Pools in other hotels?

Started by natalienb, September 07, 2013, 02:46:29 AM

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We're staying in the Kyriad this year and I was wondering if there are any hotels in the disney area that let people who aren't guests use their pools...

captain rocket

You certainly cannot use the pools in any of the Disney hotels unless you are a guest in that hotel. You could always ask at the Dream castle or Magic Circus, which are beside the Kyriad, if you could pay to use their pools but I suspect the answer will be no! Hotels like that charge more than a budget hotel like the Kyriad in an attempt to get you to stay there, so if a pool is really important to you then book in a hotel with one! If using the pool was just a whim you should rejoice in the money you saved by booking the Kyriad and forget about swimming!As far as I know there are no public pools nearby.


Ah thanks for the quick reply, I wasn't expecting to be able to, just wondering if I should pack a swimming costume just in case ;)