Started by apples612, November 11, 2015, 07:50:08 PM

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hi all, we're booked a trip in the new year literally for the 2nd of January 2016. I would like to know if January SALES are in Disney Land Paris? I have never done the Christmas period in the January before only doing so this time because there is way too much going on in December to also squish in a holiday to DLP. So I was just wondering if they do a sale on shopping in Disneyland paris over the new year? like us UK's do January sales that start on boxing day...

also has anyone taken a 1 year old before? (will be 12 months and 3 weeks old) can I have a list of rides you took them on please?


polar vixen

I've treatment my kids every year since 2 months old. do rides your little one will bee able to do. ...storybook boats, small world,  Peter pan,  dumbo, buzz lightyear, tea cups, cars in the studios, not sure about rratatouille. all the studio shows although the cars may be a little loud. ...


My godsons loved cars and slinky dog in studios (age 1 and 2) - weren't keen on ratatouille but I think its probably that the special effects were lost on them completely! They are big for their age though so I don't know how CMs would react if they were smaller.

In the park we also did the Carousel, Snow White, Orbitron (2 year old only), Pirates (no CM was there to check height),

Its not necessarily what they can go on, more what they will like. We didn't take both children on all the rides we just left it to them to see what mood they were in. Both loved the Stunt show too. As an FYI Cinemagique is one to do during nap time - far too grown up for them to understand any of it.
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


I took my daughter at 15mths though she wasn't great at sitting up (delayed mobility) so a couple of rides we couldn't do - like Cars.  but she did go on pirates and loved it.  wasn't too keen on the characters up close, except for Smee for some reason in CafĂ© Mickey. 
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