20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train

Started by Festival Disney, January 14, 2012, 06:04:32 PM

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But I can't see much difference between OUADP passing down Main St. on the parade route, and the Celebration Train doing the same, they are both full of Disney characters. The train seems to get a good reaction from people and I still see Main St Vehicles when I go.
Ed & David


They should have just brought back the original train if you ask me...


The Once Upon a Dream Parade passes through Main Street once a day, The Celebration Train interrupts the flow 3+ times a day and brings with it absolute chaos to the streets when mobs of people chase after their favourite character once they depart the train. Then 10 minutes later it travels back down Main Street again - blaring it's loud, over-powering music. At least with OUADP, the crowd just sit curb-side for the 20-30 minutes as it makes it way through the park, relatively stress-free.


Or we could walk down the Arcades, thats reletively stress free, that way we should be able to avoid the Celebration Train altogether.
Ed & David

captain rocket

Hey Badkid, if there are official colours for the 20th, then that train has them all with a vengance!
Why are people so fired up about the train travelling Main Street? I don't see that it causes any inconvenience and is something happening, God DLRP have done away with enough events on Main Street over the years so lets not knock them for having something!


The Train doesn't cause anymore inconvenience than a Main St. vehicle does, we still have to get out of the way. I guess some people just don't like it, but they can avoid it and walk down the Arcades.
Ed & David


It's not the inconvenience, it's the breaking of the Main Street theme. We have one of (if not the most) beautiful Main Streets, and indeed theme park entrances, in the world. So to see a rainbow coloured 5 year old recycled train chugging down it is a detraction from the intricately designed beauty.

I put up with it for the 15th, it was novel and new. But now it's just repetitive and boring, a cheap and lazy entertainment option. It would however be perfect if it travelled through Fantasyland somehow, on theme and the whimsy of Casey Jr would be fitting particularly if it ended next to Dumbo!
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


If we could still have the main street vehicles (you know, 5 out at the same time) and lots of live theme appropriate musical groups as well, then fine. But that stupid train, just like the Toon Circus clashes with the theme and stops the use of the main street vehicles for protracted times (cannot remember the last time I saw the horseman streetcar operate after 11am)
since 2001 (many before that)

Pete's Dragon

On the one hand, the train is a nice treat for the autograph hunters. But it does mess up the theme and the use of the other vehicles. Could they not run it somewhere else, like the around the lake or the Val D'Europe  ;)


Quote from: "captain rocket"Hey Badkid, if there are official colours for the 20th, then that train has them all with a vengance!
Why are people so fired up about the train travelling Main Street? I don't see that it causes any inconvenience and is something happening, God DLRP have done away with enough events on Main Street over the years so lets not knock them for having something!
It just ruins the atmosphere. That's why. When I entered the park on the first day of our holiday a few weeks ago, it wasn't nice to be "welcomed" by that music when I was expecting the nostalgia of the Christmas music.
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
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Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]

captain rocket

I wonder if DLRP  have ever considered starting the train from the entrance to IASW down to the hub around the rounabout and back the way it came. This would keep all you Main Street purists happy!


Now that could be better, however only if it did not interfere too much with the ops of the main street vehicles. Though I think I have given up on ever seeing the return of the Dapper Dans :-(
since 2001 (many before that)


Or it could be beefed up a bit and turned into a midday parade. They have two parades at the magic kingdom in WDW, right?


Quote from: "peter"Or it could be beefed up a bit and turned into a midday parade. They have two parades at the magic kingdom in WDW, right?

Not unless you count the MSEP...and we have Fantillusion as it's equal.

DLP used to have 3 parades a day back in it's hey day - the Wonderful World of Disney Parade, a shortened animated feautre based one (Beauty and the Beast, Hunchback, Mulan etc.) and MSEP. But back then there was only one park too.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Though I think I have given up on ever seeing the return of the Dapper Dans :-(

Only "think"?  They only lasted a couple of years, so have therefore been gone more than 15 years. I'd say their chances of a comeback are probably on a par with Elvis......