Panicking, please help!

Started by tinbel, February 14, 2015, 10:05:34 PM

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Hi everyone.  We are travelling next sunday, can't wait.  But now that I have started to look on this forum I feel totally unprepared.  We are staying in Sequoia Lodge with half board.  But I now see that you should book restaurants in advance, plan your route around the parks etc.  To be honest I thought we would just make decisions as we went along.  I now feel I need an itinerary.  We have a 3 year old boy.  Can anyone please advise on what shows/rides/restaurants should be our priority.  Also are the restaurants better in the hotel or the parks.  Any advice at all would be really helpful.  Thanks.

Sulley's Arms


Firstly, DON'T PANIC!

On our first trip we felt our way around and discovered things as we went along, which is absolutely ok!

It might help you to read a few forum topics to get some ideas, but the key thing to bear in mind is that you don't want to end up following the advice or preferences of people who are totally different to you. One person's favourite restaurant might be your worst nightmare! I have been asked for advice and tips before and have been eager to make sure I don't just recommend the things that are important to us, since following someone else's advice might lead to a negative experience for you.

If you download a park programme from the website and use that as a basis of where to go when (in terms of when the parades and shows are), then the rest of the time will be spent going on rides, eating, soaking in the atmosphere, etc. and you'll be likely to love it.
Trip Counter
Nov 07 - DCR [4d]
Mar 09 - DCR [3d]
Feb 11 - DCR [4d]
Oct 11 - Kyriad [3d]
Dec 11 - Adagio [3d]
Feb 12 - DCR [6d]
Jun 12 - Crecy Golf [4d]
Aug 12 - Crecy Golf [2d]
Feb 13 - Adagio [4d]
Dec 13 - Crecy Golf [3d]
Feb 14 - DCR [5d]
Mar 15 - Sejours [4d]
Feb 16 - Kyriad [4d]
Dec 16 - Offsite [3d]
Feb 17 - Adagio [4d]
Aug 17 - Offsite [2d]
Dec 17 - Offsite [3d]
Dec 18 - Cheyenne [3d]


Don't panic!
You don't have to do a lot of planning ahead of your visit. Regarding restaurants, you CAN book ahead but don't have to. We booked on arrival when we visited last June, so you can do that or even just turn up and wait for a table. We did make an outline plan, but again, you don't have to do that and you can just make decisions as you go along. I would advise that you get your bearings a bit on the first day you arrive (assuming you'll arrive around lunchtime) and visit Fantasyland on your first morning. There's plenty suitable for 3 year olds there - Dumbo, Mad Hatters Tea Cups, Its a Small World, Casey Jr...


Like Sulley's Arms said, don't panic. ;D

Making restaurant reservations is only needed if you want to make absolutely sure you have a spot at one of the restaurants you really want to visit (I'd always make a reservation at Auberge de Cendrillon for instance), but beyond that, it's not really a requirement, this isn't Disney World, where walk-up dining is tricky at best. ;)
If you're not going in one of the busiest periods, you can generally just walk in and ask for a table, unless you're trying to get a table at a peak time.

As for making an itinerary, you should only do that if you feel you need it.
Just taking the parks as they come works fine too, it's a matter of preference primarily. :)

Have a wonderful visit Tinbel, and please don't worry too much.
This is supposed to be a wonderful vacation, all that stress isn't healthy.

polar vixen

Not sure where I fall in the rplies, but I agree with what everyone else has said - enjoy yourself!  We found that booking tables in advance worked for us so our little ones didn't have to wait.  BUT, you don't have to pay for your reservations, they're a good idea but if you can't make it on time - you're not going to be penalised.  In my opinion things not to miss are the dragon under the castle (although depends how brave your little one is), and the Disney parade!  An autograph book is a nice idea to keep track of the characters you meet, and you can add photos when you get home.  You don't say how long you're there for?   if only a couple of days, have a look online at the maps etc, and maybe get some idea of what you'd like to head for.  If there are grown up rides you want to do, you can do baby or parent switch - I always forget which it is!  Where one adult rides while the other stays with the child and then swop over without having to queue again. 
Have a brilliant holiday!


Relax, don't stress!
If you don't want to plan, then don't.
Only you knows what's best for you.
And I agree with polar vixen that it could help you to at least have a look at the park maps to see where stuff is.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Relax. You don't need to pre book. You could always choose to do this when you get there or just turn up at the restaurants. Enjoy your trip & let it take you when you get there.

Queen Elsa

We went in September and even after reading in here we didn't plan a thing! We checked in and booked for Cafe Mickey on the first evening as we thought it would be a magical dinner for the kids and to really get us in the mood! The first day we just wandered round and explored to see where everything was and then each evening when the kids went to sleep we had a look at the map and made a plan of what we would do and where we would eat the next day. Whatever you do, you are going to have a fab time xx


No need to panic! As everyone's already said it might be a nice idea to look at a map before you go and have a reasonable idea of rides your son will be able to do (definitely quite a lot in fantasy land  and shows like stitch live in the studios) but its really best just to see how it goes, so much can depend on the day like the wait times or the weather that you don't want to be tied down to a strict itinerary. Hope you have a great time :)


Don't panic, the only thing I had booked was our first night restaurant ( which I booked a couple of days before going) but since we booked for the parade time (which we were happy to miss as we were there for 5 days) everywhere was quiet so needn't have bothered, and our character breakfast at cafe Mickey (again, booked a week before going) But that's a bit old for a 3 year old anyway so just turn up and do what you fancy, which is what we did for the rest of it.

I booked another restaurant for later on in the trip once we were there, we did absolutely all the rides and all the shows we wanted to see, you will be fine!
First trip October 2012 - Marriott resort and 1 day DLP trip
Second trip October 2014 - 5 days Davy Crockett
Third trip to DLP.... On hold until after WDW in August 2017!!


Thanks everyone for the replies and reassurance! Can't wait now 😆


We only prebooked cafe Mickey on our first trip (thank goodness as they were turning away walk ups) and we didn't feel under prepared or find it difficult to get tables anywhere. We mosied around each land to get our bearings and it was nice to find things 'by mistake'. A proper adventure! I'm pleased we didn't set ourselves targets or write wish lists or create a park plan as everything happened the way it should. Relax, enjoy browsing and ask away! I had a million silly questions!


Personally, I would try to book some restaurants if you can as having to queue for food with small children is no fun. I think some of the French schools might also be off next week so it could be busy. It's better to have something booked that you don't need than the other way round.

As you have plus vouchers you might want to try the following...

Hunters Grill in the Sequoia Lodge
Blue Lagoon (inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride - you can watch the boats go past!)
Bistro Remy in the Studios
Cafe Mickey in the village if you want a character meal


I have a look at the restaurant menu's and decide which ones we'd like to eat at, then book those & arrange ourselves in the park to be around where you need to be for your chosen meals, I wouldn't really plan any more into it than that, other than to measure your children's heights & check which rides are ruled out for them  :)