New Year's Eve booked for this year - would be grateful for any advice and tips

Started by Salma40, August 25, 2014, 10:54:29 PM

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Hi everyone, my first post on this site!

We (myself, DH and a 5 and 7 year old) are planning New year's Eve in Disney  ;D. We'll be there 29th, 30th and 31st Dec, staying offsite. If you have any tips, experience or advice to share - how busy it gets, where to watch fireworks, timings, things to go and see, anything useful really, I would really appreciate  We've been a few times but never that time of year. We were there last week (mid Aug) and I thought that was pretty busy, how does that compare to end of December? ! :-\

Incidentally it is my son's birthday on 30th Dec, any Disney related advice on that much appreciated ( I recall reading you can request a badge?......)

Thank you in advance for any words of wisdom!



You can request a birthday badge from City Hall in Disneyland Park, if nothing else it is a lovely keepsake to remind you of the holiday.

I have never been at New Year's Eve myself but understand that it is one of the most busiest times you can visit. Although you are staying off-site, are you staying in a partner hotel that provides EMH. If you are brilliant and use them as if the park reaches capacity as i understand it has done at this time of year in the past, Disney will close the gates to non-Disney hotel guests and they won't guarantee your entrance. If you're not stopping in a hotel that offers EMH my advice would be head to the parks up to an hour before they open the doors to everyone else as you'll stand more chance of getting in!

I would also recommend booking your tables in advance to guarantee a place to eat. For the same reasons as above you don't want to leave the park for lunch elsewhere only to find that you can't get back in to the park later if it has filled to capacity.

I would definitely make a plan as to what you want to see and do and be prepared to queue!

Have a lovely time  :D


Thank you for the advice  :D

I realised it was going to be busy but not that busy!

We have annual passports so have access to the EMH,  but if park was closed due to full capacity would they let annual passport holders through would anyone know?

The plan for NYE was to come to the park later in the day but I am guessing that is the plan for a lot of people? May have to change if we cannot guarantee being let in.

Thank you! X


It may seem obvious, but wrap up warm and wear boots. We've been for several New Years and heard people complaining how cold they are - what do they expect, its the middle of winter! We're always snuggly warm, although trips to the toilet need planning to leave time to remove all our layers!
Planning WDW 2019
1997 DLP x2, 1998 DLP x2, 1999 DLP, 2000 DLP Millenium, 2002 DLP, 2003 DLR, 2004 WDW + DLP, 2005 DLP + DLR, 2006 WDW, 2007 DLP x2, 2008 WDW + DLP x3, 2009 DLP x7, 2010 WDW (+ extra week due to ash cloud!), 2011 DLR, 2012 WDW + DLP, 2013 WDW + DLP, 2014 WDW + DLPx3 (inc. daytrip for Ratatouille preview), 2015 DLR + DLPx3, 2016 WDW + DLP, 2017 WDW x2 + DLP, 2018 WDW + DLP x2. Coming up - ?


Thanks A&S&O for that. Thermal socks and warm walking boots it is then. Not sure though how Elsa dress will fit over daughter's clothes if she is padded out like Michelin Man!

What are your experiences of the crowds New year's eve? I've started reading a few things now about the park being closed and no one being let in, starting to worry we won't be able to get in.

Also is there anywhere you would recommend to watch the fireworks (assuming we'll be let in  ;)).

Thank you


Salma, try looking into lightweight sports thermal under-shirts and leggings for your daughter, that should add only an absolute minimum of volume while still being as warm as a fleece jumper.
That way the Elsa dress should be no trouble at all.



Chances are with an annual passport you wouldn't have to worry about being turned away if the park is full it's more likely to happen to guests with just day tickets when they would simply close the ticket booths.