Dumbo - The Flying Elephant

Started by treble, August 11, 2007, 11:04:21 PM

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thanks minniemouse
i want every single goofy in the whole wide world ha ha ha


Quote from: "Masamune":o I don't think it needs to be a FastPass ride, considering Good Morning Fantasy Land is available. :) We do that everytime we go, and Dumbo is always the 2nd ride we visit after finishing breakfast. :D There's hardly any que at all then.

i have thought about this but my daughter is not a morning person-mid day and you're pushing your luck.  :offtopic: as you sort of brought it up,  is the character breakfast the same type of food as the disney hotels :?:
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


Yep, pretty much. I've eaten Mickey's Cafe, Walts and New York for character breakfast and its pretty much the same food. I'm guessing GMF will have the same.

Its funny how much little ones want to ride those little elephants isnt it? How easy would it to be to put in a fast pass? I'm thinking if it was easy, is there another reason why Disney havent done it?

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Did the character breakfast at the Garden Plaza last year, and as well as having the continental breakfast on, they had the hot stuff too - sausages, bacon, egg, omelettes, beans etc.

Only thing was it was our first breakfast in Disneyland, and it all seemed a mad rush to get everything with people pushing and jostling each other all the time.

We realised afterward that you could have been a lot more relaxed as there was constantly fresh food being brought out, and you weren't cleared out of the breakfast until late, with characters still around for quite a long time.

Never really bothered much with Dumbo, I went on it with my niece last year, but never bothered last March. It's a ride for the kids really, so let them enjoy it.


it's proberbly become the forbidden fruit for us. i am not prepared to wait 2 hours to go on a ride (unless david boreanaz was queuing with me :wink: )so i guess the only answer is to camp out in the castle over night. i hope the dragon doesn't snore  :!:
my daughter loves the flying carpets because she gets to control it and as Dumbo is simular i would imagin that's why kids love it :minnie:
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


I love Dumbo, It's actually quite an impressive view from the little grey dude! it's under rated! and yes it *so* should have a fast pass. lol