Toy story parachute drop ride in WDS

Started by amywayne2701, March 28, 2017, 01:06:02 PM

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Hi everyone we got to disney in May it will be our 5th time however I have never been on the toy story soldier parachute drop ride. Is it a really fast ride ? Like do you go up slowly and then does it drop straight down really fast ? I was hoping to take my 5 year old daughter on but she will hate it if it is a sudden fast drop.


It's a slow ride and my 4yo loves it! It's a very gentle up and down but enough to make it lots of fun.


We went last July and my 3 and 4 year old loved it! They even didn't mind queuing.

It's very gentle and smooth both up and down but with a little scare factor to make it interesting.


Brilliant thanks will deffo give it a go. Would it be OK for a 2 year old ? Or would he be too small ?


Guests must be min. 81 cm for this attraction.

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


yep, pretty gentle as others have said.  VERY slow moving queue though, so if you're getting to Hollywood Studios for park opening then considering heading there first otherwise you're guaranteed a 45 min+ wait for what is a pretty short ride.


It gives you that nice tummy jump feeling but not in an extreme guts out of your mouth tower of terror kind of way haha. It's nice too for the views especially if you're facing the rest of the park, amazing :)

November 2015 -- Santa Fe
May 2016 - Santa Fe
November 2016 - Cheyenne
July 2017 - B&B Hotel