Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Hey everyone! long time no speak!

Well done to all those who got through and are on the waiting list and good luck to those currently at the auditions today :)

Its been 3 months since my last contract ended with Disney and I'm hoping to go back very soon :) I miss it so much!!!!

I hope a lot of you get a call as well :)



Heyy guyss, i went yesterday. I didn't get through unfortunately. Very very very gutted :'(

Oh well, there's always next year.


Awww babes :( there having more in July... so a little birdy told me!!! :) Dont worry you will get there!!!




Hi all,

I went along today and didn't make it all the way. I'm actually not as gutted as I thought I would be...I'm incredibly happy that I went, and gave it my best shot but obviously I wasn't what they were looking for this time. I'm not sure that I'll try again to be honest...not because I've been rejected once but the part I really want I need to be a good dancer for and my dancing isn't up to scratch. If I were ten years younger it would be a different matter and I'd be taking acting and dancing lessons to improve and going to every Disney audition possible...I think at 29 it's best left to those who are younger and able to give it the time and dedecation it deserves. I'll carry on being a massive Disney fan (intact I'm going in 29 days for 7 nights) I'll just enjoy the parks from a guest point of view instead.

Good luck to everyone on the waiting list...I'll be popping by to see if you get that magical call :)



I am forever checking this forum for some good news!!! Haha. But i was wondering, do you think that even if your on the waiting list for One park, that you could audition for another? I got on the waiting list for Paris but i would like to inquire about Disneyland HongKong, Cruise line, ect... but I'm not sure!! :/



I can't see why not...they are separate parks, separate casting directors and separate needs and budgets. I very much doubt that they share information between them to be honest



Haha, i hope not that would just be my luck :( Im not a very patient person you see, i like to know what im going to be doing instead of waiting round.. :/ Lol

SophieBelle xx


Hello all,
I'm a long time lurker here, first time poster. I was at a recruitment day a couple of weeks ago in London and was searching about for some answers about stuff and came across this board! I should've known to come here first haha.

Anyway, not sure if people can help me but I'll try! I got an email a week after the recruitment day saying my interview was a success and they were finding me a job. I remembered at the recruitment they'd said to reply to an offer in 48 hours but this was a no reply email address so I assumed it would be the actual job offer I'd apply for. Is this right? I'm panicking now I've done something wrong D: And if anyone else was there and successful did they get a specific job yet? The email said it'd take up to 2 months but I said I'd be available from the end of May and I really need to know now since it's not veeery easy to get from Scotland to Paris without some planning ahead! Haha

Hopefully you lovely chaps and chappettes can help me! I've found your posts so useful in the past! :)



Hey  :D ,
I will be working in Disney this summer, for a 3 month contract. Does anyone know which accommodation I would most likely get? Like specific for summer staff or anything? Or is it totally random?


Quote from: "MerryHappy"Hey  :D ,
I will be working in Disney this summer, for a 3 month contract. Does anyone know which accommodation I would most likely get? Like specific for summer staff or anything? Or is it totally random?

Hey, I'm working there over the summer too.  What date do you start/finish?
What area will you be working in? :)


Hi all!

I'm from Finland, and i'm going to Paris 18.5.
Is here anyone who is going to Paris at that date, and wants company?  I think it would be nicer to travel with someone in Paris... Please, send me a private message.  :thumbs:


Quote from: "miss_loocy"
Quote from: "MerryHappy"Hey  :D ,
I will be working in Disney this summer, for a 3 month contract. Does anyone know which accommodation I would most likely get? Like specific for summer staff or anything? Or is it totally random?

Hey, I'm working there over the summer too.  What date do you start/finish?
What area will you be working in? :)

I start May 31st and finish Aug 31st, working in a boutique. Im so excited :D. Whats your contract? :)


Quote from: "MerryHappy"
Quote from: "miss_loocy"
Quote from: "MerryHappy"Hey  :D ,
I will be working in Disney this summer, for a 3 month contract. Does anyone know which accommodation I would most likely get? Like specific for summer staff or anything? Or is it totally random?

Hey, I'm working there over the summer too.  What date do you start/finish?
What area will you be working in? :)

I start May 31st and finish Aug 31st, working in a boutique. Im so excited :D. Whats your contract? :)

I start 4th July and finish 5th September. Im working in 'restaurantation', so not entirely sure what that entails. I'm really looking forward to it too. You from uk? Getting the eurostar there?


I attended the interview at Hammersmith earlier this month and after a week got what look likes a standard email saying that the interview was a success and they are looking for a job for me.

This is for one of the service jobs, not as a performer.

I showed it to my old man who is rather cynical and says it looks like a "holding" email designed to keep us waiting on the off-chance that there is a job or someone drops out at the last minute.  I told him I would ask if anyone had actually got a job after having such an email and how long it took.

It seems very mean to stop people applying for alternative work if this is really what the email is designed for?  Has anyone spoken to Noellie Boden about this or do you think that being pushy would be bad (this park may be based in France but they are after all, an American company!).

Thanks in advance - trying to concentrate on exams now but this keeps bugging me!!


Quote from: "nickyd"I attended the interview at Hammersmith earlier this month and after a week got what look likes a standard email saying that the interview was a success and they are looking for a job for me.

This is for one of the service jobs, not as a performer.

I showed it to my old man who is rather cynical and says it looks like a "holding" email designed to keep us waiting on the off-chance that there is a job or someone drops out at the last minute.  I told him I would ask if anyone had actually got a job after having such an email and how long it took.

It seems very mean to stop people applying for alternative work if this is really what the email is designed for?  Has anyone spoken to Noellie Boden about this or do you think that being pushy would be bad (this park may be based in France but they are after all, an American company!).

Thanks in advance - trying to concentrate on exams now but this keeps bugging me!!

Hi! I got one of those emails, and got confirmation of a job about a month later! So keep positive :)