Do you have to use Disney express if you've booked it?

Started by Alberto Frog, November 13, 2015, 09:54:59 PM

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Alberto Frog

Hi all

2 sleeps till Disney!  I have just got a quick question if anyone knows the answer.  We booked our Eurostar independently and then added on Disney express to take our stuff to sequioa so we can go straight to the parks.

My question is, having booked it, if we change our mind when we get there and want to go straight to the hotel first can we do this, or hanging booked Disney express do we have to check in at the station?


I would have thought you would need to check in at the station as your all your passes etc will be there.

friday's girl

Not sure if this is unusual, but last couple of times I have added Disney Express to my DLP package and an independent Eurostar booking (admittedly the direct train) and the tickets were given to me on the train.
A couple of years ago we went straight to the Sequoia Lodge even though we had Disney Express, as it was raining very heavily. We booked into our Golden Forest room early, thinking we could at least pop in a get a free drink whilst waiting for room to be ready. Not only was room ready, we were escorted up in the lift to what turned out to be the biggest suite in the hotel!


You don't have to use it. You should get all park tickets and meal vouchers on the train. Last time we left our luggage at the station but had to go straight to the hotel as they had forgotten our meal vouchers. Was nice to get there early as there was no queue and our room was ready.