Always check the prices for all types of room!

Started by disneymagic006, April 29, 2016, 11:36:05 AM

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Don't know if it's just a fluke or if it's something that happens a lot. Just been pricing up Sequoia Lodge for next year and a golden forest lakeside room kept coming out £980 cheaper than a standard golden forest room. I couldn't believe it - huge difference and the lakeside will have the better views!

Haven't booked as think better offer will be on than 20% off and half board and our trip is ages away yet but just wanted to share in case this helps anyone out.

Moral of the story check all possible room types and prices before committing x
1992 - Newport Bay
1994 - Newport Bay
1997 - Sequoia Lodge
1999 - Davy Crockett
2002 - Santa Fe
2005 - Davy Crockett
2008 - Santa Fe
2010 - Sequoia Lodge (January)
2010 - Newport Bay (August)
2015 - Cheyenne
2017 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest stay booked for 5 nights July 2017. Excited for the 25th Anniversary!