News article: terrorist threat averted

Started by ford prefect, October 11, 2012, 02:41:10 PM

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ford prefect ... 04952.html

A "bomb factory" was found in Torcy near DLP.

Well done the French police for finding and dealing with this potential threat in Torcy.  Some areas of the British Press are having a field day with it, however I suspect that resort security is going to be hotter than ever now.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Yeah, this is another example of the British Press getting it wrong..  :roll:

The official French report states that many of the young men arrested had apparently made wills, and carried a list of Jewish groups they were targeting. All of them were said to be linked to a Salafist group which was committed to waging a jihad – or holy war – across Europe. So where does the British come into it..  :roll:

Also they say it was more likely that the target was Paris itself, the Eiffel tower has upped it's security recently through this..  :roll:

Anything for a scaremongering story for Christmas..  :roll: