go now or wait till September?

Started by polar vixen, October 24, 2015, 10:59:40 PM

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polar vixen

Thoughts and opinions please: we went to dlp I  September as in 6 weeks ago and stayed at davy crochet ranch.  While nothing went massively wrong it didn't feel magical.  We checked in and we're about to be given our keys when the woman said hold on,  I'm going to arrange a special surprise for you.  Come back in an hour while I get something special put in your cabin.  We go back in an hour to find a huge queue,  wait forty minutes for our keys,  then get to our cabin to find that the special treat was:........ 2 bottles of water and three Colgate coins!  We were woken every morNing at seven by the sounds of diggers and heavy vehicles which were doing work on site.  (Not the best way to wake up on holiday! ) I'm going to throw in here that one of my son's has adhd with autistic tendencies and two of them have fairly profound autism.  One much more than the other who really does not take change week.  As much as I try and prepare him for what things will be like it's impossible to plan to minute detail and be able to control everything.  I hadn't taken into account that the refurbs would mean green fences.  So a good portion of the park and the entrance to the studios looked' different' e get about three days into the holiday and he can't take it anymore.  Everything starts and ends in tears. He's hiding from characters who try and talk to him.  Everything is hard work and a struggle.   Have to say though all the cast members were fantastic!  Then he starts having other problems. .....it took for weeks after he got home to settle . We stick to tge sane holidays each year so they're as predictable as possible for him. And so I can get a break where he's happy ish. .
Now here's my quandary (sorry that took a long time to set up)
A family member died and left us a little money with express instructions that we use it for a break.  Now I'd try and keep it n not spend it as I know it'll just get whittled away. But I'm torn.  I really wanted to see the tangled/Pocahontas show (My two favourite movies) but thanks to other arrangements and my daughter's gcses. There's no way well be able to go next spring.  Which leaves me with. ... going pretty much now,  or early December at least (my son loves the little huts in the village selling chocolate strawberries which seem to only be there Christmas and spring) or try and wait till next september (again worrying about closures though,  that it might just be frozen summer fun again anyway, and that I'll have to   make sure the money doesn't get spent.  So. .. bearing in mind we only went six weeks ago and if we go now we won't be going next year,  what would you do? 


Hi Polar Vixen-I'd go now and have a little xmas magic with the kind legacy of your relative at the front of your mind; with big refurbs next year ongoing it may not be much better and if you prepare your boys for the green fences it may not be so bad this time and erase the negative aspects of the last visit. Whenever you decide I hope you have a lovely time in your kind relative's memory!


Have you thought about waiting til 2017? I know if I left money, I wouldn't want you to rush into having a holiday that you aren't truely excited about (I could be wrong but thats the impression I get).

Having Autism myself I think going for Xmas might be too last minute - I booked with two weeks to go and found it really tricky to mentally prepare myself and get things sorted in time. If your kids are fine with that aspect of change then obviously ignore this.

I would personally avoid September as it's Frozen Summer Fun again, have you thought about going for Halloween 2016? I've just got back and thought it was a million times better than in the Summer!
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.