Annual Pass discount EoS and McD

Started by Shinji4u, January 28, 2013, 10:00:04 AM

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Can anybody confirm, that you get the 10% discount at EoS and McD with your Francillen Annual Pass?  :?:

captain rocket

According to DLRP Magic you only get discount at Mc Donalds with a Dream pass. I may be wrong and i am sure other members will confirm if i am right or wrong!


Yes you can use your Dream pass in McDonalds( i'm a dream pass holder) but i don't think any of the other passes do.  Check on DLRP magic under annual passes to get all the info you need as they list it there in an easy to read format.


 I have been told by a regular DLP visitor that they get AP Discount in Earl Of Sandwich, but I don't think they have a Francilien AP.
I find it niggling that I get 10% off in Disney counter service restos with my Fantasy AP,  but they don't give  the 15% Shareholders Club Actionnaires discount. I guess that is because they have to call a Senior CM to authorise the transaction, which would keep guests waiting in the queue.


We had to wait last Thursday for a senior CM to be called to ok our purchases using shareholders cards in the World of Disney store in the village.