Dlp stone pavers?

Started by Fayebie, October 23, 2013, 01:44:44 PM

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Heya sorry if this has already been asked or in the wrong section  but can you still do the pavements where you put your own message on and they last about ten years i seen some when i was there in june . If so does anybody know how to go about it and how much? . Im hoping to surprise my partner then he would take me all the time just to see it  :)
Thanks inadvance faye


You can't buy the personalized paving stones anymore. :(  They haven't been on sale for years.
Ed & David


Sorry but they don't sell them now, which is a shame. We bought ours in 1998 and still look out for it on each visit; thankfully it was still there on our last visit in 2012. I've attached a photo of ours.

[attachment deleted by admin]
1993 + 2005 - Hotel Cheyenne
1995 - Walt Disney World Florida
1997 - Hotel New York
1998 - Hotel Santa Fe
2000 + 2006 + 2012 + 2014 - Sequoia Lodge
2002 + 2004 +  2009 - Newport Bay
2007 + 2015 - Hong Kong Disney
2007 - DLP (1 day visit)
2017 - Disneyland Hotel - Cinderella Suite
2018 - Disney Cruise- Mediterranean
2019 - Disneyland Hotel
2020 - Disney Merrytime Cruise - Caribbean


Thanks for the reply .Aww what a shame Hopefully one day they will redo them and i may not be as late to get one. Would of been a good idea for them to redo it for the  20th year to mark going there lol but ahwell.Lovely pic seeing yours makes me want one even more now. :)