Disney's Christmas Season (2006)

Started by Kinou, June 12, 2006, 02:45:56 PM

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The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"A little information on the Chandeliers.

They will be illuminated in a different and improved way this year, with an even more heart-warming magical effect.

Also the colour has been changed slightly to make them a little warmer then the ice blue of last year.

More pics of the decorations and the enchanted fairytale ceremony can be found here and here.
Source: dlrp.fr


Blimey, they look gorgeous!!! :shock:

Soooo much better than last year! I wonder how they manage that effect of purple in the middle? It's very clever. I'm beginning to accept these as a worthy replacement for the Lights of Winter...


Well spank me gently and call me Susan - they DO look great. Can't wait to see em

miss disney fan

great video, shame i got to wait till next year to see it for real (cant wait)  :?


Wow! They look so... magical!


These are like a million times better than last year. Although still "cold" colours, the dark blue and purple really make the lights way more dramatic. So much more magical too! I assume the "pole" section is lit up all the time now and not just for the ceremony? There's a real atmosphere created by the new colours, although I had hoped for some ligting changes with the tree though.

Hmmm. Is it me, or are some of the decorations on the tree new too? I can't find a decent pic from last year, but 2004 and 2006 decorations look quite different to me. What do you think?


Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


They actually look the same to me. :-k Are the decorations kept on the tree even when it's in storage do you think? They must be, unless they decorated it backstage which I doubt. They're probably the same each year then.

You're right it's a shame the tree's lights are still the same, but with the weirdly modern fairytale lamps it's probably good to keep something old-fashioned.

Lots more photos here by Kyoto: http://www.disneymagicinteractive.com/f ... c&start=15

I'm so glad they returned a more pinky-purple colour to the castle at night, last year's white castle didn't look good.  The lamps looks stunning during Fanti, as does Town Square at night, just perfect.  Also WDS CinéFolies look as funny as ever. :lol: I wonder if they get paid extra when they have to wear stupid costumes?

It's a shame the monster truck in Backlot never returned this year, I loved that.


WOW WOW WOW! this is great!!! :D  the lighting looks so much better compared to last year and also last year on november 5th half of the  Chandeliers didnt work
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Sooo...now we are offically into the Christmas Season - are we any cleared on what the situation is regards to the timing of Fantulission and Park Closing.

If you recall in the majority of days during November and December both are scheduled to occur at the same time.


Good news for Fantillusion fans: the parade is using its old route again: running from Main Street towards Fantasyland.  8)

Poppy The Monkey

Quote from: "PATMAGIC"Nice video and photos :) , two things bug me there's no hats on the Arabian dancers :? , and also the Chimney Sweep choreography seems even more simple than it did in previous years.

Those hats are now back - they were being padded out more! And yes that choreography is embarrassing - so easy and just looks rubbish.

The Christmas Parade is better than ever this year though - with cast elevated to about 85 per parade - full complete-looking dance sections, great cast and new character section in front of Santa's float- with some of the best-loved characters such as Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Abu, Scrooge McDuck and Genie.  

And its going the right way down Main Street this year!


Don't get me wrong I think the lamposts look amazing! Really atmospheric, but am I being blind, or are they being lit the same way as last year just without the dangly bits coming down lit up? I can't see nething else different?

Poppy The Monkey

Quote from: "DisneyBud"Don't get me wrong I think the lamposts look amazing! Really atmospheric, but am I being blind, or are they being lit the same way as last year just without the dangly bits coming down lit up? I can't see nething else different?

The posts are now lit up all the time at opposed to last year where it was just during the lighting ceremony and at several times during the evening when it also snowed.



pics from joel and dlrp.fr

Miss Tinkerbell

They DO look a lot better....hurray for Disney getting proper sense this is way waaay better!!!

So the castle looks different again now??

EDIT: l think it's better with the christmas tree in Town Square, otherwise when you left the park you turned you back on the castle and the rest of Main Street there was "nothing there"  

l found that bothered me last year.


Oh my God--the Christmas Season looks just so magical and pretty. I've planned to visit a Christmas DLRP in 2008, but now I can't wait ;)

Os it usual that the christmas tree is covered up with walls or was it just not finished?
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