PRE-TRIP REPORT - 9th-12th June @ Hotel Cheyenne

Started by ilovedisneylandparis, April 21, 2014, 06:33:28 PM

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Hi everyone! I feel like my pre-trip reports are getting earlier and earlier each year but I think that's because I'm getting more and more excited each year?! Anyway, we're heading back to DLP in exactly 48 days and I wanted to get going with a pre-trip summary in the hopes that it stops me missing DLP quite as much as I do right now.

- Who:
Me (Sophie) and my boyfriend (Russ). It's going to be my eighth trip and our fourth trip together!. I can't believe we've been together so many times now, it makes me feel like a very lucky lady. He's promised me that we'll go back every year which means a lot to me as he isn't a Disney fan and I know how intense the parks can be for someone who isn't as into them as we are.

Despite him not being a massive fan, though, we have such a magical stay every time we go back and we both really look forward to it - we've got our own little traditions now and a lot of happy memories from such a special place. He even knows the backstory of Thunder Mesa, eek :')

- When: Monday 9th June - Thursday 12th June.

- Where: Hotel Cheyenne (our fourth visit to the Cheyenne together! We were considering the NBC for this trip but decided against it. We're actually kind of glad of that now, due to all the refurbishment work that's going on and the fact that the pool's closed. Definitely something to try in the future though!).

- General stuff: We went for 5 days last year (for the first time ever) but found that 5 days' worth of junk food took its toll, and by the Friday we felt really rough (especially me, I think I ate something that disagreed with me at Plaza Gardens!). We'd always wanted to try 5 days, and we'd been able to get a really good deal last year - I think it was cheaper to go for 5 days than it was for 4 - but this year we weren't sure how it would pan out in terms of work, deals, etc, so we decided to go back to our usual 4 days/3 nights.

This year, our first day in the resort falls on Whit Monday (9th June) so I was more than a little worried that it would be packed on that day and that we wouldn't be able to get much done. Thinking about it, though, we never do a huge amount on the first day, and I reckon it will depend on other things like the weather and so on as to how busy the parks are. I'm not sure how it will be on that first day or what to expect, but I just keep trying to tell myself that at least we have the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as quieter days  :D

Another change this year is that we've booked a Rio Grande room at the Cheyenne, as opposed to the standard Buffalo room. We'd both heard that you needed to pay extra for this kind of room (I even called DLP directly and was quoted a ridiculously high amount) but when we went to book as a trial run online, we saw that you could just edit the 'room' options and select 'Rio Grande' for no extra cost?! So that's what we did  ;) I'm excited to see/hear the difference in the rooms - I know that the actual room itself will look no different, but we have been in Wyatt Earp every year, which is RIGHT by the bus stop, and the last couple of years we've really struggled to sleep because of how close we've been to everything. So I think it'll be lovely to be in the quieter area of the hotel this year and see how that works.

- What we're excited for/hoping to see: I cannot WAIT for Big Thunder Mountain, as it was closed the last time we visited. I also am very excited for POTC, Phantom Manor (this is the first year the merch has been there during our visit, eek!), IASW, Buzz, Star Tours, and the Mad Hatter's Teacups! And Peter Pan's Flight! I keep remembering rides I want to go on and shops I can't wait to go in and just wanting to scream with excitement  :D

I am also looking forward to:

  • Seeing Duffy and Mickey again, and hopefully meeting Stitch
  • Being able to watch Disney Magic on Parade for another year (although the Do You Believe train will be sorely missed, waa)
  • Seeing the lovely spring decorations
  • Eating more delicious Disney food
  • Feeling the water spray on my face and smelling the ride water in Pirates
  • Hearing the tick-tock noise in Fantasyland and the second you go under the IASW entrance canopy and come out inside the ride
  • Drinking cherry Coca Cola at Annette's Diner
  • Being in our happy Hotel Cheyenne room all over again and seeing Sophie (Top 10 Things To Know Before You Go!) on the hotel TV
  • Walking back from the parks at night time
  • Being able to watch Disney Dreams again - hearing "and now...Disney Dreams!" come over on the loudspeaker and getting goosebumps
  • Buying as much merchandise as I can physically take home on the plane (I've saved all year!)
  • Hearing the Main Street music for the first time, and seeing the Disneyland Hotel and the beautiful castle for the first time
  • Wearing my Minnie ears
  • Going to the new Disney Gallery area where you can buy the new posters...I can't tell you how excited I am for this, I cannot comprehend the idea that I could have some actual attraction posters in my own house?!
  • Going on the Disneyland Railroad and hearing the start of the Pirates music as we get into Adventureland
  • Buying more Disney pins to add to my collection and more outfits for my own Duffy
  • Waving at other guests when I'm on a ride (I don't know why I like doing this so much, I think it's cos it's such a cute thing to do and in Disneyland everyone loves it whereas back at home unless you're 5 years old everyone just looks at you weirdly!)
I will stop rambling now - I'm sure you get the idea! I've managed to make myself cry with excitement which wasn't really the point of this report but what the heck  ;) I'll post this quickly before I add another hundred things to my list, and I'll be back again in June to let you all know how we got on! Have a magical day, everyone  :D


2012 trip report
2013 pre-trip report
2013 trip report (please note, these were all written before Magicforum changed its layout/setup, so the photos no longer show :'( )
Flickr page
Disneyland Paris blog


We're not going till October but you have made me feel your excitement-I'm glad I'm not the only one who LOVES the smell of the water in Pirates!!  Have a FAB time and tell us all about it afterwards.

DLRP Roundup!

Looking forward to the report, was a good read last year!
The Roundup
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Im going the end of May and you've made me even more excited about going, think i might have to write my pre trip report soon. Im in total agreement with you over the smell of the pirates water and the water spray and wind and the disney gallery. Hope you have a brilliant time :)


Quote from: disnick.322 on April 21, 2014, 08:24:31 PM
Im going the end of May and you've made me even more excited about going, think i might have to write my pre trip report soon. Im in total agreement with you over the smell of the pirates water and the water spray and wind and the disney gallery. Hope you have a brilliant time :)

Quote from: Trekkie101 on April 21, 2014, 07:53:11 PM
Looking forward to the report, was a good read last year!

Quote from: Disneyprincesswannab on April 21, 2014, 07:49:03 PM
We're not going till October but you have made me feel your excitement-I'm glad I'm not the only one who LOVES the smell of the water in Pirates!!  Have a FAB time and tell us all about it afterwards.

Thanks so much for your lovely comments  :D I am always glad to meet other people who understand the ride water smell, my boyfriend suggested we try and bottle some this year to bring home but I'm not sure if that would work haha  :'(


So relieved to see it's not just me with the whole ride water thing! If I could breathe in that smell all day I would be a happy person! Sounds like you've got a lovely trip planned, I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm planning an EPIC Disney holiday but due to what I want to do it will take YEARS of saving so till then I get enjoyment and lots of nostalgia from other peoples happy holidays!  :D


Quote from: gemma2806 on April 27, 2014, 12:44:57 AM
So relieved to see it's not just me with the whole ride water thing! If I could breathe in that smell all day I would be a happy person! Sounds like you've got a lovely trip planned, I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm planning an EPIC Disney holiday but due to what I want to do it will take YEARS of saving so till then I get enjoyment and lots of nostalgia from other peoples happy holidays!  :D

Thanks Gemma! Ugh the ride water smell is just too good, sometimes I catch a whiff of something that smells like it randomly (or maybe I just imagine it!) while I'm at work or something and for a split second I'm on-ride POTC!

What have you got planned for your big Disney holiday? I'm intrigued, that sounds amazing  :D

Only 23 days for us now...I am getting too excited!


Loving your report , I feel everyone of your points as if they are my own...haha....
We have a fountain in our town centre , and sometimes as you walk past it , it smells of pirates and your transported back for a second , I love it ....
We go at the end of July and we sat in the garden yesterday with YouTube on watching dlp music , as they have all sorts of resort music on it , so we were in discovery land main st and fantasy land yesterday , and are up for adventure land and frontier land today....
You go before us so hope to read your trip report before we go to get us even more excited , just like this one has ..x


I loved reading all the little things you were excited for/hoping to see. It makes me miss Disney so much! Trying to persuade my partner to let me go back. Have an amazing time!
Next Visit: 2015 - Hotel New York
2013 - Hotel New York
2007 - Hotel New York
2001 - Hotel New York


geekyjo the plan is literally a holiday of a lifetime! It'll be 2 weeks at DLP at the end of September and be there for October and the Halloween season which we have never experienced then back home for 2 weeks before setting off to Florida and WDW for 21 nights followed immediately by a Disney Western Caribbean cruise for 7 nights. Obviously only myself and other half are aware of this as our son would never shut up and he has to wait till at least 2017 for  this to happen (if not longer!) given the costs involved. We'll be homeschooling our son from September so this makes it much easier to take holidays when we want at the cheaper times of year  :D


Quote from: gemma2806 on May 19, 2014, 04:16:06 PM
geekyjo the plan is literally a holiday of a lifetime! It'll be 2 weeks at DLP at the end of September and be there for October and the Halloween season which we have never experienced then back home for 2 weeks before setting off to Florida and WDW for 21 nights followed immediately by a Disney Western Caribbean cruise for 7 nights. Obviously only myself and other half are aware of this as our son would never shut up and he has to wait till at least 2017 for  this to happen (if not longer!) given the costs involved. We'll be homeschooling our son from September so this makes it much easier to take holidays when we want at the cheaper times of year  :D

Gemma that sounds absolutely amazing! I'm not surprised it's going to take you so long to save for, what a Disney couple of months that'll be :D Definitely, I know if I'd known I was going on a trip like that when I was a kid I wouldn't have shut up about it either haha ;) I hope it all goes well for you with saving, you must be so excited!

Quote from: irJoey on May 18, 2014, 05:26:11 PM
I loved reading all the little things you were excited for/hoping to see. It makes me miss Disney so much! Trying to persuade my partner to let me go back. Have an amazing time!

Thanks so much, that's really kind of you! Eek, I hope you're able to persuade your partner soon :D

Quote from: ilovemainstxxx on May 18, 2014, 11:26:12 AM
Loving your report , I feel everyone of your points as if they are my own...haha....
We have a fountain in our town centre , and sometimes as you walk past it , it smells of pirates and your transported back for a second , I love it ....
We go at the end of July and we sat in the garden yesterday with YouTube on watching dlp music , as they have all sorts of resort music on it , so we were in discovery land main st and fantasy land yesterday , and are up for adventure land and frontier land today....
You go before us so hope to read your trip report before we go to get us even more excited , just like this one has ..x

Thank you very much! I know exactly what you mean, it's crazy how that happens :) DLP music is the best, although I've set myself a challenge of not listening to it at ALL before I go to Disneyland's proving difficult, haha ;) I'm really glad the pre-trip report has made you even more excited for your trip - I will try to get going with the main one ASAP when I'm back so you can read it before you go!