
Started by SGregory27, March 25, 2014, 02:45:38 PM

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Does anyone know if the Hotels shops sale all sizes of Nappies?

DD2 get though a round 7 nappies a day which for 5 day is a lot of nappy's to try and pack.

When we went last year all I saw were size 4, but DD2 needs size 5+/6.

Yes I know about the hypermarket, but to be honest I can't see us having time to go just for nappies and the price they would be in hotel doesn't bother us.

oh and can you buy swimming nappies at the pool???

Last year there was a big group of us so we split the nappies between all the suit cases, but can't do that this year.

2015-Sequoia Lodge Honeymoon Suite
2015-Sequoia Lodge GF Lakeside
2014-Sequoia Lodge- Hubby's big 30
2013- Newport Bay- 1st time with kids 4y &1y
2008-Sequoia Lodge
2005-Sequoia Lodge - Got engaged
2004-Sequoia Lodge


I am almost sure they don't sell them at the hotel shops. The nearest you could try would be at the station, at the shop near hotel Santa fe, or if all else fails at the auchan supermarket in val deurope.
Maybe someone else can confirm other places.

First time ever: August 2000, one day visit!
August 2010, NewPort Bay, 5 days
October 2012, Sequoia Lodge, 5 days
April 2014, Sequoia Lodge, 6 days - Big 7th Bday Surprise for DD#1 :)
September 2015, Newport Bay 6 days - Another surprise!!!


Just take them with you. We travelled a lot with our children and the last thing you want is to spend time searching for nappies (or formula). Just stick them everywhere in your bags and just remember they do take up a lot of space but that means more room for souvenirs when you return home and all the nappies are used  :D


Thanks guys

I've just tried and got 50 in lid space of suitcase, That should be more than enough.

If weather changes and it freezes and snows then we may have a problem  ;)

As for swimming nappies I'll take 4 as we won't go on the day we arrive or leave so that gives me a spare.

I hope she's potty trained by next Feb when we go again. ::)

2015-Sequoia Lodge Honeymoon Suite
2015-Sequoia Lodge GF Lakeside
2014-Sequoia Lodge- Hubby's big 30
2013- Newport Bay- 1st time with kids 4y &1y
2008-Sequoia Lodge
2005-Sequoia Lodge - Got engaged
2004-Sequoia Lodge


Nappies I find always a problem packing, as I'm sure most of us do. My sons almost 6 but has them because he's special needs and his are huge luckily the grandparents usually join us so I stick them in their case lol!
I always run out of wipes there and I buy them in the baby care centres but as for nappies I'm unsure.
They'd make a fortune if they sold the larger sizes I'm sure!