Toon Studio placemaking

Started by Anthony, March 14, 2005, 12:06:03 AM

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Yep, when I got the tour the Imagineer told our group that Goofy was crashing through the wall...


On Disney central plaza forum , the have a picture of the OPEN area from toon studio.

SPOILER: ... 861478.jpg

... 2000 guests higher had access to the Land!  And there people on Central plaza who've been 3 times in Chrush's Coaster



Finally! Hopefully we'll see some more photos soon!  :D


Oh my god, so exciting!!

The Cast Member uniforms rock!!  It looks like their shirts are decorated with pencil sketches of Disney characters, with the attraction logos on the jacket.


Wow, I am impressed! Although I don't want to be picky but they have used the same bins as the rest of the parks! I was hoping for different bins for different areas in the park like in the DLPark. It would have added uniqueness(if that is a word) to different areas in the park.


I heard Toon Studio will get its own unique bins, so hopefully they're just not ready yet.  If they can put those fancy emblems on all the Fantasyland bins they'll hopefully repaint some for Toon Studio...

Maybe when WALL-E is released they can retheme them again? :wink:


I can't believe I have followed this being constructed from start to finish! Wow! There's just one thing left: The opening of Crush's Coaster and Cars Race Rally!


The Land will probably open tommorow, with attraction closed in order to access Studio Tram Tour.


The logo for the Toon Studio "land" has been revealed on signs on the construction walls!  :D   Looks quite nice & toony if you ask me...


Toon Studio logo is fantastic , butt the crush's coaster logo is not as pretty as it was .


Yay, that's great! I like the letters very much, you're right, they're really very toony :)! Nice!!!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Quote from: "Bowie"Toon Studio logo is fantastic , butt the crush's coaster logo is not as pretty as it was .

I feel the same. The toon studio logo is great and the cars logo too. But the crush is a bit small and expressionless.
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Discussions about the crush's coaster logo should go in the crush's coaster topic.


Two posts on a row... :roll:

But major scoop!

Just got a phonecall from moderator Flor who's at DLRP right now... The Toon Studio area is open!  The attraction however are closed for guests, with the exception of the shareholders.  Flor's going to send in photos within an hour.  :D


WOW that sounds great! you make us exciting! :stitch_bounce:
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...the DPG is watching U...