
Started by Henriette, August 11, 2016, 09:00:42 AM

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Hi. I have a question about Ratatouille. Some of you writes that you can get motion sickness from the ride.
My question is if it is as "bad" as Crush's Coaster, with spinning and the speed? I have been looking at films on You Tube, but still not any wiser. We are going in October and 3 out of 4 suffers from motion sickness. 😊


No, nowhere near!

Crush's coaster is a very fast roller coaster which spins freely.

Ratatouile is a dark ride where you are in cars which smoothly roll and spin over a flat floor. There are 3D effects that make it feel as though you are tilting etc, but you aren't. They move comparitively quickly, but nowhere near the speed of a rollercoaster. Its like a more elaborate version of Peter Pan/Pinochio/Snow White but with updated technology and 3D effects.

The motion sickness people may have experienced is liekly to be caused by the 3d glasses and effects - some people are worse affected than others. If you are ok with 3d movies, you'd be fine with Ratatouille.  :D


i hope this helps ..... i don't normally do rides as i get panic attacks if the ride goes to fast or spins.
i went on ratatouille twice. to be fair the second time was better as i knew what to expect and I didnt wear the 3d glasses. i wouldnt even dream of going on crushers! the ride is great, its not fast but it does spin a little but not to wild. if you take the glasses off then the motion sickness isnt as bad and there are only two bits in it where it could get dicey.
I went on the carpet ride and felt sick with that one as it goes round and up and down at the same time but ratatouille was good but i did have to hold my daughters hand! lol


Thank you, both of you😊  It helps a lot the way you describe it😊  If it is like the carpet or a bit worse, we Can all handle it. The 3D is not a problem, only speed and spinning. Thank You again, also for writing so quickly back😊😊


Went on Ratatouille fortnight ago for the first time & had a very slight reaction but it was only slight I just closed my eyes quickly & reopened them & it was gone. I will be going on it again the next time we go. There is no way you would get me on crush because of the spinning, I've never been on tea cups because of the spinning. I couldnt do star tours as I got older because of motion sickness. Ratatouille no problem  :)


Zee79, the ones you say that you can't go on, is the exact same ones i can't. Thank you for your answer, i think it will be allright for us to go on the ride now😊😊


There is a quick part you just need to focus. I really enjoyed it as I said. My youngest also doesn't like spinning & she loved it ( doesn't bother the eldest or hubby). You can only try things once, if bothered you could always try take a travel sickness tablet before. I used to for aerosmith but can't now because it would mean stopping another tablet again during the holiday & I don't like doing it too often. I get vertigo & sometimes take travel sickness tablets for it.


Thanks again for your answer😊  If i have to take a pill so i won't be sick, Them it is already too fast for me😂  I Think it will be ok. I can allways ask my daughter to try it first. She loves all the fast ones and at the same time she will know if i can handle it😂😄.


That what I have done for Crush. I asked hubby & he said it's only sound slightly ( he either exaggerates or under estimates it) so I asked my eldest for honest opinion & she said not to go on it so I haven't.


Crush...😱Some years ago, when it was new. i did it ones by mistake.. My youngest boy was about 4 or so and there was only a limit saying  from 3 up. He was so sick and i hos head went from side to side. He had to take a nab afterwards and i told the CM that it was dangerous for kids so small. Next time we went maybe 3 years later limits were much stricter. I guess i was'nt the only one who had told them it was unsafe for small children. Now i pass it by in a very big courve..😂