Does DLRP abandon germany?

Started by Riebi, November 12, 2007, 10:18:54 AM

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Pete's Dragon

Maybe I don't watch enough telly, but the only time I see adverts for Disney is at the start of the DVD's, or maybe the odd poster in a bus shelter for a new release.


Quote from: "swity"About the special offers: Like Nala already said some fans wrote letters to DLRP to complain about the situation. We also got an answer telling us that the Germans didn't understand the special offers and thats why they don't offer them any longer.
I'm really upset about it...The Germans are to stupid to understand special offers???

Hey swity...
would be very interesting to read the complete answer from DLRP.
Did they email you? Do you think you can post it here?
Thaaank you  :D
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Sorry for the late response, I just came back home from a little short trip.

I was told I shouldn't post it in a forum so I'm going to send it to you via PM  :wink:


Quote from: "MagicStar"
Quote from: "swity"About the special offers: Like Nala already said some fans wrote letters to DLRP to complain about the situation. We also got an answer telling us that the Germans didn't understand the special offers and thats why they don't offer them any longer.
I'm really upset about it...The Germans are to stupid to understand special offers???

Hey swity...
would be very interesting to read the complete answer from DLRP.
Did they email you? Do you think you can post it here?
Thaaank you  :D

We got the Answer-Mail in german. My English is not good enougt to translate the whole Mail.



Hey folks,

the disney filmparade at pro7 get every episode more boring,
i remember back in 1992 when we had the disney filmparade, it was
longer then the actual and more interessting.
when i remember right in the UK it called Disney Time...

here is a video of the intro from the Disney Filmparade...
The walt disney company have to bring back this great show...



You are right, the Disney Filmparade on the German TV station PRO7 gets more and more boring. I don't watch the show anymore, because it is always the same.
I can hardly remember the old Disney Filmparade hosted by the German showmaster Thomas Gottschalk on the TV station RTL, but I think the show lasted longer than for 10 minutes.

They should broadcast the Filmparade on the afternoon and they also should make it longer. I'm sure more people would watch it, than in the morning. Maybe one show per month and always with a certain topic from the themeparks, inviting guests and of course the show should last for more than one hour.

If I remember correctly, I think there was once a special edition of the popular German TV show Wetten Dass..? broadcasted from DLRP. They used the stunt show theater in the Walt Disney Studios.

In my opinion such shows are the best way to advertise DLRP in Austria and Germany.



to all german users on this board - if you are interested in a discussion with Disney's german Head of Sales Promotion on October 5th 2008 at the Disneyland Resort Paris please follow this link! This is a great chance for all of us to address our critiques and personally discuss the existing problems that lead to this thread.

We are looking forward to meeting as much of you as possible on October 5th 2008 in Paris!

If you should have any requests please send me a PM or just write me an eMail to"> So even if you are not able to attend the meeting we'd be glad to forward your questions and insert your suggestions during the meeting next month.



Viel gluck!!!
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Viel gluck!!!
Thanks :) Now this seems to be the start for some options - let's see what some "true fans" can really achieve [-o<



I would like to take part in that :D But I´m only 17 so maybe it´s not a good idea or ?
[size=80]1997 - July (my first visit ever!!! =) DLP\'s 5th Anniversary
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2008 - March - Day Trip to Stitch Live Preview
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2009 - March - Day trip - St. Davids Day
2009 - August - 18th Anniversary =)
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Quote from: "EDDY"I would like to take part in that :D But I´m only 17 so maybe it´s not a good idea or ?
Age doesn't really matter - so if you should be in the resort on October 5th at 14.00 h feel free to join us! The location hasn't been chosen by now - it depends on how many attendees we're gonna have. So I suggest to check the thread in the german forum I'll post all news and updates over there!



I will be there. :D/

It was a good idea from us to wrote to the Disney Company to get answers why the german people get no special offers etc ....



That sounds like a great opportunity!!

Unfortunately I can't be there, but I'll write you an email which you could print and give to Disney, maybe?
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Quote from: "Nala_84"That sounds like a great opportunity!!

Unfortunately I can't be there, but I'll write you an email which you could print and give to Disney, maybe?
If you want just drop me a line at"> - I am collecting all requests and will take care that they all will be presented to Disney on the date of the meeting. And everybody else should also feel free to send me an eMail ... as long as it is about the german concerns ;)



Quote from: "Flounder"Aloha,

to all german users on this board - if you are interested in a discussion with Disney's german Head of Sales Promotion on October 5th 2008 at the Disneyland Resort Paris please follow this link! This is a great chance for all of us to address our critiques and personally discuss the existing problems that lead to this thread.

We are looking forward to meeting as much of you as possible on October 5th 2008 in Paris!

If you should have any requests please send me a PM or just write me an eMail to ...
