Breastfeeding at Disneyland Paris

Started by disneymagic006, February 06, 2015, 02:32:39 PM

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Hi, have been looking everywhere for information on this, I am taking my little boy to disneyland paris for a 5 day trip shortly. He is breastfed. I know that we can breastfeed in the children centres but is there any policy for elsewhere in the parks and disney hotels? It's just he still needs this often and what if we're queuing for the rides or at the opposite end of the parks, in a restaurant having a meal etc. Is it okay to feed there?
1992 - Newport Bay
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2017 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest stay booked for 5 nights July 2017. Excited for the 25th Anniversary!


It saddens me a little that this is worrying you so much, you are free to feed your baby anywhere. I will be feeding my little girl when I go in June and will be feeding whenever she needs as long as I can find a comfy place to sit!

Enjoy your trip :)

captain rocket

It is quite sad that someone planning something as natural as breastfeeding feels she has to clarify things in advance and yet anti social smokers feel they have a right to light up wherever and whenever they feel like it! As Disney have a policy concerning smoking and virtually never impose the rules with smokers you could assume that if they have a policy towards breastfeeding that would not be enforced, if you broke their "rules" either.

polar vixen

Due to different ages of my kids I've been breastfeeding on our last for holidays to dlp. I've feed on benches,  in restaurants,  sitting on a rock...... I do my best to be discreet but we've never had a problem,  I've just written a loose fitting top, enjoy your hols with your little one


I don't see how it's sad. I've never heard of any rule. That's why nothing is said, probably; because there's nothing to say. People breastfeed everywhere.
I remember a woman breastfeeding her 5-ish(?) year old kid while ordering in a counter service restaurant. That must have been tiring :)


I have seen a woman breastfeeding her baby while sitting on the curb in Main Street USA and it was absolutely not a problem at all. If people complain about you breastfeeding your child they are being plain rude. There is nothing more natural than breastfeeding. Don't worry about it!!!


Hi everyone, thanks for your messages. I am pleased to hear of your experiences and that we should be fine as and where needed. I looked on the official website prior to posting here and all it said was about feeding at the children's centre so I was worried that someone might say something or ask me to leave or something crazy like that if I need to feed elsewhere. Feel more relaxed about our trip now, hope my little man enjoys disneyland paris as much as I do. Can't wait for our trip. Come on easter!
1992 - Newport Bay
1994 - Newport Bay
1997 - Sequoia Lodge
1999 - Davy Crockett
2002 - Santa Fe
2005 - Davy Crockett
2008 - Santa Fe
2010 - Sequoia Lodge (January)
2010 - Newport Bay (August)
2015 - Cheyenne
2017 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest stay booked for 5 nights July 2017. Excited for the 25th Anniversary!


My wife didn't feed our boy actually in the park, but said she saw a few ladies feeding their children on benches in the park, and some with baby carriers/wraps feeding theirs whilst on the move or in queues (obviously the carrier would need to be the right sort). Also, apparently a lot of breast feeding mothers say the foyer of the DLH is s great place - not too busy, comfy seating and close to the park


I think you'll find the European continent attitude to breastfeeding a whole lot more liberal than here (UK). As Esti says there are no 'rules' so to speak because it's not seen as an issue, a mothers got to do what a mothers got to do, end of!  Speaking as an ex breastfeeding supporter (job wise) and mother who breastfeed two children out and about here and in France, just relax and feed as and when you feel like it where-ever, it won't be a problem, please don't go sitting in any toilet cubicles or suffering leaky boobs waiting! Have a fantastic time  :D
Disneyland Hotel - SEPT 17
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Davy Crockett  - JUN 12
Hotel Cheyenne - FEB 11
Magic Circus - SEPT 10
Newport Bay Club - NOV 2009
Sequioa Lodge - JAN 2009
Davy Crocketts  -  AUG 2008

Queen Elsa

I breastfed my 14 month old in the park! Sometimes on a bench and sometimes in a queue. I had the odd filthy look but I just ignored them! I was doing the most natural thing in the world and thought nothing of it. My baby was hungry and tired and that's what he needed so that's what he got! I'm guessing by now you may already have been on your trip so hope that it was all OK. If not, have a fab time x


Thanks for all the comments and advice, feeling a lot more confident on this matter now. Still awaiting our trip but it's getting closer. 34 days to go. Xx
1992 - Newport Bay
1994 - Newport Bay
1997 - Sequoia Lodge
1999 - Davy Crockett
2002 - Santa Fe
2005 - Davy Crockett
2008 - Santa Fe
2010 - Sequoia Lodge (January)
2010 - Newport Bay (August)
2015 - Cheyenne
2017 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest stay booked for 5 nights July 2017. Excited for the 25th Anniversary!