Euro Disney SCA: Third Quarter 2007 results

Started by Anthony, July 26, 2007, 04:54:01 PM

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Another great set of results from Euro Disney SCA have been published today.

Third Quarter results show a 12% "surge" in sales across the group year-on-year, year-to-date revenues up 11% and impressive attendance increase of 9% for the quarter.

» DLRP Today report

» Full Euro Disney SCA press release (PDF)

Great news, eh? They're surely going to break through the 13 million attendance barrier this year (maybe even close to 14 million?), and hopefully learn once and for all that good marketing and new attractions are what a Disneyland needs.


wow, what an increase right? I was really glad to hear that, all the Promotional material and adverts have surely shown off!
Mr. Holz is doing a great job, you have to admit, the park looks great, and we can enjoy it in its original glory, just like it was in 1992.
Congratulations Disney  :wink:  Thinks are going the right way and the future is looking rather bright ...  :D
Ne cessez jamais de croire ... et, imaginez un peu! Parce que, c\'est là où les rêves deviennent réalité  

and always remember, if you can dream it, you can do it!


But Hopefully they are getting more money then giving money.... Because all the stuff around has to cost enormous amount of money.... eg-advertisement in every metro station


True, they've spent an awful lot of money.  EDSCA will still make a loss this year, but it should be lower than last year's at least. Karl says costs have increased... but surely not by 11%?

They're on the right track now, and increases of average 10% across the board really shows this is a boom for the resort. We just have to hope the boom continues to grow, that it hasn't hit its peak yet... :wink:

Karl Holz and the entire management/operations team guiding the resort deserve congratulations today anyway, they've done an amazing job this year. And his comments are as good as ever, talking about the impact of new attractions and the importance of guest experience:

"Clearly, the new offerings we developed for our 15th anniversary celebration are greatly appreciated by our guests. New attractions, like Crush's Coaster and Cars Race Rally at the Walt Disney Studios® Park, combine creativity and innovation to bring to life immersive experiences that only Disney can create and enrich the appeal of our parks."

Yay Karl! =D>


They should create some TV spots for adults. Many people don't know that there is a "Rock'n'Roller Coaster", a "Space Mountain" or a night entertainment center for adults. At least in Austria most people think that Disneyland is just a castle where black eared mice are hopping around.  :P
Some people don't even know that there are any rides ( independing if they are for children or not ). A bunch of people think that they can do the whole Disney program in 6 hours ( I know a family who had a Paris trip and went to Disneyland by the RER at 12 a.m. and left it at 6 p.m when it closed ). They've just been on Indiana Jones, Star Tours and Captain EO ( 3D movie, today there's "Honey, I shrunk the Audience" ).

I remember a "Space Mountain" TV commercial which could be seen on German Television. Why didn't they do that for Crush as well. I hope the Tower of Terror will get it's own TV spot. The bad thing is: In 1995 the people in Austria and Switzerland were able to view the commercial for Disneyland on German Television, but today there's mostly commercial for each contry on the German Channels so that Disneyland Fans ( and those who could become one :wink: ) in Austria and Switzerland couldn't even  watch the Tower commercial if there is one.
Anyway: The 2 small German speaking countries are not that important, but the big Germany with it's many many Million citizens should get Tower of Terror Spots  :!:


I think you can rest assured that TOT will get its advertising...  Basically, it will be the key marketing material, together with Stitch to keep the great tendance we see today continuing into 2008.

That said, I believe you are entirely right.  In fact, I'm often sick of having to tell people that Disney is so much more than mickey mouse and just a big carnival for little children.  They often give me very funny looks when I say I'm off to Disney again, while all people (and that's a LOT in a year) that I can convince to join me one day are most of the time very impressed with the adult entertainment that is to be found there...

So I agree with you that yes, Disney can and should advertise for the young, but the do indeed forget a MAJOR potential in the older public that have no children, and hence never go simply because they don't know what Disney is all about...

I'm sure that TOT might change that to some extent though!!!

I do understand Disney however, as children are very simple targets to advertise for, and once you brainwash them enough, they won't stop whining with their parents until they finally give in and make reservation ;)  So I guess it is not as bad a marketing strategy as it could be :)
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