Phantom Manor's refurbishment

Started by Ezra, September 29, 2012, 06:57:37 PM

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Okay it should be open today after going through a refurb recently. I was wondering if anyone is going to ride it soon could give me a run-down on whats been done? I like to keep up to date with the Manor, even with refurbs. Thanks for any info.

That lonely Manor on the hill, sorrowful song drifting...


I hope they don't change the storyline too much. I think it was perfect the way it was.


Nah it was just a refurb. I just want to know what state the ride is in at the moment, recently its been in need of some care and attention.

But there is a rumor that next year it will get an update.

That lonely Manor on the hill, sorrowful song drifting...


According to this thread at DCP, Madame Leota's table was fixed (it's floating once again), the mayor is once again tipping his head and the mirror scene has been fixed. I'm sure there's more but that's all the person noticed.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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"Without a doubt ... the most inclusive online experience of DLP Frontierland." –Jeff Burke


Quote from: "DGRavenswood"According to this thread at DCP, Madame Leota's table was fixed (it's floating once again), the mayor is once again tipping his head and the mirror scene has been fixed. I'm sure there's more but that's all the person noticed.

Ah thank you!

I'm also wondering about the skeleton in the coffin; in the recent DLRPMagic video the coffin lid seemed closed. Not entirely sure though.

That lonely Manor on the hill, sorrowful song drifting...


Quote from: "DGRavenswood"According to this thread at DCP, Madame Leota's table was fixed (it's floating once again), the mayor is once again tipping his head and the mirror scene has been fixed. I'm sure there's more but that's all the person noticed.

That's good for a start, next we need an update! Thanks for posting.....
"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney


Update is rumored for next year, but... it is still just a rumor. I'm not sure exactly what they'd do with an update; I just hope they don't change too much with the scenes. Especially Phantom Canyon... that's my favourite scene.

Who's guessing a 'interactive' Phantom in the mirrors? lol! o_o Though he'd have to do something decidely scarier than the Hitchhikers. :mrgreen: Though to be honest I'd prefer more subtle changes instead.

That lonely Manor on the hill, sorrowful song drifting...


I'm expecting the interactive Phantom effect, he wouldn't have to mess around like the Hitchers do, but he could easily fade in between you, or appear above you holding a noose etc.

Hoping for at least an overhaul of the Bride in the Mirror, I've not seen her fade in for my most recent visits!
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


The new endless stairwell at wdw is cool, as is the attic scene, but the attic scene wouldn't fit the phantom manor storyline.....
"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney


The attic idea could be adapted though, change the current Melanie AA to one similar to the bride, but instead of the axe have her holding a bouquet, then in a portrait of the happy couple on the wall have Melanie standing next to her groom as a noose appears around his neck. Whilst in the background a portrait of her family fades away to reveal the Phantom standing behind it, eternally overseeing her loneliness..
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Quote from: "Scissorsboi"The attic idea could be adapted though, change the current Melanie AA to one similar to the bride, but instead of the axe have her holding a bouquet, then in a portrait of the happy couple on the wall have Melanie standing next to her groom as a noose appears around his neck. Whilst in the background a portrait of her family fades away to reveal the Phantom standing behind it, eternally overseeing her loneliness..

Cool, that would work, the attic scene was a show stopper! So it would be cool if they could us it.....
"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney


They took away the pop-up ghosts. :(

Anyhow interesting ideas folks! If anyone else has any feel free to post them here! I think they need to make the story more apparent in the ride. Honestly before I knew what the story was I really didn't know what was going on in the ride. Infact even if they reintroduced the English spiel its still a bit confusing. Haunted Mansion has more narration but Phantom Manor doesn't have much, only the opening spiels.

Though talking about the Price narration maybe they could find a way to alternate between his narration and the French narration?

That lonely Manor on the hill, sorrowful song drifting...


I'm like a stuck record and would love Vincent Price back! Can't see it happening, which is a shame. The man was an icon.

The story of phantom manor has also been confusion! Even The imagineers get confused, so all the talk about "keeping" the story of  phantom manor is a little wasted as the story is a mystery to all, and no non speaking French visitors I spoke to understand wants going on anyhow, without doing some reading up in a book on the Internet......
"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney


I know, the story is still a bit of a mystery; there's a lot of unanswered questions. Hmmm, if there is going to be an update I wonder if they'll add to the story of the ride?

That lonely Manor on the hill, sorrowful song drifting...


Quote from: "disney-john"Even The imagineers get confused, so all the talk about "keeping" the story of  phantom manor is a little wasted as the story is a mystery to all, and no non speaking French visitors I spoke to understand wants going on anyhow, without doing some reading up in a book on the Internet......

I disagree. The fact that the story is a mystery does not mean it doesn't matter. After all the original story informed all aspects of the ride's creation.

As for the Imagineers getting confused, mind that WDI is made up of many individuals, very few of which were very closely involved with the creation of Phantom Manor.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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"Without a doubt ... the most inclusive online experience of DLP Frontierland." –Jeff Burke