Panoramagique: 15th anniversary banner removed

Started by Its Just Like I DreamedIt, December 19, 2007, 12:17:18 AM

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Its Just Like I DreamedIt

Why has the 15th Anniversary banner been removed from Panoramagique?, does this mean it's going soon?
!Magic Everywhere


My first guess would be because the 15th anniversary is nearly over but hasn't it been extended?  So i don't really know, because the ballon is closed for winter perhaps :-k
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Probably fell off again during the storm 2 weeks ago.

miss disney fan

this is how the panoramagique looked on the 19 november 2007

Its Just Like I DreamedIt

what storm, or were you being funny?
!Magic Everywhere


No, I'm serious! There was a storm a few weeks ago across Europe.  But honestly I don't why, the storm could be a reason, since during a previous storm the banner also fell off and had to be put in place again.


seems strange!
I am not sure but maybe because the ballon is operated by Aerophile, they might of requested that the banner is taken down?


No, whilst the balloon is operated by Aerophile the design of the "skin" was done by DLP-I and DLRP themselves.

It was probably just more trouble than it was worth, as raptor says. It left quite a bad difference between the covered area of the balloon too with sun fading, I wonder if they're planning to keep the same balloon for the whole 7 years of the contract?  The past 3 years haven't been kind.