Disney's Newport Bay Club refurbishment

Started by Kristof, July 31, 2012, 06:10:22 PM

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I was wondering around Disney's Newport Bay Club past weekend and found this corridor quite different than the others...  ;) It has quite a Disney Cruise Line feel to it!

Looks like this corridor is where they're colour testing and perhaps have model rooms ready (one of the doors had an "under construction" sign.)


That looks cool, I stayed there not long ago and thought the corridors were to similar. So its nice to see a different one.
Previous DLP Trips
Hotel Santa Fe - 2002
Hotel Cheyenne - 2004
Sequoia Lodge - 2006
Newport bay - 2011

Sequoia Lodge - June 2013  
Checkout my Disneyland Paris blog! - //https://DLPMainStreet.blogspot.com


Wow! It's got a much warmer feel to it! Is the carpet different as well?
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Yes it's all new!


I love it! Bright colours are just what the NBC corridors need!  Beautiful :D


Looks great, I am really curious about the room design now
<-Plz click


Woah! Nice and bright colours. It makes me think about staying at NBC again :)
If home is where your heart is, I want to go back to DLP. I want to go home


Wow, that looks really promising! I wonder if they are going to bring more characters to the hotel, like they've done with the Santa Fe? Donald Duck would be an obvious match.


Oh, and by the way: Last week, we heard some loud construction noises on several days at the Hotel New York. Might be just routine maintenance, but reading this got me thinking if they're maybe trying out something new there as well.


The Hotel New York refurb is scheduled for in a few years. They were probably just replacing a tired room or something like that.


I couldn't find any good photographs the regular corridors, but as you can see from this video the suggested new look are definitely a HUGE improvement. So much more warm and "Disney" looking!



I absolutely like the new design! Will there be changes on the rooms decor too?


Hi 15magicalyears, I liked the video.
I have often wished I was wearing roller skates to get me to my room, as the corridors are soooooo long, then to turn a corner and that corridor is even longer. :minnie:

The new decor looks good, has some warmth; hope they do the same to the rooms. :D
1993 + 2005 - Hotel Cheyenne
1995 - Walt Disney World Florida
1997 - Hotel New York
1998 - Hotel Santa Fe
2000 + 2006 + 2012 + 2014 - Sequoia Lodge
2002 + 2004 +  2009 - Newport Bay
2007 + 2015 - Hong Kong Disney
2007 - DLP (1 day visit)
2017 - Disneyland Hotel - Cinderella Suite
2018 - Disney Cruise- Mediterranean
2019 - Disneyland Hotel
2020 - Disney Merrytime Cruise - Caribbean


Wow, it's amazing!  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  Looks like a completely new hotel from the inside.
It's like old Titanic vs DCL. Appologies to the Titanic.


:mrgreen: That´s wonderful! Seems that I and Reiana have the same taste  :mrgreen:
Didn´t think a second that the could get so much out of the corridors.
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