has anyone been 28/12 -30/12 ???

Started by ilovemainstxxx, October 29, 2014, 05:19:58 PM

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hi all
really thinking of going for a few days in between christmas and new year for the dates above and wondering if anyone has been then ?? what are the crowds like ??
working in a school i can only go in holidays now so am limited to when we can go
would really love to go but think it may be packed !!!
can anyone give me there experience
thanks ..x


We went 28-29th Dec 2012 and it was quite busy - the queues weren't overly huge but the weather had been a bit bad on the 27th which might have put some of the "locals" off.

28th was brighter and throughout the day we managed to get on most things we wanted to with some long-ish wait times. Quite a lot of people milling around and it is busier than normal, but don't let that detract you from going!

It's DEFINITELY worth going for the decorations and parades, it's a lot more magical at Christmas ;D