Your favourite queue line?

Started by RnRCj, April 05, 2007, 01:56:13 PM

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pirates, phantom manor and R&RC

love R&RC because u see it launch :P
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone

Mansion Staff

I like phantom manor because its just before the ride :P
and the music is cool(and the fountains and statues)
well we all cant come and go by BUBBLE!

be careful, or Ill drop a house on you.


my favourite is between STAR TOURS or PHANTOM MANOR i like them both as much as each other they are very detailed and really cool


That's what makes Disneyland so special; the amount of detail that is put into the park is immense. The more detail in the parks, the more special and wonderful the trip will be!


I remember the first time I ever went, and had only really been used to places like Alton Towers, which can be a bit shabby in some of the queue lines.

I couldn't believe the detail that went into Disneyland, and even though you were queuing for long periods, you didn't mind too much because there was so much to see and watch in the queue.


I really like Space Mountain, as its quite quick and you know theres an amazing ride coming up!!


I think my current favourite queue line is the Cars Race Rally one.  It has lots of details and references to the movie (it's my second favourite Pixar) and also great music from the movie as well (Live is a highway...).  :D


I like Buzz and Crush!!!
because, hmmm i dont really know why, but they are the best!!!
DLRP, là où les rêves deviennent réalité


I loved Space Mountain / Buzz Light Year.
1. Space mountain had great theming and the pre show was fun to watch, I felt like a real space soldier ! :D

2.Buzz LightYear Lazer Blast also had great theming with Buzz and what not !


Pirates of the Caribbean and Phantom Manor.
But also Big Thunder Mountain.


POTC and PM. I'm always very disappointed when there's no chance to stand in the line just because it's not sop crowded. The theming is just great and you get totally into the mood of the attraction while waiting in the line.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


I love the buzz lightyear one because the pics all through it are great and the animated buzz is brilliant! i cant wait to take my son on it, hes gone mad on toy story recently so it should be fun.

POTC one is awsome because of all the stuff to look at allong the way, its fun to pretend to be a pirate too! lol

last but not least phantom mannor, its my favorite ride there so i just get so excited being in the que, plus its never to big and goes down very quickly

I dont like the BTM one much because it just goes on forever! the first time i went on it i thought, this que is never 90 miniutes long! oh how wrong i was!!


Always get a fastpass in the morning for BTM, couldn't bear to stand in line all that time.  :(


This is gonna sound weird, because it's always a long line - but Big Thunder Mountain. I like to just look at the views of frontierland when I'm queueing and then the time just slips by. When I went with my girlfriend last year, she found it exeptionally weird that I just stayed quietly serveying the whole area for 45 minutes in the queue. I like it! I always find something I didn't notice before!

dlrp-mad :mickey2:

dlrp trips:Debut] August 2006 - Sequoia Lodge December 2007 - Disneyland Hotel July 2008 - Newport Bay Club


the best queue line is probably Buzz or R&RC because there is signed Bon Jovi guitar in there  =P~