Halloween 2012 @DLRP

Started by nathalie, November 08, 2012, 10:27:01 PM

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A little pre-history...

A long time ago, a little bit after my previous trip in June, my friend Lieve asked me if I wanted to join her around the 31st of October to go with her to DLRP.
Inclusive a day before or after, as long as we would be there for Halloween.
We decided to stay in hotel Kyriad (which is a selected hotel on site, the cheapest one, but still expensive at times), and because at that moment it was a bit too expensive to stay 2 nights, I only stayed 1, while Lieve stayed 2 nights.
The next night her aunt drove up there end spent the other night there.

On August 3rd we both ordered our train tickets, 58 € both trips, which is laughable cheap!  Haha!  Much cheaper then the Thalys who would used to stop at the park.

A week after we booked the train tickets and the hotel, I ended up in the emergency room due to a severe panic attack.
I was the wrong place, at the wrong time ...

Since that day, my life has changed drasticly.
I'm scared to go outside, because I can get a "nausea-attack" any moment, out of the blue, in stores where I had already been like, a million times.

With guidance from my own doctor, my boyfriend's doctor and a therapist, I got medication to stay calm / calm down, and to reduce the nausea / cramps / stomach aches that comes with this anxhiety, and by taking baby-steps I managed to get outside again.
I've been diagnosed with severe anxhiety disorder.
I've already had this, but in very small portions.
Whenever I'd go to a funpark or concert, I'd get sick, ever since I was little.
But that 1 day ... something got triggered.
And it truly is a disorder.  As it really effects my life, and the things I wanna do at this moment (unless I'm home all day).

So I wasn't really looking forward that much anymore going to Disney, I was so scared.
Because when just being at home, I was already scared to go into town, where I'd used to meet a good friend of mine almost every week, and now, all of the sudden, I needed meds to see my friend.
So 2 days on a train, where you can't leave when something is wrong, being in another country, only speaking French for like 30 % ...
I was actually really scaring myself, but that was all just a very big waste of my own time, as I did so well those 2 days, and I'm very proud of myself!!!

Day 1: October 31st, 2012

At 4.30 am my alarm went off, and I finally got out of bed at 4.45 am.
Quick shower.
My boyfriend needed to be someplace for his work at 8 am, so he could drop me off at the train station at about 6 - 6.30 am, where I would take the train to Brussels, where the direct train to DLRP would leave.
At 5.30 am I took my first pill, the one to keep me calm.
Then, I'm supposed to take another medicin 3 times a day for the nausea / cramps, so I took one around 6 am.

My suitcase wasn't packed yet!!!  Lol.
I'm the kind of person who always leaves these things until the last minute.
If I had done it the evening before, I would have just lied awake all night, thinking if everything was in there, and it would be so hard to check if everything was in there once I packed it.
So I made a check-list with an app on my phone a few days before, and managed to get it all done in like, 10 minutes  ^^
About 6.15 am we left for the station, and I was just in time to catch the next train to Brussels, where I would be arriving at 7.35 am.
The train to DLRP would leave at 8.33 am.

I was fine all morning, I guess I didn't realize it enough yet where I was going, still sleepy and such, and also, because of the meds, bus once in the car, the closer we got to the station, the more it was troubling me, the cramps, and was feeling awfull that I had to leave like that and sit on a train for 50 minutes on my own, and was crying a bit too, because I just felt so bad.
My boyfriend then promised me he'd try and call me around noon, to see how I'm doing by then.

I had put some Shaun the Sheep clips on my mp3 player to keep my mind distracted, which worked just fine.
Untill a person with loads of perfume came in the carriage and sat next to me.
My nausea started to get back.
Luckely, I have this portable mini fan, which is the best buy I have ever done, to help me getting some fresh air on the train, and I could convince myself I was only still about 10 minutes, and then I could get of the train!

I made it to Brussels!
First, stopped at a bakery to get something to eat, and a little after that Lieve arrived aswell.
Every super slow and calm, lol.
After a visit to the bathrooms, we decided to already go to the platform where the train would be leaving from.
Very slow and calm, as these meds aren't really "muscle-weaking" meds, but things tend to go a lot slower once I've taken them (also, whenever taking Xanax, I fall asleep after a good 3 hours when doing nothing, lolz).

We both bought our train tickets at the same moment, and Lieve turned out to be sitting 1 seat behind me.
Nobody came to sit next to her once the train left, so I got of from my seat and sat next to her.
We talked the whole ride, which was really good for me, at some points I was getting this "trapped" feeling, but overall it went really well.
When we arrived at Lille station the person who booked the seat next to Lieve got on, and saw me leaving that spot and asked me if something was wrong.
I told her, that I was going back to my seat, which was 1 seat ahead, but that she was my friend and I was sitting with her until someone claimed that seat.
I also explained that in my seat the train was going backwards, and at this time I couldn't really handle that very well (usually I'm fine with that), and the other seat was going like it should.
She understood, and offered herself that I could stay there, and she would take my seat, which was very sweet of her!
Though, when the train left the station, it suddenly goes backwards???  Lol.
Luckely, with us chatting so much, I didn't notice it too much.

We arrived at DLRP station at about 10.30 am, and went straight to the shuttle bus that would take us to the Kyriad hotel.
Check-in ... oh my ... the people behind the desk were totally getting into their jobs ... not  -_-  felt like they al didn't wanna be there that morning.

Then, putting our suitcases into a locker, as the room wasn't ready untill 3 pm.
Took us a while, we wanted to see how it really worked, so once we managed to lock it, we tried to get it open again, and it just wouldn't work  o_O
Then, suddenly, it works ... *phew*.
We tried closing it again, and opening it again, and then it all worked perfectly, so we locked it again, and took the next shuttle bus to the parks!

So, I'm getting an Annual Pass!  The Dream pass (most expensive one).
Had been saving loads for this thing, lolz.
I had arranged a meet-up with a girl from the Dutch Disney forum, who could give me a 10 % discount on my AP, and she would get a 3rd stamp on her form, and now she can re-new her own AP for another year, for free!!!  (hopefully, I'll be able to do that aswell).
Who'd have thought, me getting an AP again ...  From 2007 - 2009 I had the Fantasy pass, but never thought I'd ever be able to get the Dream one  *happy*.

We arranged to meet her at 12 at the World of Disney store, and we were already there about 11.15 am, so we went inside, and see what this store is alla bout!
It was still very neat inside, can't say that about most of the other shops, which are too crowded and stuffed with stuff.
Though, there wasn't really much you couldn't find in any other shop at the park, which was a shame.
Here and there something special, but you needed to look very closely.
It wasn't like: Wow, they needed this store, because so many things are being sold here which you can't find at the park itself ...  :(

We were outside the store a little before 12, and around 12 Anoeschka shows up!
We went straight to the entrance to get my ticket/AP.
Wauw, no que?  Nice ...
We told the girl behind the counter I wanted an AP, and that Anoeschka would sponsor me, so I immidiatly payed the price.  179 € for 1 year full acces and 20 % discount in shops, 10 % discount on food, free luggage storage, free parking, discount on my Halloween night ticket, and so on ...  :sick:

Very strange, every picture I have from the castle, weather it's just the castle, or during a show, it always leans to the right.  Can't seem to change that, lol.

We went straight to the AP bureau to get my AP made *yay*!
Also there, no que  o_O
(in 2007, we were there for over an hour, to get my Fantasy AP)
I showed them my Fantasy AP as I still have that, but my details were too old (since the AP expired January 2009) to still be in their computer.

We were inside for about 10 minutes.  The picture they took, looks all orangy, lol.
We stayed together for a while, the 3 of us (mind you, I had never met Anoeschka before ... Lieve I have known for about 7 years now), and Lieve was getting hungry, so we went back to Main Street to get a little something to eat.
My first discount with my new AP!! (and it wasn't even for, haha, as I wasn't hungry)
It was about 12.30 pm, and also time for my 2nd pill against the cramps, I was feeling a bit restless and was feeling the cramps a little.
Suddenly, my boyfriend calls to ask me how I'm doing!
Aww, he remembered ...
So sweet, because usually he forgets everything, his mind is very very bad, lol.
So that kind of made my day really  :D

After the other 2 girls had something to eat we went inside a store as Anoeschka was looking for certain pins that were supposed to be released that day, or the day before.
Apperently it took them about 15-20 minutes to finally gave her an answer if they still had them or not.
Each time someone would go in to the back and check, and they never seemed to get back out, lol.

Lieve was already like: OK, I wanna do something already!  Haha.
And then Anoeschka told us, if we would still wait a little bit, we could hang out with her, she has an Easy Acces Pass, as she has borderline, and can't always afford to wait over 30 minutes for an attraction.
Seemed nice anyways, as she was very nice and fun, and she would have been an her own otherwhise too for the rest of the day (not that she would have minded I think, hehe, she has an AP too, so she knows the park).
And so we stayed together the 3 of us for the rest of the day.

The first ride we did was Buzz Lightyear's Laser Blast.
With her AEP we could go in through the exit.
Wow, I had never experienced that, without all that stress from "pffff 60 minutes ????", we were allowed straight through all 3 of us  :o

Then we wanted to go on Big Thunder Mountain, but it occurred to us that since it's Halloween, Jack Skellington has a photo-booth, until about 5 pm, and so we went there first.

I'm not really the person who goes on pictures with characters.
I'm someone, I'm very shy and easily embarrassed, like when someone like that talks to me, or asks me something, I just don't know what to say back, or how to act.
With Anoeschka's AEP we could go up to the booth from the back, and they would tell Jack someone is waiting at the back, and then he comes to you.
He was making a little game out of it, he was walking around the booth, pretending he couldn't find us, hehe.
No Sally at that time ...  :(
Jack starts talking to us (and me), like, what do we think of Halloween, and are we dressing up?
He asked me as what I would be dressing up, and I'm like: I'm going as me.
"Marvelous" he said, lol.
He was so good into character, the accent was great, the movements were all very Jack!

(I'm the one on the left)

Then we went to BTM, also here, we could enter through the exit, and the CM said it'd be about 40 minutes, and we decided to check back a little later that day.

Of to the Pirates of the Caribbean!
We had to wait about 5 minutes to get inside a boat, with her AEP.

After that, off to Fantasyland, land of the fairies ...

This was my 12th trip to DLRP, and I had never been in the Casey Junior ride.  It's a small rollercoaster basicly for kiddies, lol.
It was so much fun  :P

Then in the "land of the fairies".
It's a slow boat-ride, and it takes you through several fairytales.
The girls wanted to do "It's a small world" but I had no desire in getting that song stuck in my head, so we did this instead.

Though, afterwards, we did to "It's a small word", haha!
But they had already changed the original music with Christmas songs mixed together, so it was much more bareable, haha!
Really nice, they had putted reindeer here and there, put Christmas hats on some puppets, and layed pressy's at places.

Lieve wanted to go back to the hotel, so she could get changed into her Halloween outfit about 5 pm.
On our way out to the exit of the park, the parade was just about to start.

So after the parade, me and Lieve left for the hotel, and we arranged with Anoeschka we would see her again tonight, possibly for the first Dreams show which would start at 6.30 pm (YES, 2 Dreams shows in 1 evening *yay* as the park was closing at 7 pm for regular guests).

Back at the park a little after 6 pm.

I had texted Anoeschka, telling her we were back at the park, but I didn't get one back.
So me and Lieve found a spot to watch the Dreams show.
Oh my God, it was SO beautiful  :inlove:
I'm quite emo lately, and with the little piece of the Tangled sond "I see the light" I was having a bit of a hard time, and a tear appeared, and it would have been cool if my boyfriend could have been there to watch it with me  :)

In the meantime I had recieved a text from Anoeschka, saying she didn't see mine in time, but she is waiting some place for us at a popcorn kart, so we went over there and met up with her again, and stayed together untill me and Lieve left for the hotel again around midnight.
Lieve really wanted to do Phantom Manor, as it's Halloween and such.
(it's the Paris version of Haunted Mansion, not sure though it's totally the same, you go into this "elevator" and then it's like a spooky-fun-house thing)

But first! ... We ran into Chip & Dale, who also gave me some sweets for trick & treeting  :D

Also at PM, we were able to use a different passageway, so we didn't had to wait in line, but we were guided straight into the "elevator", it's like your in one, but only the walls move, or something, lol, I still don't quite know how it works, haha.
Once inside the elevator I was getting this trapped feeling again.  Too many people in a space too small, all jammed together, and I was starting to feel a little woozy ...
Luckely, once we got out of there, and walking to the carts, I was feeling much better again.

After that, we went to BTM again, to see how long the wait was through the exit.

This time only 10 minutes, but after like 2 minutes we were already guided to a train.
I wasn't really looking forward to the ride, as it was freezing (maybe not really, but to me it was, lol), BUT it was SO cool, doing this ride totally in the dark!  As some parts are already in the dark (when you're inside the mountain).

I didn't had my wintercoat with me.
Because of this "illness", it's harder for me to go back and forth from my boyfriend's to my home (usually I'm one week home, and during the weekend at my boyfriends'), so I had never had the chance to get my wintercoat with me.  I was supposed to go home the week before, but ended up not to as I had a job-interview, and it would have been to hard going home and back to my boyfriend again.  And since I can't drive a car, I have to depend on public transportation, which isn't always the easiest thing to do.

So, I was wearing a fleece sweather with hoodie, on top of that a fleece jacket with hoodie, and, on top of that, my regular jacket.

There was also a show about The Princess and the Frog & Facilier, specially made for Halloween, and they performed it on the Molly Brown boat!
We wanted to see that, but we saw fireworks and realized we had just missed the show, so where were going to catch the next one.
We had some time left for the next show, and went to find Jack Sparrow.
Wow, he did such an awesome job being Johnny Depp!!  Not my type this guy, haha, but he was really good!  Walking all wobbly, the accent, spot on!
He would also pick out somebody himself onto his little stage, and because I was so cold, I didn't wanna stand still so long, I kept thinking "pick me, pick me!".
And then he goes: I think I'll ... pick you!!  I've seen you waiting for quite some time ...
And I'm like: noooo, don't pick me!!  Haha  :sick:
As mentioned, shy and easily embarrassed  :)
He asked every grown woman the same things, but since we all answered differently, he managed to never stop the conversation.
He asked things like:
- what's your name?
- what's your age? (I told him I was 29)
- then he says: aah, so you're an adult pirate now!
- tell me, are you a princess or a pirate (a little bit of both)
- to which he replied: so what would your pirate name be then?

And I'm like: euhm ... ??  Making this hand gesture, that I don't know ??  haha
(while thinking to myself: I DON'T KNOW!!!!!  Haha)
And he immidiatly picks up on it, and says: the most loveable pirate of the 7 seas!
And I'm like: Yep, that's the one!
And all this, while he was holding both my hands ... like your boyfriend should do when he asks you to marry him, haha  *rofl*  (I just had that in mind when he was holding my hands like that, haha)

At 9.30 pm the next Facilier show would start, and we were there a little early, about 15 minutes too early.
And man, it was cold!!
Didn't knew what to expect from this show, the only thing we knew was there were fireworks, as we saw them from far from the previous show.

My God  o_O  What a horrible song, haha  *rofl*  "welcome to the Bayou" it's still in my head *aaaaaaaaa*!!
But, it was a really good show!  Quite happy and such, and I always love to watch dancing to such tunes, it was really good!

And because Jack Skellington's photo-booth was next to it, we went back to have a look and see if Sally was there now, and she was!

Right now, it's a little after 10 pm, and Fantillusion would start at 10.45 pm (light parade).
We were allowed to take place in this special area with Anoeschka, because of her EAP.
I was totally freezing, couldn't feel my toes anymore ...
But, once it started, I jumped up from my seat (was sitting on a bench), and I was having a bit more energy again, and I managed to make pictures of every float.
It didn't stop like it normally does, it has dancers in the middle, BUT there was a Jack & Sally float, which isn't in the regular version.
Some pics:

Because I knew in advance there were gonna be 2 Dreams shows, I took pictures at the first show, and would film the 2nd one (I wish I had it done the other way around though, but, oh well ...).
A little wobbly at the end, as I was trying to keep my legs moving a bit, as I was just so cold.
The park was open till 1 am, but we didn't stay that long, we left after Dreams, when it was about midnight.
Arriving at the hotel, we both ate a sandwich in our room and went to bed.
Was about 00.30 am.

And there you have it ... the end of day 1.


Day 2: November 1st, 2012

Got up waaaaaaaay to early  :s
Lieve was already up at 6 am she said, me, I woke up around 7 am.
The weather looked kind of good, little grey, but no rain yet.  But about an hour later it started to rain for quite some time.

The room itself was good, very tiny, but in my opinion very comfortable bed and pillows, and I slept amazingly!

Luckely yesterday the weather was really nice and sunny!  Besides the cold once the sun was starting to go away.

I woke up, and took my first pill of the day.
I had also bought some things yesterday, and Anoeschka said, that anything you buy before 3 pm, you can have that sent to your room, so you don't have to carry all that stuff around.
So we went to pick up my bags first.  Shop opened at 8 am, we had to wait 5 minutes or so.
After that, back to the room, to put it all away, and off to breakfast.
I usually don't eat in the mornings, but to be sure, since it was going to be a very long day, I took only 2 croissants.
My stomach turns so badly lately, and when I saw these bowls of yoghurt there, of which everyone could take a spoon *eww* ... I would never ever eat yoghurt out of a bowl like that.

During breakfast I took my 1st out of 3 pills of that day.
The day before I was so busy I had even forgot to take it, and probably with being busy all day, I don't think I had really needed it, and therefor only took 2.
Same goes for this day, I only ended up taking 2, as I just forgot to take my 2nd one, and by the time I remembered, I was supposed to already had taken the 3rd, hehe.

I did good ^^ hehe  :)
But, that morning, my stomach did feel upset, though, it was that time of the month too  -_-  and I couldn't tell for 100 % where the cramps were really coming from.

Lieve's aunt was coming to replace me that night (lol), and at first she would only arrive in the evening, but suddenly Lieve gets a text saying she is already on her way!.
Mind you, this woman is 78 years old, and drove at least 4 hours to get to DLRP, and she got there around 10.30 am.
As soon as she arrived we took the shuttle bus back to the parks.
I first went to put my suitcase in storage.
Nice ... free of charge with my Dream AP  :D (otherwise 7 €).
It took quite some time, not many people in front of me, but for some reason it took very long with each person.

It stopped raining once in a while ...
I had texted Anoeschka, telling her we were off to the parks, if she would wanna join us.
But she texted that the day before was quite busy and wanted a moment alone.
Totally understandable  :)
And if she would make it back to the park, she'd let us know.
Lieve's aunt left again with the shuttle bus as she had forgotten something in her car, but instead of coming back straight away, she wanted to lay down a bit after that long drive.
While me and Lieve went to the 2nd park, WDS, Walt Disney Studio's.

We went through the 2 big shops.

We would have loved to do Crush's Coaster, but 80-90 minutes waiting was just too long for me, as I still wasn't feeling 100 %.

So then off to Toy Story land, and the Slinky ride!  Hehe.
Only a 15 minute waiting line.
Suddenly I felt that tension of the waiting/queing, and the closer we got to the ride, the worser the feeling was getting.
I went in, but when I got out, I felt a bit dizzy, and a little bit more nausea.

We then went to Cars.  This is kind of like the Tea Cups.
25 minutes waiting, but I was starting to feel really bad.  We see this gate, thinking if I go through it, I can get away, but it was only possible if you were a CM, as there was no way a regular person could leave.
So I kept waiting in line, and when it was our turn, I went straight to the exit.
I didn't wanna risk going in there, and getting out even more sick then I already was, as Cars is a "round-about-ride" and quite fast.

We also went to Aladdin's Flying Carpets.
There was no time on the board, and we went through, and it was immidiatly our turn, nice.

It soon became noon and I was getting hungry, so we went to get something to eat.
I've heard great things about the Croque Monsieurs at the park, that they are really good, so I wanted to know what the fuss was about, and got one.
And yeah, they were really good!  And quite big!
And we were just in time, as soon as we sat down, a whole bunch of people walked in, while it wasn't really busy when we sat down, and then all of the sudden the place was full.

After having something to eat, Lieve's aunt was on her way back to the parks again, and we left for the regular park.

When arriving at the park, the 20th celebration train had just stopped, and some characters were still running around, and I managed to get a picture with Chip.
Also Dale and Clarise were there, but too crowded, couldn't get near them anymore.

(no idea what I'm looking at, lol)

And then the train left for the last time that day.

We came across the Stepmom and both Stepsisters.

The night before we had tried to get a picture with the Stepsisters, but there were just TOO many people around them.
Anoeschka shows her EAP to the CM, and the girl goes like: if I do this for you, I have to do it for everyone, so I can't ...
That's kind of the point of that EAP, that you can use it, because you can't stand in a crowd like that for too long, and that you can meet the characters for about a minute with a little bit more peace and quiet.
But the girl kept saying "no".

So today, Anoeschka went to City Hall, to report this and to as kif this was a normal reaction from that CM when having an EAP.
Apperently not, and they apologized to her, and they offered her a picture with both Stepsisters later that day, and the CM being with them, would get them out of the crowd for her, so she can have a picture in all peace and quiet.

So at some point during the day, I recieve a text from her, saying that if we wanna join her for a picture with the Stepsisters, we can meet up with each other around 4 pm at the back of the castle, and they would get them out of the crowd for a few minutes so we could have a picture with the 3 of us.

In the meantime we did "It's a small world" again and Pirates, this time with Lieve's aunt.
At Pirates it said 50 minutes waiting, but we went in, and got out in like, half an hour!  I always feel that the que moves very fast at this one.
I see the text from Anoeschka and reply her that we'll meet her somewhere at the back of the castle at 4 pm, that we are in Pirates right now.
So we went straight from Pirates (3.20 am) to the castle, where loads of villains are!
I did wanna have my picture taken with some, hehe.
Not all of them, like with Frollo and Rattclif, there were too many people around, it was crazy  o_O

(in stead of playing along and going like "aaaaaaaa", no, I can't ... I'm laughing so hard ... lol)


And then ... Gaston!  God, he was handsome!  Haha  :D
He also mainly pointed out if it was your turn to come to him for a picture.
At least, when a parent didn't shove their kid in front of your nose  -_-
I really liked that about the villains, THEY decided who was next, not some mother.
And if they did point to someone, and the person/child would come up to them, and still some mother would shove their own kid in front of them, they would make this hand gesture, saying like "go away, it's not your turn"!

Anoeschka was standing behind me with Gaston, and each time it was someone else's turn, she pushed me in the back, so I would go more and more up front, lol.
Again, I'm very shy, and it really troubles me to just go and walk up to them when there are so many people waiting.

There was this mother next to me, who kept shoving her 2 girls next to me/in front of me, while 1 of the girls was clearly scared, but the mother just kept pushing her!
The other girl ended up front with him, and the mother is making a signal to the other girl to come too, but she's so scared and runs off to someone she knows that's standing on the other side.
So then, the mom gets an autograph and a picture, while Gaston says "aww, she's scared".
I don't know ... would you shove your kids like that to someone when you can clearly see and know they are scared?
Because, for who is it really then?  For your child?  Or are you secretly doing it for yourself?  :wink:

I think after a while he had spotted me, I was just, standing there ...  Lol.  And again, I got shoved in the back by Anoeschka, and he totally saw it, grabbed me by the hand, pulled me near to him and says: Hi, come here you!  I almost lost my balance there, lol.
He was cool  :D  haha!

And then off course, the 2 Stepsisters ...
We couldn't find them at first, turned out they were just around the corner.

And euhm ... get them alone?  Well ... they were notified by the CM that they needed to come for a minute as there is someone waiting with an EAP, and they came our way (like 5 meters from where they were, and we were kind of trapped there too, there wasn't an exit or anything we could leave, lol).
And before I knew it, suddenly, like, 50 people are standing right in front of my nose  o_O
So we sure weren't alone ... and didn't get them alone for 2 minutes.
Quite a strange feeling ... all those people staring and looking at you.

What is it, that turn people into a pack of wolfs sometime?
Because that's basicly what they turn into ...

By then it was about 4.30 pm and we all started to get a bit hungry, and Anoeschka had to leave for her train which came at 6 pm.
We first went to BTM again.
Yet again, the cold, the cold ... *sigh* lol.
Also this time, through the exit.

I must say, I did notice, for that 1 ride and having the photo taken with the Stepsisters, not having to wait in this huge crowd of people, or waiting for 60 minutes in line, I noticed a huge difference for myself, that I didn't felt any tension with being able to also have use of that AEP.
You go to the exit, you go on the ride done.
Instead of, you go at the end of the line, you wait about 40-60 minutes, standing up all that time, and then the ride, which doesn't even last 5 minutes.

After the ride, we all decided to grab a bite to eat at Colonel Hathi's Pizza Hut *nom*nom*
Lieve's aunt was so sweet, to buy us all dinner  o_O
She said she had such a nice day, which all these youngesters, that she would love to do this for us.
Sooooo sweet!!

Anoeschka had barely finished her meal, and then she had to leave  :(
And it was the 3 of us again.
We mainly just walked around after having dinner, as my train was leaving at 8.31 pm, and I wanted to get to the station well in time, and also wanted to do some shopping, hehe.

We did wanna do Star Tours, but it said 40 minutes, and we didn't wanna risk that.

What better way to test your camera, then in the dark?

The last thing we did was Autopia.
I had never been in here, and was a tiny bit scared that the car might be able to go over the bar in the middle, and you'd end up in the bushes or something, lol.
Also, I don't have a licence, so God knows how that thing worked, haha  :p
So Lieve drove.

After Autopia we went to Main Street to do some shopping.
I was already thinking about it all day long, weather I'd get that huge Simba plush or not ...  Since I'm getting it with a 20 % discount now ... and the Tod & Copper plushies which were so cute ... should I ????

In the last minutes I decide: I'll take all 3!
I didn't find them all of the sudden, how typical  :/

Christmas decorations in the Emporium store on Main Street.

Lets check the World of Disney store, I knew I had seen that Simba plush there the day before ...

And yes!  They had it!
But no Tod & Copper plushies there  :(
Not to worry, will get those next time  :wink:

I was at the station again about 7.40 pm, and my train would get there/leave at 8.31 pm, and it already showed on the screen that my train was delayed with 5 minutes.
Which became 10 ...
And by the time it did arrive, and everyone got on, it was 20 minutes.
I was alone at the time too, Lieve and her aunt left for the hotel.
Luckely, the stairs I was sitting on waiting, there were 2 other Belgians behind me, who needed the same train as me, so I asked them what this was all about and such.
As my ticket actually said "carriage 07", but the screen said that 07 was going someplace else, and not Brussels  :/
The boy spoke French, and asked a train-attendend what was going on with my ticket ... it turned out, it had to be "17".

Once I'm in the correct carriage, there's a woman in my seat  *tsss*  hehe.
Also luckily, 2 Belgians behind my seat, who spoke French, who managed to ask what that woman was doing there.
Apperently this woman had a ticket without a number?
Which is very odd, as you need to make a reservation to go on that train, and all seats are numbered ...
Anyways, she moved   :P

My boyfriend was coming to pick me up at Brussel station, which is about a 40 minute car drive.
And I wasn't so kean on being at Brussels station alone at 10.30 pm, and taking a 50 minute train to Antwerp again.
And also, if he'd come and pick me up, I'd be home like, half an hour sooner, hehe.
I had just came down the escalator and he calls me to tell me where he has parked.

At 11.40 pm we got home!
I had tried sleeping on the train, but I just couldn't, and I was totally exhausted  :/
I slept in the next day till noon.
2 quite exhausting days, 4 days of continues taking medication which make me fall asleep too as a side effect.
(when taking Xanax, when doing nothing, I just fall asleep about 3 hours later)

I think that this has been my best trip ever so far!
I had never thought it'd be so much fun to take pictures with certain characters.
I had an awesome time with these 2 girls, and I don't make friends that easy, so it's really nice I got to meet Anoeschka.

It did me so much good, to step out of my boring life, to think about nothing, and that I went through with it despite all the things going on with me right now.

*very proud*

The goods!!!

Big Simba plush

Pumbaa boxers

Socks, set of 3, of which Pumbaa, Kaa & Toy Story Alien

Simba cap

And my Halloween ticket / wristband.

Dizzy Disney Mum

What a lovely trip report, I love your photos, and you seem to have made a great new friend in Anoeschka, which is what Disney is all about. You have made me so excited about my trip in 6 days.


Thank you  :D

Yeah, we had so much fun the 3 of us, it's really great to get to know new people through something you all love so much!

My next trip won't be untill February, have fun at yours in 6 days!   :D


Really enjoyed your report, everything looks o beautiful at halloween. Will have to visit to see halloween  :D
Well done for stepping out of your comfort zone, glad you enjoyed  :thumbs:


Quote from: "cinderslg"Really enjoyed your report, everything looks o beautiful at halloween. Will have to visit to see halloween  :D
Well done for stepping out of your comfort zone, glad you enjoyed  :thumbs:

Thanks  :D
I love making a trip report  ^_^

And yeah, it was really something, and very glad I went through with it all.
Though, my anxiety has become quite a bit worse the past weeks, so I'm really scared & exhited at the same time about our next trip in 2 weeks.