The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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I just can't believe that such a huge and impressive building is really being build at WDS, it looks impressive! This will give WDS that finale boost into maturity. :D
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


I find it really frustrating that DLRP doesn't communicate with the fans about an opening date. Some people say it will not open untill januari 2008, others say it will open in the 2007 Christmas season and other people say it will open on Halloween 2007.
I'm planning my trip around the 10th of december because of price reductions and because of the fact that it is always quite quiet during that period.
My "fear" is that the ToT isn't open and it will open a month, or even worse, a couple of days later. Does anyone know when Disney will communicate about a more exact opening date?



Before you make such a frustrated post, you should read the previous messages.  

Soft opening will be December 22.  DLRP has communicated before that ToT will open early 2008, that's not December 10 or Halloween 2007.  Problem is that a certain French website is spreading false rumours, causing confusing among the fans...


There is no rumor on a franch website that it will open for Halloween. There is only a rumor that for Halloween there will be a special event on the tower probably a Firework in order to advertise about the attraction, some people have understood that the special event for halloween would be an opening, it's false the Tower will open in december for soft and maybe for everybody with the Press Event on early january like for Toon it will open the 9th june and the press event is the 16th of June.


Does anyone know, if they´ll paint the tower again? For Example the backside. It is in full color. Is this the finale colour? Or will it get a second



Quote from: "raptor1982"Before you make such a frustrated post, you should read the previous messages.  

Soft opening will be December 22.  DLRP has communicated before that ToT will open early 2008, that's not December 10 or Halloween 2007.  Problem is that a certain French website is spreading false rumours, causing confusing among the fans...

It's not all that frustrated as you may have noticed. I have more important things to be very frustrated about...
You state in your post that a soft opening will take place on the 22nd of December. That is what you state and it is not officially supported by Disney and that is the thing I'm "frustrated" about because everyone is shouting different dates.
The only point I wanted to make is that it would be nice if Disney gave us a more exact date just as we know that Toon Studios will open the 9th of June. That's all  :lol:



Quote from: "DisneyMike"
Quote from: "raptor1982"Before you make such a frustrated post, you should read the previous messages.  

Soft opening will be December 22.  DLRP has communicated before that ToT will open early 2008, that's not December 10 or Halloween 2007.  Problem is that a certain French website is spreading false rumours, causing confusing among the fans...

It's not all that frustrated as you may have noticed. I have more important things to be very frustrated about...
You state in your post that a soft opening will take place on the 22nd of December. That is what you state and it is not officially supported by Disney and that is the thing I'm "frustrated" about because everyone is shouting different dates.
The only point I wanted to make is that it would be nice if Disney gave us a more exact date just as we know that Toon Studios will open the 9th of June. That's all  :lol:


Well the Toon Studios is going to be open this friday, the tower isnt planned until next year. They wont give an official date yet. And like raptor said they have given a date of the opening early 2008. And is guessing that the soft openings will be in late december.


QuoteThat is what you state and it is not officially supported by Disney and that is the thing

Here we go again...  I'll make it even more specific:

December 22, 2007 has been communicated as soft opening to CRO and is listed on internal schedules.  I have seen those personally.............

Soft opening are NEVER communicated to guests, because they can shift or change.  

January 2008 has been communicated since the 15th Anniversary launch.  

The official opening date for Toon Studio was announced 2 months or even less up front.  ToT is still a long way ahead....


I'm just a 23 year old bloke from the netherlands who just wanted to know more about the opening date of the ToT.
If you told me in the first post that it was communicated by the CRO than I would have understand that so you weren't that specific, with all do respect.
The fact there is an soft opening was not known by me. The fact that an soft opening isn't communicated to the public was also not known to me. Just like I said I'm just a bloke who isn't a specialist on this subject.

Can somebody tell me what a soft opening exactly is? Is this a testing period of some kind?



Quote from: "DisneyMike"I'm just a 23 year old bloke from the netherlands who just wanted to know more about the opening date of the ToT.
If you told me in the first post that it was communicated by the CRO than I would have understand that so you weren't that specific, with all do respect.
The fact there is an soft opening was not known by me. The fact that an soft opening isn't communicated to the public was also not known to me. Just like I said I'm just a bloke who isn't a specialist on this subject.
What I really have learned is that a forum is not my cup of tea. So all the best to you!


Hey, I do agree with you in a way. I'm sure you didn't want to read through all 31 pages to find an answer :lol:

Anyway, at least you got your answer from Raptor :)


Quote from: "DynastyGo"There is no rumor on a franch website that it will open for Halloween. There is only a rumor that for Halloween there will be a special event on the tower probably a Firework in order to advertise about the attraction, some people have understood that the special event for halloween would be an opening, it's false the Tower will open in december for soft and maybe for everybody with the Press Event on early january like for Toon it will open the 9th june and the press event is the 16th of June.

I'm talking about the rumours from a couple of months ago, but lets ignore that.  I haven't heard anything about the Halloween preview yet, but I do know there will be a preview during the Toon Studio Press Event.

And regarding the official press event, there will be two: in January for the neighbour countries and another one in March for the launch of the new year, ToT and Stitch for all the other countries.

And finally to Mike, I understand you're a newbie, but it's not too hard to go back and read the other posts, even if it takes some time.  At least you'll then know what we're talking about, after all it's a discussion board.

And you guessed it right, a soft opening are test runs with regular park guests (no AP's or shareholders).  The attraction can be closed at any time during those days.  Hope this is more your cup of tea...  :wink:


Thank you  :lol:
I'll try to fit in more  :P

Greetz Mike


The date of the 22 december is not only an internal date it has been communicated on a letter for some Annual Patsspor when they asked a paper to know their advantages.


as long as its open for February or so i will be fine

QuoteDoes anyone know, if they´ll paint the tower again? For Example the backside. It is in full color. Is this the finale colour? Or will it get a second

Disney do not miss out ANY detail you can see it from the back so im guessing it will be the same
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


I took these photos on Tuesday afternoon.  Having been on the one in Florida several times I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to ride the one in DLRP  :D

Disney trips
1988 - WDW Florida
1994 - WDW Florida
1996 - WDW Florida
1998 - WDW Florida
2000 - DLRP Caravan
2001 - DLRP Hotel cheyenne
2007 - DLRP Explorers hotel
2008 - DLRP Kyriad hotel
2010 - DLRP xmas trip, sequoia lodge
2011 - DLRP hotel cheyenne
2012 - Halloween here we come