Check in when travelling w/Disney Express Service?

Started by efh2015, August 11, 2017, 03:49:29 PM

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I understand that our luggage will be taken straight to the hotel from the Eurostar, but do we get our park tickets at check-in in London? What about meal vouchers-do we have to go back to our hotel (SL) to check in to get them all, which seems a bit of a faff as we'd hoped to be able to just go straight into the park and stay there all evening?! And finally what time does the SL check-in close?
Thank you!


You'll get the park tickets and meal vouchers on the train. A Disney member of staff will bring them to you, or if they run out of time they'll put an announcement out for you to go to see them in a certain coach.

Not sure on SL check in times, but we've always done the full day in park and eaten in the village before checking in at night and never had a problem.


We are travelling on the in direct Eurostar. Do we pick all our tickets and meal vouchers up from the Disney express check in desk when we put our cases in.

2014 June - Sequoia Lodge


All your tickets and vouchers will be in an envelope which will be given to you on the train if you get on in London. If you get on at Ashford there's a Disney Express desk in the Eurostar waiting area where you'll pick everything up.

My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne