QuoteHonestly, how many times are they going to re-route this attraction? It's a total waste of time and money.

I don't think they will remove it in the coming years, simply because they need the capacity of this ride. Especially with so many attractions in this park based on fixed showtimes, they need attractions that keep visitors flowing and the Tram Tour has a large capacity.

They could really enhance it by adding new sets or something interesting alongside the route, but the problem is that this doesn't give them a new attraction and it seems to be difficult to market an old attraction as a new one.


QuoteI don't think they will remove it in the coming years

Well what about this lake area thats planned for the Studio's?

QuoteThey could really enhance it by adding new sets or something interesting alongside the route, but the problem is that this doesn't give them a new attraction and it seems to be difficult to market an old attraction as a new one.

'The all new Studio Tram Tour' - Not a name change, but thats a slogan they could use to plug it. It definitely needs updating one way or another.


QuoteWell what about this lake area thats planned for the Studio's?

Maybe take a look at this map: //,2.777803&spn=0.007862,0.022724&t=h&z=16

As you can see, both the Catastrophe Canyon and the Reign of Fire sets aren't really intefering with anything. Additionally, there is enough space back there to create a lake even larger than Lake Buena Vista (the lake in front of the hotels).

The only thing that's in the way for an extension of the "boulevard" behind Studio 1 is the tram station and the tarmac behind it, being used as Cast Member parking and backstage storage area.

The tram station always has been a cheap temporary contraption, so it can easily be moved to somewhere else. (More to the left or right for example.). The only "problem" would be the crossing of the boulevard and the tram "track". That can be easily solved by the means of a tunnel or a bridge I suppose.

If money wouldn't be an issue, they could replace those cramped "trams" by some real trams (this is the only non-kiddie-exclusive ride in the whole resort I actually have to bend my legs behing my ears to get in...), driving on real rails (so it would actually be trams), like the Electric Railway in Tokyo DisneySea. Add some more spectacular sets in the woods and an elevated station, right integrated into the prolonged "Holywood Boulevard". Although this would never have been a part of the real Hollywood Boulevard, but whatever, it would look great ;).

Quote'The all new Studio Tram Tour' - Not a name change, but thats a slogan they could use to plug it. It definitely needs updating one way or another.

You know, there are so many other things in this park alone that urgenly need an update:
- The Art of Disney Animation (the Art of Ethernal Boredom)
- Armageddon
- Theming in the Backlot area of the park
My priority would be to get rid of Armageddon first and solve the Tram Tour later, but hey, that's just my opinion.

But let's be realistic, outdated attractions are seldomly removed or improved on-time. The last time they updated an "old" attraction, the result wasn't really much better (yes, I'm pointing at Mission 2). But regarding the Tram Tour, there isn't that much backstory they can ruin, so any upgrade probably will be a welcome one. Heck, even skipping the damn costuming building is considered an upgrade by me :).

One thing I hope is that any upgrades will not be tied to some second-class movie (like Armageddon or Reign of Fire) that gets lost in time. Catastrophe Canyon (if well maintained, it's totally black those days) is something that can almost last forever, as it is not tied to some stupid franchise. Dinotopia, Pearl Harbour and Reign of Fire? Almost nobody cares about those movies anymore, let alone some half-*ssed random props rotting away in the forest.


It has begun...

More: ... opes-drop/

It'd be nice if they finally ripped out the Fastpass area and used it for something more useful... even just a covered space and a few benches, there's no shelter here.


They should also refurbish the Hollywood Hills wall. The wall is peeling off and that looks really bad.


I know there been alot saying re when STT will re-open, according to MagiKit the scheduled closure is:
Studio Tram Tour - Behind the Magic: Closed 1 March-29 May 2010

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