Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril refurb

Started by Filip, May 12, 2007, 12:16:03 PM

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Why is going to be Indiana Jones closed to refurbish for such a long time? For 6 weeks! Maybe we are going to finally get the long plan additions, such as the fire effects!


They're going to have it backwards again!

... No just kidding...  It's probably an extensive rehab, repainting, replacement of wood, etc.


:shock: I hope they don't have it backwards again!

1997 - Santa Fe
2006 - Cheyenne
2009 - New York


I'd wish they're going to have it backwards again ;) I loved it coz it was so much different from other coasters...
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


When is it being refurbished?


Greetings from in-side the magic...

This ride will not be going backward again as due to high insurance many guests have been hert from this ride ( back @ neck )

so it will stay like it is there just referbing the attraction...
Living The Dream Making The Magic


Im glad that it's not going to be going backwards again!  :D  I just hope they do something really fantastic with the themeing and maybe add some cool effects like fire to the ride.  :ears:

1997 - Santa Fe
2006 - Cheyenne
2009 - New York


Its a pity that its just a normal rehab. I really would have liked to see some effects like at Raging Spirits for our Indiana Jones coaster. As far as I can judge from pics of Raging Spirits, I still like our temple better, although the effects of Raging Spirits look awesome. By the way, its just wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be great to have onboard-audio at Indiana Jones some day?  8)  


Quote from: "Maarten"By the way, its just wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be great to have onboard-audio at Indiana Jones some day?  8)
If there were some brilliant new effects added to the ride then it would be, but at the moment I feel the powerful roar of the rollercoaster works best. Williams' heroic fanfare would somehow seem out of place and over the top while you're whizzing through what's essentially a bare construction site with nothing to see, with the emphasis on sheer thrill rather than anything visual.

EDIT- Actually, now that I think about it, maybe onride music would improve the ride experience and make it more exciting- we all know Space Mountain isn't half the ride it is without any soundtrack (Bramson or Giacchino)


Indiana Jones and Raging Spirits look very similar. Do they have the same rollercoaster model, only decorated in different ways?


A soundtrack would be great, but isn't really necessary for a great coaster.  Big Thunder Mountain is great without any music!

I'd love to see some of the animal animatronics that were originally planned for the ride.  

But lets discuss this in the Imagineering board and keep this topic for the actual refurb.  :D

I've opened a new topic here.


Quote from: "dagobert"Indiana Jones and Raging Spirits look very similar. Do they have the same rollercoaster model, only decorated in different ways?

Correct. Its exactly the same, although I remember reading somewhere that Raging Spirits is a mirrored version of our Indiana Jones. On the other hand, the coaster model Disney used for these coasters is just ordinairy and can/could be found at several fun fairs (at least in the past). There is/was one unthemed version of this coaster somewhere in Denmark if I remember correctly. Look what theming can do, and history is repeating itself with Crush's Coaster now. By theming it the Disney way, you can create a simple funfair coaster into a unique experience without anyone noticing. :wink:


When's the refurbishment???????? :shock:


According to the official DLRP website will the attraction be closed from 21th May to 1th June.

On Monday a worker was repairing some loose stones next to the queue line.  (near the loop).

Edit: where did that 6 weeks figure come from?  :?


I think there were two refurbishment blocks booked down on the DLRP website, which would probably amount to 6 weeks in total.