pin trading

Started by madame_leota, September 25, 2007, 02:08:25 PM

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wasnt sure where to post this so thought i would put it in here for now because its only an idea i want to run by everyone

i was wondering if many people on here would be up for a bit of pin trading? Ive got the trading bug after having traded my first pin through pinpics and thought here would be an ideal place to do it too. There seems to be a lot of people who collect pins on here so thought that it might be a good idea.

just a sujestion but what does everyone think?


Topic moved to the pin trading forum, makes more sense here than blue lagoon :wink: .


well I don't really know
There are other ways to do it like
pin pics


My pinpics ID is dlrptrader , feel free to send me any requests. :-)