Does DLRP abandon germany?

Started by Riebi, November 12, 2007, 10:18:54 AM

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Thanks for the link. I only won a wallpaper  :(
I guess I have to go to C&A too now and look at it.
I think its a good advert for Disneyland, as many families go to C&A!


C&A did also some advertising for DLRP in Austria, but it disappeared during the last week. It was the first time that I have seen such advertising for DLRP in Austria.


I don't know since when it is done, but Disneyland has finally updated it's hompage and it looks pretty good  =D>  =D>  =D>
New navigation for booking a trip, new apperance. I love it  :D/


Quote from: "Reiana"I don't know since when it is done, but Disneyland has finally updated it's hompage and it looks pretty good  =D>  =D>  =D>
New navigation for booking a trip, new apperance. I love it  :D/

The updated version of the German website has been up and running since Christmas / January...


Quote from: "dagobert"but it disappeared during the last week.

That seems to be again a main problem. The advers disappeared again. Maybe they took this strange no angels grand prix song for real!
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I just got the new Summer-Advert. Its in German - and means:
"This summers Party! - Lets start!"

As far as I know, its the first time, Disney promotes the summer season like this. With Party, Fun, Sun and summer. The last years, the adverts were more concentrated on families and children.
I don´t know, how it was like in the other countrys.
My opinion: Looks great!!! AND: They promote the long opening times of Disneyland Park.
Great Idea!!!!
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



hey folks,

i read an article on Fokus - online about DLRP.

The big question of this article is, why don´t come germans to DLRP, Last year the company had 14,5 million guest and 3% of them where germans thats not more than 500 000 guests.
now the madia management think about what to do, to attrac the park to more guests from germany.

here is the link to the side, its in german!!! //

many of the germans say, that disney is too loud, to expansive, not interresting enough, they don´t go becaus of the french people, the information on the web sides are not enough, the brochure is not information enough like the older ones and so on....


Thanks for the link. I wouldn't have thought that only 3% are german guests. The people I know also don't go to Disneylnd for many reasons. Some people don't like theme parks at all, other doesn't like Disney, other think it's too far away. I think many people just can't imagine what Disneyland is like. Furthermore I think Disney should advertise more. For example: Tower of Terror. If you ask lets say 100 people about it,I don't think that there would be 2 people who knew it. If Ididn't inform me in the internet I also wouldn't know. Why didn't they take the chance and did more promotion for the Tower of Terror?


Thanks for posting that! Very interessting article.

It´s nice that they won´t forget germany  :wink:  But I must say: I´m hearing again NOTHING about DLRP. No Tower of Terror, no party continues, no fun. After the short adverts they give us earlier in the year the sleep again. Like under a spell of malificiant. It´s nice to read it black on white that they enmesh the spanish people. I also get this impression the last times I went to the resort. (Maybe also cause the marketing director is from spain???)
I must say all their strategie wasn´t very well at germany over the last five years. They reduced so much and the´ve give the germans more and more the feeling that they aren´t much welcome like other nations. Some examples:

They have canceled their press contact things. I remember one of the "disney fanatics" under the journalists where I work was saying to me, that they aren´t as friendly and courteous over the last year as they was in the nineties. You don´t get anymore some invitations to the press events and if you try to get some better informations and press kids you can have a problem. That brings most of the journalists away from DLRP. They could also report about the dozens german theme parks. They don´t need DLRP to get their pages full. And so most of the journalist digressed over the last years from DLRP and only the critical ones stays (cause they are intersted in bad figures at DLRP)

The languages barrier at the resort is bigger for germans then some years before . It´s nice to see that you can now also read in spanish what you get at your breakfast. But why they cancel german in some discriptions. You can´t expect that everyone knows french or english. That was a hard thing to learn after my last visit with my mother. She don´t know to speak english, french or spanish. So she has to ask me about everything at the breakfast. That wasn´t a nice show since she had always in mind how easy it was at DLRP to get his things without knowing english. And I must say it was a bit of a disappointment. And of course like DLRP would say: No thanks, we are not longer interested in germans.

They don´t make a real good and long advertising. I know something about the TOT and the birthday because I´m very intersted in Disney and - of course - I´m on this forum here. But most people never heard something about this. Why? Cause it doesn´t exist a proper advertising. We saw a short advertising phase with Germany´s next top modell (Part II) Barbara Meier. But there wasn´t much to see about the 15. party and there was NOTHING to see about the Tower of Terror. In fact they build a huge E-Ticket without telling something about that to the germans. In the same time Europa Park, Phantasia Land, Heide Park Soltau and even TripsDrill advert their new and shiny attractions. So why should a german go to DLRP if he doesn´t know something about it and doesn´t get any proper information.

That are only three points on a longer list. But he! Wake up their at DLRP. It now will be a hard and long way to get again the attention of the germans BACK (they had it in the nineties)
Why has they sleep so long and why has they had such a unlucky behave with the german press and the german guests. It´s time to change this and go again on the old disney way. It seems for me that they havent a very prospective public relations and marketing plan the last years. They burned their bridges, seems to be miles away from europe for germans and now they are wondering why the germans don´t come in. You could say "your fault DLRP, no sympathy". but it´s to sad for this :cry:

Hope they will do now SOMETHING to get germans in.
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Speaking of language barriers above I´ve try to translate the article for the english people.  :mrgreen:
Hope you can read it and get clear about the written  [-o<  :mrgreen:


Soltau prefered instead of Paris. (Soltau is home of a big theme park in germany (Heide Park Soltau)[/b]

More then 14 million people visit Disneyland Paris in one year. But the operating company riddle why so less germans are coming.
By Focus-editor Frank Fleschner

It´s not easy to find a reasonably calm place at europes biggest amusement park. Beside all the attraction, the constructers of Disneyland Resort Paris construct a network of loudspeaker at the area. They tootle the whole day long the adequate music to every disney backdrop. The music is as loud as you can hear your own words barely and the babel of the other medial  40.000 visitors everyday doesn´t matter.

Only who hears accurate could identificate the different languages: French, English, Spanish and – yes, from time to time – german. 14,5 millions visitors count DLRP in 2007. But only 3 % of them are coming from germany to meet Micky, Peter Pan and Pinocchio – that are circa 500.000 people. although cologne (Köln!) is just 380 km away and stuttgart just 470 km. It´s not surprising that 44 % of the visitors are from france. It´s also not surprising that 16 % are british and that they build the second big group of visitors. They could reach DLRP in  just 2,5 hours by train away from London. But the germans are the biggest disappointment for the operating company – and the biggest riddle.

They court the spanish

Could it be because many own german amusement parks like Europa Park at Rust (3.6 million visitors) or HeidePark Soltau (1.4 million visitors) keep their visitors away from DLRP? Or are the german parents to critical of the American consume and fantasy-world of Disney? "The speech/adress in the past was also a  weak point in the past" thinks the disney marketing manager Kristina Szolar. Lastly the concern cancelled the marketing budged for germany. Now the Disney-specialists ponder about a new strategie. In a first step, the german internet-site should get a relaunch and should then explain detailed  what the visitor could expect at the park. "German customers need much information ex ante" describe Szolar her experiences. The Spanish would first book the journey to paris and would then look locally what to do.

Generally, so people from the disney environment, the park managers currently  enmesh the spanish. Hotelallocation would rather give to the Spanish travel agencies instead to the germans. Spanish guests were lastly the third heavy citizenship of visitors. despite the long travel they had a part of 11 %. And they are such favored guests cause they spend more money during the trip as the germans.
But at year 17 the operating company must boost the visitor-figures to reduce the netto-loss of lastly 42 million euro. And so marketing women Szolar assure ,,Germany won´t get forgotten"
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i have to totaly argee with Riebi, it´s the parks own fault, no tv spots, no radio spots, not enough information on the internet, no advertising of the new big attraktion and so on...

the most in germany dosen´t known about a second park or the big thrilling attractions that disney have. the germans dosen´t feel welcome. the language there is the next problem, many germans have problems with french and english so the point is we go to a german park like Europapark and see what dey stole or copied from disney...  
the next thing is, why the german have to go there, when WDW is cheeper and bigger, and u feel welcome there.

i think Paris have to change the whole thing complete, where ist the war welcome home? where are the ever smiling and friendly cast members? Where is the little gift for your first visit? I think they have to do a lot in the next vew years to make it nicer vor everyone in europe and not only for the french, english and spanisch people....


But somehow I can't understand why many germans prefer to go to America. I mean it is more expensive, isn't it??? You have to pay for a flight and it also needs much more time than going to Paris. You can make a two day trip to Paris but a two day trip to America?

I don't know about the language either, I have never been to America but are they talking German there? Furthermore I think in Paris many castmembers can speak German, especially in the hotels. And many Germans travel to Spain,Italy etc. where they also do not speak german. So I can't imagine that many people to not go there because of the language.

As I said I think it is because Dsiney doesn't advertise here enough...Especially with ToT...Look what they did in England...


QuoteBut somehow I can't understand why many germans prefer to go to America. I mean it is more expensive, isn't it??? You have to pay for a flight and it also needs much more time than going to Paris. You can make a two day trip to Paris but a two day trip to America?

Sure is america more expansive because of the flight, but there u don´t see or visit just WDW there u have Sea World, Universal Studios and so on.... for sure u kan make just a 2 or 3 day trip to paris but for this short time the most german says its to expansive... i don´t understand it either, for me the prices are okay...

QuoteI don't know about the language either, I have never been to America but are they talking German there? Furthermore I think in Paris many castmembers can speak German, especially in the hotels. And many Germans travel to Spain,Italy etc. where they also do not speak german. So I can't imagine that many people to not go there because of the language.

okay so this is nothing i said it stands on messeges under the article. many of them says they don´t go because of the language.... sure in america they speak just English and a view cast members speak german. *lol* thats right germans make a lot of vacations and in countrys they don´t speak any word in german, but u have to understand other countrys are not DLRP... And what i think is for the most germans it is amust have to speak german there!!

yes it is because disney don´t make not enough advertising, but thats not all!! the next thing is the germans are upset cause disney is not in germany  :lol:


Quote from: "lil-shawn"
QuoteI don't know about the language either, I have never been to America but are they talking German there? Furthermore I think in Paris many castmembers can speak German, especially in the hotels. And many Germans travel to Spain,Italy etc. where they also do not speak german. So I can't imagine that many people to not go there because of the language.

okay so this is nothing i said it stands on messeges under the article. many of them says they don´t go because of the language.... sure in america they speak just English and a view cast members speak german. *lol* thats right germans make a lot of vacations and in countrys they don´t speak any word in german, but u have to understand other countrys are not DLRP... And what i think is for the most germans it is amust have to speak german there!!

yes it is because disney don´t make not enough advertising, but thats not all!! the next thing is the germans are upset cause disney is not in germany  :lol:

I know, I also read the comments  :wink:
Are Germans really THAT complicated??


I also don´t think that the language problem is the the main problem. But it´s one of the problems. At its more that they´ve cut german a bit the last years. I must be possible to get the german language back on a sign which only means "breakfast" :mrgreen: That isn´t really a costly thing. just service.

The main problem for me is that they´ve forget germany a bit the last years. no adverts no visitors. In the same way they cut back their german advert budget they´ve cut their own meat. DLRP was on the way to be a establish theme park for the germans. Then they take all their attention back from germany and DLRP is now a bit forgotten. Also cause the german parks has done soooo much in the last years. They have a new attraction every year ... and they promote this facts right to their german visitors.
I think it will be now even harder to etablish DLRP again at the german minds.

Why they are going to USA? Cause they have Disneyland and WDW in mind when they plan their holyday trips to the states. It´s etablished to go to Disneyland on your trip to LA and it´s a normal thing to go to WDW on your florida trip. Without this big advertising and attention break over the last years DLRP could be etablished in the same way in this years.

So I must ask myself: What is the riddle??? Higher quality every year in german parks with big advertising and no one sign from´s clear what the germans choose. Maybe the germans are angry with DLRP after DLRP dropped them like a hot potato.

For me it´s a bit like a little girl that gives a big wonderful and amazing birthday party. She invited the beaumarais from france and the perrys from uk and also the josés from spain. And then she´s wondering the whole party where the Schmidts from germany are. Its clear that they wont come. They don´t know it and if they know it they are angry to get no invitation  and go to janet from florida or peggy from california who makes also a good party since years:mrgreen:

the disney specialist should simply take a look in this forum to now what happened :lol:
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