Booking Ahead - Applying AP Discount On Room Later

Started by missbounce, November 15, 2017, 05:50:41 PM

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Hi All

I'm planning on visiting DLRP with two friends next October, but the date we have in mind is three weeks after my current AP runs out.  I will be renewing it in September, but don't want to wait until then before booking our room in case there is no availability left.  Does anybody know if Disney will let me book up the room in advance as a 'normal guest', pay just the deposit and then when my AP is renewed and valid for the time we are visiting, adjust the booking so that I can take advantage of my discount?

I've sent three emails to Disney asking this question, but they haven't responded to any of them.

Thanks for your help!

[size=150]Little Miss Bounce[/size]