
Started by Magic, August 11, 2014, 10:08:32 PM

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Hi all would you think it would be ok to take the children for a joint birthday present, there birthdays are 6 weeks apart, was thinking of going inbetween both of them so 3 weeks from each if their birthday. Do you tubby this is too far from their birthdays to be celebrating and doing the whole singing happy birthday an having a birthday cake? It just seems unfair on the other one if we go for one of there birthdays, unless ecwebt again for the other the ur after or another ur or something! Just thinking of the future really


Of course, 3 weeks is a perfect compromise.
I'm sure if you explain to the children that you can only go if they agree to share their birthday on this trip, everything will be fine. I think it will help if you promise to sing Happy Birthday to them separately on their own birthdays, so they don't feel like they're being forgotten about.

Hope you have a really lovely trip :)


Disneyland Paris is the best birthday present ever!

My two have birthdays 5 weeks apart and my 1 year old son shared my 5 year old daughter's party this year and she will get to invite friends to his party next year.


dont forget to take them into city hall to get their sticker and phone call from mickey.

did that for my 13 year old on her birthday, at the prompting of a cast member she got sung to by everyone on star tours :) really made the day even more special


Are you worried about not taking them on the actual date of either of their birthdays - in relation to getting the "special treatment" down there? That's the way I understand your question - like what if they check the date and find out it's not their birthday on that exact day - would you still be able to celebrate?
I shouldn't think that would be a problem. I haven't heard of anyone having to show proof that it is actually someones birthday - but I don't know... We are taking our DS6 for dinner at the Auberge for his birthday on the 16th Nov.
I'll let you know if anyone checks - if you haven't already been by then... :)

May 2017 - Newport
November 2014 - Santa Fe
March 2014 - Santa Fe
March 2012 - Santa Fe


It was my friend's birthday while we were there 2 weeks ago, we went to City Hall and got her a birthday sticker and phone call from Mickey, no one asked for any ID or anything to check it was her birthday! It will make it so special, she received loads of attention from all Cast Members wishing her happy birthday and singing to her. Go for it!


My birthday is in January, but due to the fact that both of my kids are in school and I work in a school, the closest we could get (which wasn't Christmas) was February Half Term. The trip is my 30th Birthday present, so I had been wondering about celebrating my Birthday when it's not my actual Birthday too. I may visit City Hall.....