Is that Disney still Magical?

Started by jimmylkm, August 23, 2016, 02:04:03 AM

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Hi Disney fan,

I found you on the Disney fans Facebook page, and I think you are a Disney fan.

I need your help! My name is Jimmy and I am a master student in UK. I am a big fan of Disney as well, I am very interest in the Brand extension of Disney in the past 10 years, is that success or not? Therefore, my master dissertation topic is " Is Disney still Magical?" . This is a very interesting topic for every Disney fans. Is that a good brand extension for Walt Disney? Is that still Magical?

Please I need Disney fans to help me to finish this interest project, I need to know what you guys think about this. Take 5mins to finish this survey of Disney Brand Extension and Customer-base Brand Equity.

Click this link to the Magical survey

It is not spam. Thank you very much!!



I completed the survey, I hope the results are useful to you.

I hope you don't take this personally, but for a masters thesis, your survey is lacking a few things.

Firstly, the English is pretty broken. A sentence like "If the Disney movie is all full in cinema, will you change your mind to see the Marvel movie ?" should never appear in any degree level English language material. It is ambiguous and gramatically incorrect. Also "Thanks a again" is very jarring to see. I appreciate that English is probably not your first language and I commend you in your hard work, I truly admire anyone who learns multiple languages and studies in them, but I would certainly have asked someone to proof read my work before sending it out widely. Also as a tip, you should refer to is as a "Masters" not "Master" education.

More importantly from the standpoint of your questionnaire, you are missing basic information. I assume that the overall direction of the questionnarie is to find if brand loyalty and recognition of the main Disney brand has been boosted or damaged by the recent acquisition of Lucasarts and Marvel - though you stated the more vague "Brand extension over 10 years". Asking people specifically about only those 2 brands and if the company is still "magical" misses out a whole tonne of relevant information.

For example, Disney also recently acquired the Muppets and many other Jim Henson brands. Disney also recently fully acquired Pixar. Both of these were major boosts to Disney's brand, back catalogue, IPs and general marketing clout.

Disney itself is split into many sub-sections such as Disney Animation, Disney Parks, Disney Channel, Disney Interactive, Disney Store, Disney Consumer Products, Disney Cruise Lines, Disney Publishing Worldwide etc. (there are many, many more - often subsections of the previously mentioned - for example Euro Disney S.C.A.)

It also owns or part owns many other major media brands including Hollywood Records, Buena Vista, Touchstone, ABC, ESPN, A&E, The History Channel, Lifetime, Hulu, 21st Century Fox (part owned, NOT 20th Century Fox), Comcast (part owned as part of NBCUniversal Television Group), Vice (part owned) etc. These are all major recognisable brands known by most people. Do they increase value for Disney? Do people associate them with the brand or know that they are owned by Disney?

It would also be relevant to consider major brands that Disney used to own, but has lost or sold in the last 10 years. For example Miramax, MGM (Metro Goldwyn Meyer), DiC Entertainment, Power Rangers, Digimon etc. Did losing the rights to these major brands affect them negatively in any way?

This is just all off the top of my head. With a few hours research you could come up with a far more relevant and inciteful set of questions to fit your stated topic of the success or failure of "the Brand extension of Disney in the past 10 years".

I hope this was helpful and you do not take it as unfair criticism. Good luck with your degree.


Hi Samuel,

Thank you very much to took your time to finish it and I'm very appreciate for your opinion. It is very important advice for this project.

Frist of all, I corrected that few misstake you point out. Also I am doing some resreach about all extension in Disney.
My topic is against Disney own Marvel and Star Wars, based on these 3 brand are totally different brand image and position. Will Disney loss the Customer-base brand equity; like the customer feeling, brand image  and the customer loyatly.

P.S. The Iron man experience rides located next of Stitch and Buzz Lightyear rides, it is very strange and it inspire me to do this topic.

Thanks again and I will try my best to finish it,



No problem, glad to have helped.

As I said, its worth baring in mind that Disney owning Marvel and Star Wars is not a new venture into non-"Classic Disney" properties - as I pointed out, for many years they have owned a wide variety of properties - for example ESPN (sports), Miramax (horror & gangster films), Power Rangers, Digimon, etc.

If you mean specifically in Disney Theme Parks, Disney have had Star Wars in the parks since 1986, Indiana Jones since 1989, and Muppets since 1991. Of course, many rides and attractions at Disney parks around the world were not based on existing Disney properties, so people are used to Disney Parks having rides and shows not based on classic cartoons.

Also, if you are concentrating on theme parks, its also worth pointing out that though Disney own a LOT of Marvel, they do not completely own it - for example, they are not allowed to EVER use Marvel characters in attractions in Walt Disney World, or any American park east of the Mississippi - Universal own exclusive rights to Marvel in Theme Parks there in perpetuity (meaning forever, unless they decide to sell them).

Disney own SOME limited rights to use a FEW Marvel characters in Disneyland Anaheim, Paris, Tokyo, HK & Shanghai, but not all characters by any means. They will also be very hesitant about promoting many of the most recognisable Marvel characters like Spiderman, the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer and Deadpool as they do not own the rights to make movies based on them! (The movie rights are owned by Fox, Sony & Paramount and promoting them heavily in the parks would be free advertising for rival companies' films).

This means its highly misleading to assume that just because Disney bought Marvel publishing, Marvel characters in general will become common in Disney themeparks. That's not true at all, and its a pretty complicated, and ever evolving subject.

(out of interest, this is why Marvel have started making movies about minor Marvel properties that most people hadn't heard of, like Ant Man and Guardians of the Galaxy. They aren't making Spiderman and X-Men movies not because they don't want to, but because they aren't allowed to! What a mess...)


Completed the survey. Always happy to help a fellow university student. I study at the University of York.


University of Bedfordshire, Done  :D
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I completed your survey. I'm a student myself and I know how hard it is to get respondents....

Good luck on your research!